Was interviewed today

Was interviewed today..

>During the interview the employer quickly mention how much the position was going to get paid.


>This is position that requires a degree

>cut the interview off short and told them to fuck off with a hard nope.

Why are employers so fucking cheap nowadays?

What the fuck is wrong these cheap bastards, and then try to sneak it pass me like I wouldn't know.

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You're not too good for that just because you went to school.

i graduated college during the recession, i was pretty stoked to get anything at all.
now in the low six figures, this are pretty comfy.

i dont think its where you start, hust cant become complacent. (ie a NEET)

It's not a cheap employer. It's that degrees aren't worth but a fraction of what you pay for them.

>I'd rather keep getting NEETbux then work for $16
>my expensive piece of paper means I wont settle for less then $20

>Vote Republicans to lose all your worker privileges
>Cry when getting fucked over

Lol eat shit. In Australia most trades are now earning $50+ an hour no college degree. $100+ an hour if you work in the coal mines.

Never sell out your workers rights with politicians pandering to deal with immigrants, it's a ruse just to sell out your interests to big business.

What was the career field?

Professional cuckold prob

I started off at $12 and within two and a half years i'm at $25. Stop being a faggot.


Kek. In Denmark, you'll literally earn more flipping burgers.

Hahahah holy shit the USA is fucked

Jesus christ, I thought Canada was fucked LOL $16/hr for an engineering job? Was it civil?

>cut off the interview short

Did you not even counter with how much he you are willing to work for?

This , I was getting paid more at my retail fuck job while going to school

It's called entry level, dipshit

What the fuck did you expect? Service industries are on the rise not manufacturing.

>others can get call backs and interviews

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are you dumb. op isn't applying to the coal mines, he is applying for a cush office job to sit on his ass and browse /pol and he wants a minimum of $25 an hour for that. If you work in the coal mines, oil fields or trades you will make $50-100 an hour depending on experience. The problem is everyone wants to have to office job since it is easy so OP has to compete with 1 million roasties

I really can't fathom this. I got an engineering degree and my first job out of uni was roughly $90k USD a year. Bullshit you did engineering to get offered $16

Lmfao I dont have a degree and work for my uncle and make 21/hr at 19yo
Fucking idiots dont know nepotism is the only logical way to build and sustain a good life. Have fun when you get laid off retards corporate slaves


I love how it's someone else's fault you're not qualified for a job that pays more.

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I know my worth, not my fault you're low value.

Hearty chuckle dot gif OP

>going to college

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No I meant our tradies in the cities are getting over $50 an hour. I'm an engineer myself I earned more than $16 an hour packing shelves during college

Babby’s first job and expects to be CARRIED through life LOLLLLL

>Illegal Immigration
>Degree Saturation
There you go, bro. You now realize you spent $60-100k+ on a worthless piece of paper

>apply to home depot
>get $15 coupon in email for signing up to their recruiting service like a good goy (gone are the days you can apply in person/simply via email)
>never hear from them again

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I have a hard time believing OP. American firms offer better money than Canadian companies and poach all of our engineers/architects/planners/surveyors etc with bigger incentives + 1.5x the pay scale (not even counting the exchange rate too). If OP is serious he must have went to some nigger community college or a really shit state school. Hell, two buddies of mine who got DIPLOMAS in Land Surveying got big offers in Texas and New Hampshire right out of college on great money. The state of American education must be high school tier by Canada/Aus standards or this kinda thing wouldn't be happening.

This. My father started his company in the 90's and I grew up working with him. Now I am set to take over a company I help built and will be running a whole fleet of trucks and will only have to show up to actual work a couple days a week as most of the job is done on the phone. My dad clears nearly $200k after tax and expenses.I am on $28/hr and I am a glorified internal accountant/secretary. Left School at 16 to work with him.

Warehouse pickers start around $20/hr.
Good for you OP. Been in a similar situation and *politely* said that there was no reason to continue wasting each others time. Also told them good luck.

you faggots haven't realized yet we're already moving towards a communist society

that is to say, your labor has become devalued. skilled labor is now worth as much as unskilled labor. therefore it is logical to find a job which requires minimal effort considering you will also be receiving minimal pay.

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>has degree
>applying for hourly work


Tears of unfathomable sadness detected.

You sure aren't a petroleum engineer OP. Should've networked better, now you're bottom rung. Enjoy student loans!

>he fell for the STEM meme
hahahahahah you deserve it, enjoy working at mcdonalds in 5 years making minimum wage dumb cunt

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Wrong retard. Sitting at your desk doing menial busy work is worthless specifically due to 50% of the population vying for the job.

Actual skilled labor - trades etc - is more valued than ever.

You're not saying what you applied for and you're not saying what market you apply for it in. There's a pretty good chance you fucking deserve this you piece of shit. Do you have any experience or just a jerk off degree?

People confuse what is skilled and what is unskilled work...that's their problem. Starbucks roasties think knowing how to make 17 different sugar drinks compares their skillset to a residential plumber.

Again, Did you even try to negotiate a high wage op?

This is a pretty common shit test by employer.

they're literally denying jobs to young people and telling us that none of us 'deserve' a career, and that only people that have had careers deserve careers

kill all baby boomers

kyselves bootlicking gollums

no, I can confirm OP is telling the truth. it's getting really bad here. I'm not saying every engineering job is paying $16/hr but it is not at all unexpected to see $20/hr for entry level engineering outside of SF or NYC.

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You're right.

Not doing that shit again, then again it wasn't mentioned in the job description.

>unironically defending this

people like YOU are the reason the West is in such a shit economic shape, you fucking bootlicking scum

>compensation: $13.50 - $28 depending on experience

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What skills did your degree help you get? Writig a 3 page essay on socialism?


it's getting fucking absurd user

I wish I made 16/hr. Unfortunately I work for a relatively failing company Sears/Kmart and do Cashier, Merchandising, Restock and truck unloading for 8.50/hr

literal PAID US propaganda shills all over this thread

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He isn't wrong, I have a masters in Electrical Engineering and my first job was $14/hr designing TCS's for commerical airlines which involves a shit ton of calculus and C++ programming. Its fucking ridiculous how much they rip you off, I didn't receive a raise for 4 years so I quit and became a Security Guard. Not only do I do 99.9% less work, but now I make $29.75/hr and I could make even more if I worked the night shift.

Engineers are fucked in America.

Until you get job you want you should look for a new job every 1-2 years if not continually.

>Back End
>JavaScript, CSS, HTML5

sorry op, 16 bucks an hour isn't that bad maybe move from an area that isn't that expensive to live? or that maybe what your degree you got just doesn't have much value? ever think that maybe college wasn't a good choice but a trade school or hell a local union in the trades are looking for people so bad they are just asking to come in and show up, they pay for your training, give you tools to use, etc? maybe look into that? but sorry you wasted your money at college :(


Mass migration keeps wages low by flooding the labor market. Employers don't have to compete for the worker, but can watch them beg for scraps.

Also women going into the workforce was a tragedy for multiple reasons. It was one of the first acts of societal sabotage though that contributed to this mess. They nearly doubled the labor market to begin with, driving a thick nail into the coffin of the Atomic Family.

Howdy there, partner

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>muh 48 weeks vs. Your 52
>muh no obertime

Every salary cuck, ever.

Wrong. You don’t even H1B1 bruv?

>$16/hr isn't that bad


The STEM push is not at all about "empowering" women and minorities. It's all about increasing the labor force and in turn driving down wages. If they get low enough in the states then Pajeet and Co. are even more fucked.

Howdy kitty fren

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>be at interview
>what are your strengths?
I’m fucking white!
>what’s something unique about you?
I hate niggers and kikes
>where do you see yourself in 5 years?
front lines of the race war, faggot.

16 is. Not everyone wants a career at target.


my dad graduated STEM in the 80s and his first job paid 45k, which is $11k more than what OP was offered

IN THE 80s


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yeah he is

We're fucked aren't we.

a b s o l u t e l y
c o m p e d

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This. Everyone I know with legit credentials is making boat loads rn.

$1500 a month, after taxes and insurance doesnt pay half of my mortgage.

Who the fuck expects someone with all the knowledge to work for approx $9.25 an hr?

A fucking nigger, thats who.

I do concrete for $11/hr, weclome to the machine my friend.

You can get a job driving a truck in west Texas starting at $100k. I don't think your gender studies degree will be hugely relevant though

mfw get paid for 8 hours and only work about 1.

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>job interview
>job is 3$/hour
>have to change my outfit
>you need to be available to work late and at weekends
>hard manual job
i got a pretty good deal for someone with little work experience like me

bs, my firm can't even find enough engineers and we are offering over 100k + stock

Thats not it at all.

Its that there are 100 anons waiting to take that job for less, just to have a job while they live with Mom & Dad.

shit’s fucked partner, they want to kill the middle class in America so they can launch a marxist revolution like they did in Russia.

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>bs, my firm can't even find enough engineers and we are offering over 100k + stock


>They nearly doubled the labor market to begin with
Yeah, and that without doubling the number of available jobs. Add to that immigration, and fuckers are surprised when the purchasing power of minimum wage went from $24/hr in the 60s to now being $8.50 or something.

they deserve to hang

theyll talk and complain about poor little niggers not making enough money but none of them have any plans at all to help young people

I hope their deaths are painful


would hire

>starting pay 100,000
>truck driver

HAHA try 40k no benefits and long hours, nice cope tradescuck

What sort of work, what sort of degree?

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you can thank your right to work for minimum wage bullshit.

That’s probably because his firm is in the Bay Area and unlike the rural red state cucks we literally are full here.

howdy cowboy kitty

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if there wasn't a minimum wage we'd be working for $2/hr instead

fuck you

You're unemployed, you are worthless apparently

Where do you live? I have been picking for a smaller company part time to get by while I find a job in my field and it's literally minimum wage.

Unless you have a PhD or go to a specialized school (such as law school), you're going to have to start at the bottom and work your way up. We have an extreme unemployment problem (too many workers and not enough jobs) and college has become a complete joke.

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What will an MBA yield in 5 years? How about a law degree in 7? I'm undergrad right now, trying to figure out which makes more sense. I really just want the fucking race war/shtf to happen already so I'm just wasting time. Worse comes to worst, I'll probably move to Alaska with whatever degree I end up getting. So which would be better money in AK?

I guess you have some self reflecting to do.


ハオディー、nip bro.

The problem is H1B Pajeet will work twice as long, twice as hard, for half as much. And it is not like all of these engineers are innovators. Most engineers are code monkey tier, they work on specific parts of larger projects where hopefully they have enough training to not fuck anything up.

nigger how many people you got living there, if you say just you, why the fuck you gotta house that big ???