The next Hitler will be a woman and genocide men!

Attached: evil_eyes.png (823x720, 487K)

Nah she's just the next pelosi

Attached: aoc.png (2048x2048, 229K)

I wish. Men are falling behind in higher- and primary education. Their unemployment is higher and they commit more crimes.

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Digits dont lie!

She needs darker skin

She's so hot

I love fucking horses. Bro fist man! POWA!

she's too attractive there, make her more brown

Attached: aoc darker.png (2048x2048, 229K)


>>genocide men

That will be such a switch from all previous wars user.

Genocide white males and females, sounds about right

The next female Hitler will be white and will actually make men become men again.

Nah. A man will legitimately kill her at an event.

senpaku eyes. checked.

Digits confirm and I actually hope that you are right and they try to do it because this would finally result in women losing the right to vote again and the craziness, we are witnessing now, would finally end.

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Her and what army?

you need her gross horse teeth

also she doesnt have cartoon eyes
she has retard eyes

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We should kill all beta males.