>Just go out and talk to women man
Where? I have no interests, and I don't meet them in my daily life. Am I supposed to talk to random women on the street? Pretend I have interests just to hit on women there?
Just go out and talk to women man
Fun fact: Women don't want to be cold approached anywhere.
>be good looking
>wait for interest
That's all you can do.
For example I got hit on at a pizza joint last week. I just walked in and she was flirting with me.
If they have any interest they will pursue. You can NEVER convince a woman to like you or win her over.
Just work on yourself and let them come.
well get interests nigga
>Fun fact: Women don't want to be cold approached anywhere
Well, not by you maybe. Women are always up to meet a cool guy, why do you imagine they spend hours every day making themselves look nice?
>Women are always up to meet a cool guy
And they will approach. It may be in a dumb and awkward way but they will attempt to show interest.
Don't be that creep that harasses chicks at the gym or the grocery store.
Everyone's different. A lot of women, arguably the majority, will never approach. Stand around and look pretty is not an optimal male mating strategy.
So what should I do, then? Loiter at pizza joints?
How do I do that? I find nothing entertaining.
>A lot of women, arguably the majority,
Not even true I get approached all the time. I almost never make the first move.
Good for you dude
>I find nothing entertaining
youre depressed
How do I fix this?
Yeah, no shit. So what do I do about it? Should I just wait a few years and hope for it to pass and then try to meet women?
identify what makes you depressed and fix it
yeah dont approach women til youre mentally stable
Some people are depressed for life.
Probably the fact that there's nothing in my life - I wake up, go to school, go home, browse Jow Forums, sleep, repeat.
What can be done about it?
I'm a woman and this is true for me, personally. If I'm into a guy I am too impatient to wait for him to make a move and usually do it first. This is how all of my relationships have started. I have a good radar for guys who I'm compatible with and can usually pick based on first inpression whether I'll get along with someone or not so guys approaching randomly is kind of a nuisance. Can't talk for girls in general though.
>yeah dont approach women til youre mentally stable
In other words, not at all, or at least not for many years?
yeah thats fucked
then change your routine, getting out of the comfort zone helps a lot, go to classes, workshops, museums, etc til you find something that interests you, good places to meet people too
Don’t stare like a creeper. Glance but don’t stare. Realize that most women are sexually harassed daily and a lot have been sexually assaulted at one point in their life.
I go to classes already, it's moderately interesting but not something I'd do in my spare time.
Where do I find said 'workshops'? I hear the term get thrown around a lot. Most classes have labs, is that what you mean?
I don't think there are any in my city. And how the hell are they a good place to meet people?
I don't have any women to stare at, so that's a non-concern.
read The Way of the Superior Man and really follow it and you will get women
If you have no interests then you are not ready for a relationship in the first place. However, my advice to you on meeting women is to join some kind of group or class where you meet up on a weekly basis. Just focus on making friends there, even if they are other male friends, simply making more friends increases your likelyhood of being introduced to a woman. Also, women like men who have irl friends or are at least capable of being friendly.
I already do that, I go to school. However, it is (90%+) male, and the same goes for their circle of friends, if they even have any.
Also, it feels dishonest to get close to people just because they might have female friends.
No woman has ever approached me or shown interest
You better hope you're just too autistic to notice.
i mean like hobbies classes, not your career classes
do you not talk on campurs or what?
>"yo that test was hard"
>"so what u guys doing later? wanna grab some beers and pizza"
BAM, new friends who have friends who have friends etc etc
Join the local theater, there is always something you can do there even if it's not acting. This is a great place to build confidence and meet new people.
I look
But they never do
They avoid me
Same, but I'm ugly as all hell so whatever.
How do you expect women to be with you when you don't want to be with you?
From what I read you don't have any passion, any interest, nothing. I'm not saying you should to this for women, ofc. But you need to find life interesting and see what you like, women will come after that
I don't think that would be acceptable in my country.
Regardless, most of those people have no female friends either, if they have any at all.
>hobbies classes
So, pretend I have interests just to hit on women there?
So how do I find life interesting? I don't really like anything.
Nigga, if you have no interests or passions, then kiss the idea of getting a gf goodbye. No woman will waste her time on a guy whose personality is so utterly bleak and empty. Unless you are a 10/10 model-looking dude or filthy rich, get some damn personality before even entertaining the idea of finding a woman. Or just settle on escorts.
most people have no interests or passions, they just talk about useless normie shit all day
If my own experience is anything to go by, this is not true. Even normies have their favourite tv shows/movies/bands/soccer teams they are obsessed with, or some normie hobbies like watching Netflix or clubbing.
Ignore all these dumb normie advice, user. You don't find anything interesting because the people you are around(If you are around anyone) are boring or have hobbies that don't interest you. You just need to befriend people that you find befriendable and nice and just hang out with them. Then ask what their hobbies are and they will introduce you. That Is how I got into anime, I always hated It, but my friend introduced me into it
>being so dumb that you can't find passions and hobbies on your own and have to rely on copying someone else's interests
Holy kek
most people can't, shut up.
>most people can't,
Not true at all bro
Yes, and that useless normie shit is their passions and interests, and those normies are getting laid and falling in love. Step one is accepting that you not being a normie isn't something to be proud of, you autistic retard.
The fuck does pursue mean if you're not allowed to cold approach?
Pursue someone you know at least a bit...
Haha I literally don't know any single women lmaoo.
So how do you 'get a personality'?
And how do you do that?
i went to sleep and you're still here
we keep giving you advice but you keep making excuses
reported this thread already, fucking attention whores
All I did was ask for advice on the advice board.
No, it's like going in circles with you. Seek professional help, because normal people have some set of core values, interests and ways of being they choose to cultivate. You already have a personality, so your question how to get a personality is misdirected. The issue is, your personality is shit. If you have no interest in anything at all, then you are mentally ill and need some help asap. Because the only was to make improve your personality is to analyse it, find its faults and work on improving it. In your case it seems like you are an incredibly shallow human being, so the remedy for that would be exploring different things (sports, arts, sciences, creative activities) and sticking to stuff you find enjoyable.
What do you want a gf for, anyway? Just sex?
How do you make friends through Netflix or favorite bands?
do you also want to know how to talk too?
you can start by watching netflix/listening to music. unless youre completely dead inside you'll probably find something to talk about. Cant say youre gonna make a friend 100 percent of the time that way but youll be conversing like a normal person
What I mean is, how are you supposed to connect with a person based on an interest like that? Do you just ask a person on the subway if they happen to like The Gerogerigegege?
>Seek professional help
>you are mentally ill and need some help asap
I went to a psychologist, he said I was normal and told me not to come back since I was wasting resources.
I don't find anything enjoyable. I tried these in school. Science was slightly interesting, the others were horrible.
I do find programming slightly interesting likewise, but I don't think you can meet people through it, let alone women.
can anyone help me out?
nobody is replying.