/pol lied to me about hypergamy

>be me
>35 years old
>own my own property management business
>$85k/year income
>own my own home
>$250k in savings
>chad looks but 5'9" manlet
>watch dirty, disgusting basedboy $10/hr baristas with 9/10 qt girlfriends
fuck you, /pol. women are not hypergamous. If they were, why the fuck are these women with low tier, hipster garbage?

Attached: Rust.jpg (220x330, 16K)

A bigger red pill than the stupid shit you just said.

Attached: The Biggest Red Pill.png (875x1765, 274K)

>why the fuck are these women with low tier, hipster garbage?

Because they are tall enough to see over the counter you absolute subhuman.

good, so you admit that you lied to me about hypergamy.

Hypergamy isn't about money, it's about status. Those baristas have some other status these women are latching onto, whether it's popularity or looks or something else.

I'm 5"5 and ugly but keep going on about how you can't get pussy you faggot

wrong. these estrogen-filled soibois are not even taller than me. they are short and skinny.

I never said I can't get pussy. I said hypergamy is bullshit. This isn't about getting laid, it's about securing a mate.

you're 5'9 and also being a bartender, drug dealer, or criminal is always high status

>35yr old
>85k income

Could it be because your not upwardly mobile? You are a spent force.

Property management is a great business, but it's slow stable growth. Those baristas still represent potential. You have already reached yours.

I hope you have a good accountant, because that like the equivalent of a 65k a year job in terms of income.

>fuck you, /pol. women are not hypergamous. If they were, why the fuck are these women with low tier, hipster garbage?
Glorified betabux btfo

I started out 5 years ago with 3 properties. Now I have 15. I'm hiring more employees and growing 20% a year. Stop trying to make me the problem and just admit that you lied to me about hypergamy. Just admit it. Stinky potheads can find women for long term relationships yet I'm single.

If I had betabux to offer I'd be married you fucking retard. I'm not a beta. A woman actually has to offer something if she wants something from me.

>Their victimhood begins not in the brain but in the cunt. The wage gap is a sexual fantasy, you can't debunk it. Try to argue with a pedophile that it's wrong to rape children, it won't work.

Attached: arthas.jpg (766x262, 19K)

Try harder faggot. Clearly you know how to try.

People have already said it in this thread. No one lied to you. No one said when you get older and become stable you will get to fuck 18 year old 9/10's. What people on here say is that if you achieve what you have you will be able to fuck women your age who are tired of retarded hipster dick and want something more stable. That being said you don't have to marry them just because they want something stable. but you would be putting yourself in the hypergamy position, while the female is not. It's a flip flop.

Also i think it's already been stated: you're probably boring as fuck.
You're on 4chinz asking why you cant get laid to a bunch of strangers on a "politics" board. That's probably your biggest limiting factor if i had to name one.

>offer something
Nigger she is. Her pussy and reproductive capabilities. That's all they have to offer. Not wit, not charm, not money, not power, nothing. Just the chance at offspring. They offer that, you put a roof over head and food in her gut and clothes on her back and the same for the offspring. That's how it works.

20% a year is what I'm talking about.

I worked for companies that had 550% growth in tech. And my salary did the same jumps.

Listen fluffy, you have to ask for pussy if you want it. Women are so goddamn easy to manipulate it's crazy. Getting rid of them is harder, but you can burn that bridge when you get to it.

>i'll take shit that never happened for $200, Alex
my dad works for nintendo

>decent stats and still can't land a girlfriend
>lusting after thots
Gain some confidence or fucking kill yourself. Most importantly stop chasing after some retarded Wolf of Wall Street lifestyle where you expect supermodels to line up at your door to snort coke off your dick. Go to church or participate in some kind of community program to meet girls who value themselves and can look past your manlet status to see you're stable and somewhat responsible.

You have to look healthy in terms of a survival scenario. It is better to have a high metabolism than to be too skinny.

You also need to have righteousness in your speech, not just self-righteousness.

Women are afraid of having a child who dies from being too skinny, or a child who commits a crime against them.

Manlets. When will they learn.

that's a girlfriend not a wife, homo
she's not planning to have his babies
i bet she's below 25 too

>Implying the women aren't with the Sois because either the Sois deal drugs or the Sois don't care if the women they fuck also fuck around.

>works in real estate
>Can't handle a lie.

YOu cunt are a faggot of the highest order, this is why women don;t want you because your cock would taste like another mans arsehole.
Learn to sell yourself for fucks sake

>What people on here say is that if you achieve what you have you will be able to fuck women your age who are tired of retarded hipster dick and want something more stable.
yet another /pol lie. whatever happened to men age like wine and older men have their pick of women? make up your mind you fucking fraud.

This isn't about getting pussy. How many times do I have to say it? Of course I can get pussy. That's not the issue. I want a wife, a good woman.


Nice try faggot

>you get high anxiety when you fast
uh no
you get that when you overeat
fasting is cleansing and spritual

Nigga u retarded. Op is clearly ugly as fuck or some rapey mulatto

what the fuck are you even talking about? I'm just looking for a nice, white trad wife. But apparently they'd rather be with losers.

>Jow Forums is one person
how retarded are you?
Furthermore how dumb are you that you think it's a good idea to take life advice from an anonymous stranger on a korean rice farming forum?
10/10 troll im mad.

women don't have a chance to see your account, they see your a manlet

female hypergamy is based on how cool/fun you are. if you're rich and act like a dork or boring or creepy, it won't work.

>Stinky potheads can find women for long term relationships yet I'm single.
maybe that's because you suck in other areas than income, betanerd

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You know why you think and talk like this?
You spend too much time around women.

Attached: Instaslags.jpg (1500x938, 377K)

>men age like wine and older men have their pick of women?
not all men, fuckboi
only successful charismatic ones

There's you problem, short-round

>Learn to sell yourself for fucks sake
So the fact that I drive a $70k truck and stay in shape isn't selling myself? I should grow a beard, work behind a deli counter and talk about Hillary instead I guess.

you're an incel, that's worse than a beta
a beta gets used by women but he has relationships

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so none of you faggots are going to admit you've been lying to others and lying to yourselves. wow, great bunch of guys around here. pat yourselves on the back.

that's what he said
you're so mad you reason like a woman

Already told you, the baristas are manlets too. Yet they have qt gf's to go camping with and cuddle with at night.

or just go full mayhem on them clowns

Here's the big secret women will be with anyone who is confident and can treat like like garbage, nothing else matters.

Being a beta orbiter is worse then an Incel. Incel get to keep there 600 dollars a week beta orbiter get rid of 400 to present gifts. But both are bottom tier for sure.

Youre a manlet m8, and one with inflated self worth

So you are a 5'9 grumpy building superintendent barely making a living and you wonder why women don't flock to you? Come on now. Unless you are 6'1 ripped, and gorgeous, or have extreme wealth (millions at least), you have to go hunting for women and are looking at a 7/10 at best.

historically women gave been Hypergamous but in the modern world they can just go where their vagene takes them

>So the fact that I drive a $70k truck and stay in shape isn't selling myself?
No, it isn't.

yeah bro you're right.
I, personally, have been lying to you this entire time. every time you get on this anonymous website and read posts that relate to you and your finding a wife, it was me; and, i was lying to you. You caught me.
Included in this post is a picture of what i look like.

Attached: merchant.gif (480x360, 1.84M)

>female hypergamy is based on how cool/fun you are
oh, because I thought it was based upon a guy's ability to provide for the woman's offspring and protect them. Guess I really am fucked then, because I'm not cool or fun. That shits for normies.

I'm not an incel or a beta. But if that's what you need to claim in order to admit that hypergamy isn't real, go ahead.

I think he meant starving.

OP you need to listen up and listen good. You can fuck any bitch that you can outsmart. You can also mold them into the person that you want them to be. They are basically children that will do what you let them doT, and belive everything that you teach them.

They just need guidance. You need to be a leader.

right. so hypergamy is a lie

Attached: pathetic.png (500x324, 71K)

right, that's why I can't find a wife. Because I think I'm better than a bunch of soibois.

More about resources than status.

The definition of resources varies from girl to girl and from age to age.

>I'm not cool or fun
See, this is the beginning of the source of your problems. A women needs you to be cool, fun, or at the very least funny.

No. I want a woman that already has self respect and self worth and doesn't give her body and soul to some gross hipster faggot. I want a woman who is ready to be a wife because she was prepared by her parents and taught properly growing up.

Noone of a higher status would treat someone of lower status with decency.

That's ow the logic works for women who only date assholes.

>good, so you admit that you lied to me about hypergamy.

Well seeing as how you're the kind of man who blames other men for his beliefs, I can see why you're not doing well in the woman department.

It's probably cocke. Start doing coke and you'll see the top tier pussy that will befriend you for a line. Once she finds out OP has $, these bitches will be snorting coke off of his coke after he pulls it out of their ass.

So OP, you're a fag, you aren't paying attention to the quality of the woman, you're just paying attention to that fact she has a pussy, and she's not with you.

Those batista bitches have issues, they are as dense as ironwood, and are only thinking of today, not tomorrow. When they do think about tomorrow, you will be waiting for their cokes upn smashed up pussy with a very wide open wallet. Because you are a faggot that thinks he knows shit, but really doesn't.

Fucking faggot.

Why? So I can seem less threatening and more vulnerable to her?

You got conned by the tradcons

Hey it’s not like we didn’t warn you about this, but like all men you search in beautiful fantasies and hopes, I don’t blame you OP, men are afterall much like abused wife’s when it comes to how they view women and love.

Hardware > Software

80% of males aren’t supposed to reproduce in this architecture, we patched it with traditionalism and it yielded great results (several iterations of civilization), this has involved the body counts of millions and millions of disposable men, sacrifices for the building or the overthrowing over the new or existing current iteration of society.

Monogamy is software that’s no longer compatible, hypergamy is real, and all that feminism is is the collective unconscious of females pushing for more power and the optimal mating strategy to be viable (alpha fucks beta bucks) this subconscious drive breeds feminism.

Feminism is just women’s hive mind where the uterus and gestation is monopolized in order to obtain more favorable conditions for their in group, this happened since the cave times when the first beta was accused of a false rape allegation and had his head stomped on the floor by the alpha ape. Feminism as a political movement = symptom of societal decay.

This is no joke, this state of affairs is only maintained by our overwhelming technological progress in an artificial existence much like the matrix.

>How often do you go out, and where?
>How do you dress?
>How good are you at conversating with strangers?
>Are you easily approachable?
>Do you smile and laugh easily?
>When you meet people, do you, in your mind, judge them as worse/equal/better than you by default?
See, it doesn't matter if you make okay money, if you come off as a sperg, you'll be alone because you're not the chad you think you are. Top 20% isn't just income, son.

the saddest shit i red in a long time, unfortunatly that resonates, it makes sense, there are dots that are connected now. Lust for "artificial drama" i thought that was more rare than it is the case irl

>a guy's ability to provide for the woman's offspring and protect them. Guess I really am fucked then, because I'm not cool or fun.
Being financially stable is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition to finding a life-long mate and starting a family. You still have to attract a woman - genuinely - and that comes mainly through confidence. Trucks, big dicks, and ripped abs are props that can *help*, but none of those make for confidence.

Worry less about hypergamy or whatever bullshit meme pickup books you've read and you keep whinging about. You're too far in your own head about all this shit to be effective at attracting someone else.

> Welfare
> Money is not linked to status anymore.

> Wishing to date women who date niggers themselves.
Have a lil self-respect, bro

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just saying you lied, that's all. Deal with it.

Clearly those are catch-all terms but, if you see them in that way, yeah, you're pretty screwed.

I'm 5'6, easily have fucked over 100 bitches while avoiding roasties, and not cheating on LTR.
Yeah, I've been turned down for many reasons, never gave a fuck. I would have fucked more bitches, but slowed down in my late 20s, I didn't want to be like those losers that base their existence on pussy.

>unironically engaging in vanilla dating

>Because you are a faggot that thinks he knows shit,
I don't think I know shit. I'm just telling you what I observe everyday. Absolutely beautiful, fit young women draped all over dirty, skinny effeminate men.

>own my own property management business
>chad looks but 5'9" manlet

Ahahahahahaha. Oh God. Lmao. I am so sorry. That is legit embarrassing.

You shut your whore mouth. I forgot more than you know. YOU are 30 fucking 5 and still don't know shit.

Life is what you make it. I've been married to the sweetest prettiest girl I could find, for 26 years. She feeds me, fucks me, and leaves me the fuck alone. Do you know why? Because I made her that way.


>Why can't I threaten my way into gf?

>I thought it was based upon a guy's ability to provide for the woman's offspring and protect them.
it's not that. that helps and can contribute to the cool/fun part, but if you're too weird or creepy or boring then it cancels out any benefits the money offers. remember paul allen the billionaire co-founder of microsoft? the guy was a total dork and never married. he wasn't gay, he could not talk to women.

good post. But the "alpha fucks beta bucks" line is a bit confusing. I think I figured it out though. Another user said women are hypergamous in the context of status. And these soibois certainly have more status in their relative social circles. I'm not a part of their social circles.

i will be real with you, recently i talked with a friend "why smelly nig gets poon but not me", the conclusion was i didnt want a mate, i wanted to get into a situation where a woman threats me like a beta provider so that i could SHOW HER (vengence was the main motivator nothing else), + i thought i was entieled to pussy by virtue of wanting some. I can guarantee you, either your initial reason to date a girl is off which they smell from miles or your mentality on that topic is somewhat offputting for the girls you actually desire. Test it out for once by whatever your view on the situation of girls is, try to think its the complete opposite and see how far that gets you

Western women are garbage tier. There is no point in even pursuing them. You might be one of those white surprmecist types who want only white children and blah blah blah, but you are only setting yourself up for future disappointment when Tyrone is banging your ex wife and raising your kids most of the week while you wait to see them on the weekend. If you want a real woman, who knows how to treat a husband, and hasn’t had a full football team already run through her vagina, you need to find a nice traditional, catholic girl from a place like the Philippines. Your kids will also be good looking, white and Filipino is a good mix, unlike most other Asian races where your kid will just look Asian and become the next Tenda Spencer and complain about being an incel on Jow ForumsHapas. Sure you can say “ew jungle Asian, blah blah blah” but it will only be your own demise when your feminist liberal white woman is marching the streets asking for Muslim refugees and stopping by Tyrone’s for some diversity BBC on the way home.

You have no swagger faggot, that shit you can't buy. So you have resorted to buying everything, hoping that that makes them stick around.

You're a retard that will be divorce raped. So keep it up, the roastie will take all your shit and fuck Tyrone on your dime

Fucking faggot.

>I'm not blaming anyone.

Of course you are. This entire thread is you complaining and blaming. Quite pathetic.

And yes, women are hypergamous. The error you made is assuming that every woman you see embraces a wealth-based hierarchy of men. Young women generally DGAF about money. Some want excitement. They will seek the adventurous men. Some want to be dominated. Then will seek the big, assertive bastards. As they get older, many will prioritize family and stability. That's where people like you fit in. Kind of .. 35 w/ $250k in the bank making $85k isn't great, but it isn't terrible.

Bottom line: hypergamy assumes dominance criteria that vary among women based on innate preferences as well as age, culture, etc. Stop whining, stop responding to this thread, step away from the computer, and think on it.

I'd like to personally strangle every fucking faggot who uses absolutely pointless acronyms like
>SOL = shit outta luck
There's thousands of these and they serve no real purpose but to make English less legible to anyone outside the author's bubble.

Are you funny or interesting and not a stage 5 clinger? I’ve talked to girls who’ve gone on dates with lawyers and real estate brokers and been disinterested because the conversation was stale. If you can make a girl laugh and don’t come accross as a desperate creep and can atleast afford to pay the tab on date one, you’re going to get a second date. Its not always about money. It helps, but you have to be a complete package.

>When you meet people, do you, in your mind, judge them as worse/equal/better than you by default?
I look at everyone I meet as inferior to me.
I don't smile much in public. I'm good at conversing with others but I don't like talking about how building a wall is fascist and beaners are our friends. So I don't do it much. I have no idea if I'm easily approachable or what that even entails.

You need swagger, need to be stoic, stop being emotional, and learn what the fuck make a good woman, a good woman. A pussy doesn't make a woman good.

It appears that you just need to get laid, and are wiling to wife a roastie up in hopes you get pussy on the reg. That makes you a faggot.

yeah this is a really good post actually

Ignoring me means I'm not right. GROW A PAIR FAGGOT OP.

How is it possible to be so wrong about everything. First off, swagger? What is this, high school? I don't give women anything, so your comment about me buying women is just stupid. And I will not get divorce raped because obviously I'm not a beta. If I were I would be married and not starting a thread on /pol.

You've posted lots in your own thread and your inquiry seems genuine. So, here goes :

> No. I want a woman that already has self respect and self worth and doesn't give her body and soul to some gross hipster faggot. I want a woman who is ready to be a wife because she was prepared by her parents and taught properly growing up.
You're looking in the wrong place and you're not making the logical conclusion about roasties in modern America.

- If you are a man of value, don't pursue garbage women. You will regret it. They will tear down everything you have worked hard for and then some. Also, don't be jealous of garbage tier women and men fraternizing... This a also a path to self destruction and disillusionment. They're garbage for reasons you are able to observe. Put them out of mind. Closing this out, it seems you are unable to understand why such women exist... Simple : Modern society provides them with a slew of jobs to cover basic living. They're basic bitches who are happy paying rent, fucking randos and generally pissing their life and youth away. You wont appeal to them because the lack refinement which allows them to value such a thing. As they age, their weighting changes but by that time they're all used up and of no value to you. Women aren't providers. A lot basic women focus on monthly expenses and 'experiences'. That's life to them. They don't see beyond it to the long term potential you offer. Honestly, you don't want to waste your time with those that don't.

So now.. Good women : Educated, goal oriented, feminine (in the true sense), nurturing spirit, cultured, not a social media spaghetti head, good relationship with dad whom they respect (make sure he isn't a cuck who let her became an idiot), and most importantly : SELF respect.

If you find a woman of this makeup, none of the entrapment of the basic bitch life will appeal to her (i.e : fucking randos in retail making minimum wage) instead you will.

>chad looks
I don't believe it until I see pictures.

>I look at everyone I meet as inferior to me.
>I don't smile much in public.
Well there you go. You broadcast your arrogance and dry demeanor wherever you go, and if you think your attitudes about others don't manifest themselves in your nonverbal signaling, you're an idiot.

>I have no idea if I'm easily approachable or what that even entails.
A person who is easily approachable has a friendly demeanor to them and they react positively to people engaging with them. They're polite, and most importantly, they leave the person who approached them feeling good about the interaction without having tried to particularly please them through flattery/etc.

>Young women generally DGAF about money.
Why not? Their eggs have a shelf life. Are they waiting until they hit the wall to have babies?

excellent post

listen to this, OP.

People that encourage hypergamy are degenerates.