What the fuck is going on?

Is this whole tranny discord thing just a false flag so any criticism of Trump can be dismissed by pointing and yelling "tranny!"
Idk, seems like a r_thedonald stunt.
The US Congress just sung happy b day to a holohoax "survivor" and we don't have a wall or immigration crackdown. How could anyone be happy today?
The fuck is wrong with my country that 70% plus approved of a speech where they applauded literal felon drug dealers. Am I losing my mind? Why is everyone here happy with it? Does no one else see how awful this shit is?

Attached: 1549424339269.png (1986x674, 167K)

Ann Coulter is a fucking shill and the fact her stupid tweets get spammed on this board is because she's an Israeli shill.

Trump is another Reagan, who campaigned on populist agenda then got stone walled into being another zionist whose agenda is all about building a foreign terror sponsor state at any and all expense to the US

It's just people overreacting due to a bunch of trannies organizing Trump shitposting to the point threads can suddenly get twenty posts in less than a minute about Trump being a neocon Jew-lover selling out America. Which is pretty racist to hear from such progressive champions, but lol what do I know

There's so many different fucking shills here on every side of the isle, I unironically want /mlpol/ back since the horsefuckers chased off all the personal army fags to the point it felt like pre-election Jow Forums

Nice projection

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It really doesn't matter who is actually on the other end of an user convo. They are trannies, JIDF, CIA. It's all the same.

Obvious concern shill, btw

Who gives a shit, Trump is a failure & America is done, Europe is the last chance to save white people because we're a bunch of Judeo Christian cucks.

Trump's base is turning on him for dropping his platform. Some shills I'm discord made a channel a while ago to try and help this along because of >muh racism. So Trump fanatics pretend it's just discord people instead of his entire base falling apart at once.

>false flag
uh, OP?

Attached: discordtrannyfaggots.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

there's two groups at pol right now:

(((tranny discordspies))) who call you shareblue if you criticize Trump

old guard polacks who call you kike CIA nigger shill

guess who's on the right side of history?

Attached: 1549392365867.jpg (420x480, 49K)

None of this proves fucking anything. MIGApedes like Spergon of Cuckad and his liberalististists are known for gay discord ops. It’s more than likely you MIGApedes are faking this shit or at the very least, blowing it way out of proportion so that any criticism of your le epic GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE is rendered moot because muh tranny discord.

You’re a shill. See how easy that is when you provide no evidence to back anything up?
Back to r/The_Donald you go so can go back to upvoting pro Trumpenstein shit
Sure thing, shill.

>It a sHiLl

From what I can tell, the actual shills are now calling other people shills and pretending to support Trump because Trump has fully caved, and they know he's not going to do anything that they REALLY disagree with. Actual, unfortunate, MAGA-pedes are falling for the bait and not believing their lying ears that Trump has caved, because they probably didn't actually listen to the speech, and want to believe that Trump is still their savior.

user, most of these people are Jews, they do this everywhere, all those fake swastikas, all those fake white nationalists, it's Jews. The real opposition comes across like E Michael Jones or similar, this place is is anonymous for a reason.

so there are 23 people in a discord channel and this makes the growing chorus of right-wing criticism of trump a phony operation? this does not add up

This. Trust the plan. Trust Trump. Trust Sessions. Trust Q. Trust us. WWG1WGA.

Trust the plan. Trust Trump. Trust Sessions. Trust Q. Trust us. WWG1WGA.

Hang in there guys, 40% of the shills will commit suicide after chopping their cocks off

Again with the tranny discord shills. All I’m hearing is that means that the le epic GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE can no longer be criticized because if you do, you’re a tranny from Discord. That means nothing.

>call out shills and want a return to pre-cancer Jow Forums
>get told to go back to rebbit
based schizo poster

The reason you kikes are lashing out so hard at Ann Coulter is that she's right. The truth is dangerous to the Trump cult.


Thanks for letting everyone know that you’re jewish.
Trust the plan. Trust Trump. Trust Sessions. Trust Q. Trust us. WWG1WGA.

Trump can't just start denying the holohoax you fucking retard. this shit has to happen in small steps. Just like you leftists couldn't get the public onboard with pedophilia or infanticide right away. It happens in small doses.

Who-ever took the screenshots: hit the fuckin X you troglodyte. Then carry on with the good work.

Trump isn't doing that, though, you fucking idiot. He got into the office of the presidency on the very edge of the Overton Window, and has crept to the center ever since. In "small doses", like you said, even. On many things, he's crept to being a full-blown progressive.
Letting drug dealers out of their life sentences? Celebrating having more women in the workforce that ever before? Wanting "more immigration than we've ever had"? If you think he's /ourguy/, you're delusional.
Did you even watch the SotU??
