How to stop being a cheating bitch

>be me 20/F
>never happy with anything
>always bored and apathetic
>probably depression
>graduating next year with accounting degree

>bf graduating 6 months later with poli sci degree
>get in fights weekly bc he’s a liberal and i’m conservative
>feel like he’s not a real man bc genuine beta male/liberal

i’ve never cheated on him (we’ve been together a year) but sometimes i get bored and download tinder to chat with other men

after 3-4 days i get repulsed that i did that to my bf and i immediately delete tinder/cut contact with the dudes i talk to

my boyfriend wants to get engaged after graduation and i love the fuck out of him and would love living with him but i don’t know why i keep slinking around

we go to school 2.5 hours apart and see each other twice a month and i suspect that’s a huge part of it but fuck i just want to be completely loyal because i know he is

what the fuck do i do

>inb4 b8
>inb4 basic becky looking for chad

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Therapy. No joke.

Buy a gun and then blow your brains out sweetie.

you're a normal woman

eh pass... i’ve spent months in psych wards (as a teen for depression) and i don’t want to be a vegetable if i mess up

Therapy. There's almost certainly something underpinning your behavior -- probably a trauma event that you think you aren't bothered by, that shit does manifest. An inability to decide how to feel about a specific action or action type over a long period of time is usually indicative of some kind of manic disorder, ego disorder, or a trauma response. We're not talking about chewing gum here, we're talking about a hugely significant behavior worthy of psychological interrogation.

Anyway, this is bait and the first rule of this board ought to be "don't come to Jow Forums to learn how to be a normal or good person."

Just put the gun under the mouth a near where the brain is and then go.

Also you're the true liberal not conservative.

eh sorry for the shitty post that wasn’t my intent here at all

also could controlling hover parents be the cause of this? i feel as if i’m indecisive about everything and i always need my parents/friends/bf to reassure me that i’m not fucking up

i never do anything for myself it’s typically just for them

also my dad beat the fuck out of me as a child (but i still love him?) so there’s that trauma aspect

if i accidentally flinch i’ll be a vegetable

also nah bro i vote conservative

It sounds like he isn't fulfilling you sexual needs. Probably because he is liberal soiboi. I'm not saying break up with him and go be a ho, but I'm sure you could find a nice conservative guy that makes you wet

adding to this because i’m thinking now

would a sperg act this way?

i’ve been looking into adult female aspergers lately and i seem to fit the bill

i have only a few female friends and i only appear normal occasionally because i’m genetically blessed enough to look like an 8/10 becky

tfw not sure if a sperg or just mental

i have weird kinks and he never takes them into consideration so yeah this is true

OP- I used to be a guy like your boyfriend. It took me a lot to grow out of it, but I'm now a better man than I've ever been. Looking at my past behavior, I completely understand why women can become cold bitches with guys like your bf. Don't feel guilty. You're a woman and you want a man, there is nothing wrong with that.

I'd suggest you tell him to man up or gtfo because if you keep going the way you are now, you'll only grow to resent him. And if you think talking to Chads on Tinder is risky now, wait until you're married with kids and he's not pulling his weight. Seeing him twice a month isn't great either. Sounds like your relationship is in a critical condition and needs some serious work.

If it's meant to be, he'll step up. If not, don't cheat on him. At least break up with him before you get stuffed by Chad. GL OP.

Why do weak women always feel entitled to strong men?

>how to stop being a cheating bitch
>i’m conservative

How old are you? You mention in this thread you've been to psych ward, did you ever get a diagnosis that you agreed with? Most people think that acting out is just caused by bipolar disorder or borderline, but it can also be caused by a poor sense of self and reality. I think you should do some soul searching. And it's going to take years. Having over protective parents can increase it, but I think it's deeper than that.

Communication. If he's being a little beta faggot, tell him to grow a pair. Maybe not as harsh, but do bring that up.

Break up with your man. He's not the one for you. If you're this bored now, how are you gonna feel after being married to him for a year? Or five years? Or longer? Also do you love him, or convenience/staying in your comfort zone?
It'll be easier to leave now rather than breaking up an engagement or even a marriage.

As someone who is married to the love of their life and has been wildly successful with them I have one piece of advice:

Break that dude's heart and crush him so bad it takes him the next 2-4 years to recover. Block his number, disappear, and never talk to him again. Of course, that is, after barraging him with insults that are deep-seated in hatred. Bring up every insecurity he has, and make it real.

The reason is, it will give you both time to self reflect and improve. After you break up with him, don't date, don't sleep around, don't flirt for at least a year. Just take your own time and enjoy things.

The reason I say this is because truly two people who disagree politically can never entirely work out. Your base morals and code of ethics is always going to be wildly different and politics truly show how someone is on the inside. Liberals are seriously diseased in this way and cannot handle truth, they will deny it and twist it for a false sense of equality and security. You can't be with someone like that.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Sounds like you "love" him as a friend but aren't attracted to him.

Take notes boys don't trust women. She is going to cheat I beat you.

Sounds like severe case of roastitis

Break up. Thinking about cheating IS cheating. Besides how is your cuck going to feed your family when you stop working when you have children.

>thinking about stealing IS stealing
>thinking about murder IS murder

He lives 2.5 hours away. That's far but I still feel like y'all should be seeing each other more than twice a month. Do you even want to see each other?

>make out with girl in relationship (21), meet her at her place and do it again
>don't go further because she feels guilty
>in the end she stays with him and keeps it a secret because she wants to stop being a hoe

Tell you what OP, best medicine against breaking relationships is not getting into them in the first place. Better to sleep around NSA than hurt people.
Don't get into a serious relationship unless you honestly don't want anyone else.
Or consider open relationship.