>Dr. Ting "doesn't want that last stitch to pop and for everything to go *swoosh*"
>"you know, like a window shade.."
(((Jaron Bloshinsky)))
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This “doctor” should be hung and jazz should go to rehab. I would pay for the rehab to fix her of these ills these disgusting jews have wrought upon her.
They've gone past the point of no return, there's no rehab to be had.
Dude, I went through this procedure with someone once. I went from full on dick to full on catastrophe. Of all the options, there's about 4, the lower colon one is by far and away the most invasive, most harmful to your body, most difficult to maintain. There's a reason it's unpopular. I have no idea how ANYONE could encourage some sweet little girl with a microdick that could make her famous to chop her insides up like a fucking puzzle game.
I feel so fucking bad for Jazz.
no, fuck
this is the only way you're gonna redpill fags on make-believe
so lucky I get to be a part of Armageddon with my balls, sucks that jizz over here will have to sit out
It's really so sad. Seeing a transgender child is like seeing a vegan cat. It's clear the parents are making the choices here. They planted this disgusting idea in their (adopted) son's head from basically the day he was born. Then they put him on hormones as soon as possible to make him feel more like a woman. No shit he says he feels like a woman and wants to "transition" into one. He never had a choice.
Since Jews generally hate Palestinians, did Jaron's parents adopt him purely to do this to him as a convoluted form of torture while also getting some money from the contracts with TLC?
This. It's over. The tissue is necrotic now she has now stepped into hell.
You can be a girl with a cute microdick, nothing wrong with that.
But the minute you go to a butchershop and you tell him to turn your microdick into a hidey hole, you're just damaged goods.
The only rehab in Jazz's future is a rope. I hope her parents stumble in on her bloated corpse someday so they can see what they've done.
Here's the TL;DW for those of you who don't want to use a full gallon of eye bleach:
>be jazz, an ethnic palestinian adopted by a "very jewish" family
>be done with surgery
>unpack gauze rammed into new gash, and take tube out which maintains urethral positioning
>jazz takes mirror up and says new vagina is "cool" as if reassuring himself
>immediately grab pic related and shove it in to a depth of 7.5"
>jazz says it's uncomfortable, don't put it in any more
>everybody cheers and they go back to the hotel room
>night time, sleepies, jazz wakes up feeling pain in new-gina
>edges of wounds have turned purplish blue, a sign of blood starvation which will inevitably lead to gangrene
>a large blood blister has formed as well
>jazz's mom tweets photo to doctor who rushes over
>doctor probes the neo-gina for a moment, then says it could "split like a window shade" or even "fall out completely if the graft fails"
>doctor also says it has come apart at the back, exposing raw red flesh
>Jow Forums and /tv/ memes came true, the thing exploded
These aren't doctors they're butchers
You have no idea. Here's two words you don't think of with GRS : maggot therapy.
Think about it. Just think about it. They present it on a silver platter but the truth is, it's gruesome, painful and it will not make you more happy.
I miss the good old days when Jazz was cool.
And yes, the tweet is real.
I’d have unironically ravaged Jazz’s boypucci pre op, she’s a cute slampig
I just had a vision of Jazz's future. "Her" "vagina" is finished. That much seems obvious now. But what will Jazz's genitalia look like in the future? I saw it in my mind. The wise doctor will internally route the urethra into the inside of Jazz's colon, so Jazz will urinate directly into her own asshole. In the place of the "vagina" will be a smooth bump, not unlike Barbie under the skirt, but it will be crisscrossed with grafts, scar tissue, and bumps where the sutures were made.
This is the future, I just saw it.
I still hum the tunes to that sometimes. That was a really good game at the just right time when computers could finally typically handle something like that.
They would probably monotize that as well. They are fucking scum
>Since Jews generally hate Palestinians, did Jaron's parents adopt him purely to do this to him as a convoluted form of torture while also getting some money from the contracts with TLC?
The whole thing is an esoteric pantomime for those initated into deeper understanding.
you fucking millennials are ridiculous. A "girl" does not have balls and a dick of any kind. You can't just make up definitions. You can be a TRANNY with a microdick.
oh yeah, and INB4: "but its not fair, they don't have a real dick so they can't really be a functional man"
too bad. not my fault. you're still a male, just a shitty one... you can't just SAY you're a fucking girl and magically be one.
>Immediately fucks her new wound with a dildo
>and this was very likely the top dick slicing surgeon on the planet
Jesus, how bad must a normal tranny's """vagina""" made by a budget surgeon be? Thank god I wasn't sexually molested by my uncle as a kid and didn't end up as a tranny.
Yup, even if the kid somehow thought of it on his own or “on his own” (media propaganda), he may have changed his mind after his balls dropped.
Now we’ll never know. I think its easier to convince a tranny to just be a fag than it is to mutilate their body and then when it invariably comes out fucked up, have them live that way forever.
It’s true. The jews saw an opportunity to make truckloads of cash, while influencing countless young minds in the most horrifying way and took it.
>I would pay for the rehab
>ethnic palestinian
Ah that explains why she looks like a jewish mexican
>I feel so fucking bad for Jazz.
Yeah, until you realize that he, in his blissful ignorance, is encouraging millions of (physically) healthy young males all over the world to cut their dicks off.
Not anymore though, since jazz went first and ended up exactly like Jow Forums said he would.
>Imagine that first wooden legged escalator tester getting his working leg stuck and torn off by the escalator.
That's Jazz, except the escalator is SRS and the leg is a micropenis.
I'm convinced 100% of that Jazz shit is scripted kikery. We need proof of mangled benis.
Most trannies have more cockmeat to work with, Jazz had none so apparently they had to use parts of her colon
Thanks you’re right.
How retarded are half you posters?
1. It's a dude
2. It's not a girl
3. It's still a dude
4. Stop calling him "her".
5. America is fucked.
They have to keep a dildo in there for hours per day, for months or even years, because otherwise the body will try to heal itself.
It's an open wound in most cases, the raw flesh will adhere. In Jazz's case it's a little more complicated because they actually took out a length of his colon to make is neo-pussy with as his babydick was too small from a lifetime of hormone blockers to be made into a neo-vag with the traditional banana split method. The issue there is the back of the thing is essentially an open wound, and the front of it is stitched to the edges of the "cavity" as the doctor put it. Imagine for a minute if you took a teddy bear, ripped a hole in its crotch, and then stitched a cut off length of a sock into it. That's the G rated version of Jazz.
what happens with the dick and ballz after the operation?
Do they give it to the pacient as a present, or just throw it away?
So is he actually an adopted Palestinian kid, or is that just a Jow Forums rumor?
Threadly reminder: Doctors kill more people every year in the US via malpractice than drugs AND guns combined.
Stop making me laugh at the horror
>he doesn’t feel compassion for a boy who was kidnapped by jews as an infant, fed hormones, and led to cut his penis off and turned into a vagina as a teen
Go fuck yourself. You probably couldn’t even afford to help Jazz out anyway.
>You can be a girl with a cute microdick, nothing wrong with that
fuck off discord fags
They should have to show it, because without showing it they are giving thousands of viewers the wrong impression, which in a way is a form of medical malpractice imho.
Good. On top of having an eternally bleeding wound where his genitals should be, he'll end up having all kinds of colon issues later on if he doesn't already so he can't even take it up the ass. Hope he likes bags, because he'll have one for his urine and one for his poop.
With trannies the pronoun i use is basically a lottery of whichever sounds better in a given sentence
Jazz can help others out. It's too late for him now. But he can serve as an example of what not to do.
Most trannies I don't have much sympathy for. Think about it. Have you ever seen a tranny who was strong, well-adjusted, and romantically successful pre-op? Of course not. Most of them are complete losers who are already social rejects and have no chance of ever getting a decent girlfriend. They have a choice, at least. They can go to the gym, eat well, study hard, and improve themselves mentally and physically every day until they resemble a real, successful man. Or, they can adopt a victim mentality and fully commit to the trans "lifestyle". Many choose the latter, as the former requires actual effort. But at least they have a choice. This poor kid never had one. He was doomed from the second he was adopted by his (((parents))). Give it 5-10 years and he'll either be dead or clinically insane. It's just extremely sad
Uh... Why? Like why is open colon wound better than baby dick?
Pic related would be hilarious.
He'd look at it every morning until he finally has courage to end it all.
Then when jazz kills himself they will blame society for not accepting him and not the hormones/surgery
Everyone involved should be shot.
You know that using their "preferred pronoun" is basically engaging in sexual roleplay with a man for his sexual gratification, right?
It varies, but usually they take out the erectile tissue from the penis shaft, pop your balls on out, and then try to rearrange your dick skin and ballsack into something that's supposed to be akin to a vagina.
Thanks user, this helps
After a certain point there is simply too much damage done, mentally and physically
You have to stop it before it starts
Because apparently wanting to be a woman is good but GOD FORBID a doctor help a man safely manage steroid use to lose weight and gain muscle, thats illegal!
It doesn't deserve to be called he/him either.
This is no man.
Call refer to it as a degenerate and we're good.
This is a sad story, Jazz is the modern Icarus who flew too close to Jewish psychology which melted his genitals.
>You can be a girl with a cute microdick
They feed them to Soros
Do kike doctors deliberately fuck up these tranny surgeries in the West? This shit doesn't happen to Thai ladyboys I think
>the confusion and pain in the bros eyes
Yep, whether or not Jazz an heroes the program moves along.
Tell us all the sordid details. If it saves one person from trans degeneracy, it will be worth it.
> the ting go swish
Not enough dick skin to use
The colon thing is used because it is the closest thing to a vagina, but even that is an exaggeration. The ones that use the dick skin have hair balls that form in there and clot up, so they have to remove them regularly, while the ones that used part of their colon literally have fecal bacteria and intestinal excretions that continue to ooze out.
The whole thing is a Lynchian nightmare
How the fuck are you gonna rehabilitate this thing's fileted genitals?
>The wise doctor will internally route the urethra into the inside of Jazz's colon, so Jazz will urinate directly into her own asshole
To "be white" really just means that society at large identifies you as white, such that you develop a white identity.
Is keanu reeves white?
You would say no, i would say yes.
There is no statistic or scientific evidence that white people with slight admixture and genetically inferior to pure blooded white people.
>to be white you have to be nothern european
>italians arent white
This is exactly my point, you just made my point for me, and stop trying to make this debate about our respective flags.
He is NOT adopted. He is his parents biological child. Look at the mom and dad. Look at his siblings. Look at his JEW NOSE. Stop with the fanfiction, it's simply not true.
I have a feeling that this whole show is just a scam to fool thousands of people into transitioning, I mean this guy is a jew, no way they would do this on one of their own
Everyone should be reminded of the fact that doctors take the Hippocratic oath as well as the Osteopathic oath in America.
In which it states
>to preserve the health and the life of my patients,
These 'Doctors' and any medical professional involved in any of this should be telling these mentally defective people they will not do surgery as it could or indeed does cause unnecessary danger and lasting damage to the patient.
Any one doing this stuff should indeed be hung.
This just makes me sad. The parents are so desperate to be progressive they’ve mutilated their son and sold him out for a few dollars and a little bit of fame. I couldn’t imagine doing that to my boy.
If I do its purely by chance
These days everything is sold to bio-pharm firms for recycling into beauty products, taste enhancers, etc. We're full S.o.y.l.e.n.t here.
If Jazz has any decency at all he will do “jazz hands” when his wound hole blows out
It's genuinely amazing that the Jews continue to convince the world that self-mutilation is not only not harmful but actually helpful
We are legitimately dealing with true evil here
>I just accidentally gave that dude a handjob
I'm Oprah Winfrey
Doctors take that oath for the public's benefit, they don't believe or maintain it themselves.
dis nigga gonna get dabbed on and end up with double pink socks
Look up which books the Nazis burned. It was research into transgender transition surgery and psychology.
What if some fag wants to fuck jazz in the ass and it end up blowing a mix of shit/piss out like taking the top off a hot radiator
Absolutely correct. Get it through your head Jow Forums
my eyes see a young man with his dick and balls removed but all i can picture in my mind is the plane crashing into the towers, over and over
and over
and over
I remember under obama his intel niggers kept saying the real threat was right wing terror.
Still hasnt panned out but it seems the lefties are trying hard to make it happen
The Yids burn it in a fire hand rubbing ritual
People who make the one drop rule argument base their entire worldview on how weak and easy to wipe out the white race is. Like fuck what are you even fighting for that that point?
I make the argument that the white race is much stronger than that, and they get all pissy.
Were on the same side here im just trying to point out some flawed logic.
>Be me
>Go out to bar to grab some beers with my buds
>Start slamming shots and dancing with thots
>Closing time in 15 minutes must find some poon to smash
>Grab some weird chick that I was dancing with earlier in the night
>Take her back to my place for a bone ride
>We’re drunk as fuck but she’s down to fuck
>Let me see those titties
>Start pounding in the mish
>Get ready to blow my load
>She starts moaning and looking like she’s ready to pop
>She starts screaming stop stop stop user
>Not this time sweetheart
>Pull out to blow my load on her chest
>OMG There is a colon sleeve hanging around my cock like a rotten flesh light but I can’t stop what’s coming
>I come so hard that I blow the colon sleeve off my dick and it splats down onto her stomach
>There is literally blood everywhere
>She starts screaming and demand that I called 911
I mean faggot trannies like it up the ass so they should just have their cocks removed and their asses wired to piss out of...
Who gives a fuck about this retard why are there so many threads on this animal? Just give him the darwin award and euthanize him already but stop giving him attention that's like the #1 reason why they do this.