Zoomer thread

Are Zoomer actually based? Are they at least on track towards getting redpilled? Any experiences with zoomers?

Also what's the final solution to the pedo problem?

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smartphone zombies who play fortnite and lack a personality

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This is also my experience.

they vote for trump, not republicans
they are overwhelmingly radically socially liberal

Empires rise and fall over the course of 10 generations or 250 years (25 year olds usually have kids and create a new generation)

Millennials represent the spawn of Boomers and are the embodiment of the true NPC. A completely worthless generation of chriping bots spoiled by endless trophies from their parents.

Zoomers are the spawn of Gen X, the generation that got completely fucked by the Boomers. As such, the last war cry of Gen X is to make the Zoomers based and redpilled.

As such, Zoomers are the "seeding generation" for the new society. They will be the ones to roam the lands as tribes once society collapses.

Same, at least for an overwhelming majority. Or they're tumblritas who love to say "queen" or pretend to ghetto


Imagine growing up in this period in history. They're kinda lucky desu, this is going into the history books as the issues with new ideas such democratic-republics and capitalism start to show their flaws.

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>Millennials and Boomers are both complete trash. They represent the last of six stages of society; the Age of Decadence.

Search "Rise and Fall of Empires" John Glubb

18 yo Zoomer here, ask me anything.

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zoomers are maturing faster than any other generation., Also pedo problem " legalize it.

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>Rise and Fall of Empires
Free version: people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf

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Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. The caveposting. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED.,.


fuck this is depressing because it makes 100% sense but also as an 18 year old, my life going forward iis going to absolute shit and we (conservatives) are going to lose no matter how much we flail our arms. At least until the next century. here's to hoping we invent cryosleep.

Gen X was the first generation that saw society crumble like 9/11 (Massive Domestic Terrorism); the collapse of the house market (2008); the sell off of our jobs (NAFTA) all as we were entering the job market and trying for careers; jobs and family.

That was the breaking point and why we became so cynical.

To this fucking day, Boomers are still out there saying,

>Just buy a house and be happy. Value is guaranteed to go up
>Find a good women. All women are basically good.
>Get a good job with a handshake and a smile
>Just believe main stream news
>Jews are our allies. Israelis are the good guys.

But Boomers sold us the fuck out. Try drove up real estate; shipped our jobs overseas; flooded the market with feminists; destroyed the family; demonized young white men for all problems and ruined the workplace with minorities and affirmative action.

And yet they still think it's 1957.

As a Gen-X, my last revenge will be to Red Pill every fucking Zoomer I come across.

>A reaction can be a hell of a thing.

Do your friends love Adolf Hitler or hate kikes?

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Me and my friends are all racially aware, most of us are outright National Socialists and Catholic. Those views are the minority in our generation, but its a very significant minority. Growing up surrounded by nigger culture tends to do that to a midwestern white kid.

The raids are pretty obvious. They simply can't help sounding like complete faggots. It's easy to spot most of the time.

That's the problem with living in an echo chamber. You never get a taste of friction.

That girl's pussy stinks like trash water

That's why the founders advocated for a revolution every 200 years.

Early reports are that they are based after seeing the insanity of the nuts above them....but I'm sure they are being (((indoctrinated))) hardcorps to reverse that fact.

Racially aware in the midwest, no kidding? National Socialism is a retarded proposition in America, please FUCKING THINK about what it means. We are a diverse country and nothing will change that because we are fat, happy, and distracted. The world order had to squash the identity of Nazi Germany for this to replace it, it isn't coming back. The right foot is something different, like technocracy and aristocracy mixed together.

Gen X here raising 4 white zoomers they redpilled themselves before I could. Just found out my second child frequents Jow Forums . Couldn’t be prouder, he is a chad too though the new Jow Forums aren’t misfits they just hide their power levels.

No. And anyone who says so is probably some faggot 12 year old

I don't blame anyone, but no one is going to do a revolution. No one on Jow Forums or anyone further authoritarian or right than Trump is selfless, strong, resourceful, or charismatic enough.

Hence why no one in history ever got a free pass out of the age of decadence, and we won't be any different.

Spoken like a true loser

Yeah i’m from Ohio so we got alot of niggers and arabs here. We kinda realized that the USA is always going to be a diverse jewish shithole for the rest of its existance. I personally dont think an outright National Socialist state is possible in our near future but a sort of White Nationalist state absolutely could exist. A sort of White Israel I suppose.

Dont listen to this faggot Godspeed brother

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Gen X is the part of the problem, you cucks are even worse, you're the degenrate fags who allowed all this cuck shit into America

Nice meme flag


I can make her happy and defend her from mexishits

Calling the other guy a faggot. The one telling you to stop being based

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My bad im a little shmizzed rn

No dipshit I was on the tail end of the X generation too young to know what was going on but once I realized it I made it a goal to red pill my children so I’ve done way more than your Incel ass has

The only good zoomer is a dead zoomer.

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Dont make me do it old man

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Hard to tell. Most are still young. Also they are not in general more intelligent then most generations, so the trend of the vast majority being opinionless "npcs" who mimic their friends, with a few people who are actually politically charged.
The difference is the position of these politcally charged individuals. In the late millenials generations who are now in their 20s and 30s, the trend was to deviate from traditional political positions in exchange for a cdntrist position. Mostly everyone was "fiscally conserrvative but socially liberal". The genXers and boomers were largely liberal youths. GenZers however, the few ones old enough to hold legitimate political views show more radicalism then previous generations. They aren't all fascists, but they are usually either full on communists or full on fascists.

zzzzzoomer here, rabbi.
whit males are basically nazbol tier everyone else is a fucking pansy. ethnostate soon 1/

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thats why theyre all bisexual. dressing like a girl is redpilled!

>answer the pedo problem 4 me


Are you people actually aware that this generational stuff probably applies mostly only to the US?

Most Gen Z I know are progressive fags.

Although Gen X Nihilism is consistent where I live.

They're both. Somehow zoomers are both the most ZOGGED and redpilled generation at the same time.

This, we’re pretty polarized.

It's fairly true in Canada, ie America lite

Go suck Somali dick

I had zoomers tell me that their black friends are retarded. When I ask why they say "cause they're niggers" though I do admit half of them are this that's as far as i got with them.



trump and republicans and just as garbage as the democrats.
But if you're white and vote for democrats there's something seriously wrong with you

No, they are honest to God the most poz'd fuckers I have ever come across in my entire life. It's pretty sad honestly. I blame the internet. They have instant access 24/7 to Jewish filth. It might as well be getting directly beamed into their brains at this point. The only hope we have left is for (((the system))) to collapse and for hardship and suffering to transform them while they are still young enough to change their ways.

Plenty of based zoomers. At least a certain level of it anyways. These young kids grow up in multiracial schools and don't think of each other as overly different so being told what to do and that xyz is racist is enough to get kids to rebel.

Then college hits and society loses a portion to communism as the tribalism and defeatism takes hold

>They have instant access 24/7 to Jewish filth
If you have an Instagram look up @Snapchat_Degeneracy, you can see first hand the shit they’re feeding kids over social media. Its disgusting.

It's like 25-35% totally unphased by bluepills, 25-35% progressive kool-aid chuggers, and the rest are in the middle/neutral with possibly some minor leanings

Time to play the jew faggots.

If we want to win this war we must adopt the appearance of our enemies. We must take their propaganda campaigns to the next level, and make it so clear that white genocide and the destruction of the US is what they want that no normie could miss it. Time is on their side. They have been patient, planning their moves on year-long schedules, moving along at such a slow pace that most people don't pick up on what's happening. Things are changing though. If someone has the Steinlight plan pic, post it. Basically the pace of jew propaganda is steadily increasing, to the point where it's becoming more noticeable. The kikes know that people will realize eventually, but they're hoping it'll be too late by then.

Chaos is what they want. Let's give it to them.

Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist
Jow Forums is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about

We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too

Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!



>bonus meme
Curious case of Jason Dalton MKUltra Uber killer

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Born '97. My life has been Bush/Iraq War, Obama along with BLM and all the shit that went down from 08-16 - not just social movement shit but culture as well, then Trump. I always say there's no other time I'd rather be alive.

as a zoomer who recently graduated highschool:
genz women are fucked up degenerate sluts even more so than the millennial women because these girls grew up and were molded by social media attention
genz men are very polarized, you have the manwhores fucking tons of girls like degenerate niggers and you have virgins who either majority voluntary celibates who hate the degeneracy on all sides
in general i think they suck and all they do is party, smoke weed, drink, juul, have sex and browse the net
they wont be saving anyone, in fact i think this generation is the precursor to a Wiemar tier generation
i get that america is technically more degenerate than Wiemar already but thats just because of the tech, we will see seriously weird shit in gen alpha, especially if the economy isnt good in 10-20 years which it wont be

crazy you have interest rates over 15% yet Gen Z Argentinians are still "progressive" how does even that happen?

As an elder z00mer I can confirm this

Most of Gen Z is still too young to understand how interest rates has an effect on the world around them.

>700 watts

We have no right-wing party.

We only have shills, Macri may just start blowing Soros pipi.

He made the country pay the IMF loan to just install all the degeneracy of Soros into the educational system.

It's sickening.

But then the bigger issue is that after the zoomers, you'll end up with another generation that's worse than Boomers and Millennials combined that will repeat the circle. Why are there no counter-measures to prevent it from happening again.

No way man. We are either on the way to societal collapse, or a complete turn around.

U need to cleanse the Elites to stop the brainwashing first.

Step 2... I don't fucking know.

Born 1999. I would say that we're more based than millennials, not the majority but the ones that are redpilled are radical as fuck. Something rare in other generations.

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Same age, I think it's because of the internet. Some of us ended up on the edgy side of things growing up, and now look where we are.

>tfw my little zoomer brother can barley communicate full sentences much less express his opinion
Its tough because I try to chat with him and his friends as much as I can but I cant blame him for being on the internet glued to his computer chair when his entire generation is socially retarded. Alot of millenials dont quite know how bad things are, try talking to a zoomer and see his hollow their conversational skills are, they're like zombies. Theres a level of cadence and facial repose they all lack when speaking, its really weird.

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I think most of sout-america is delayed 1 or 2 generations in terms of sharing certain kind of behavior and reactionary movements, anyways here in Perú cities are divided between 50/50, currently trannies are growing, currently there are 2 or 3 trannies in my (public) collegue. Good thing is that they still get bullied.

I think your brother might be just autistic.

Fourth Reich by 2030?

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If I'm not mistaken, the actual surveying was not done by The Hispanic Heritage Foundation, but a student scamming website called MyCollegeOptions and may have been self selected with very little methodology detailed. So these results are not necessarily accurate.
From other studies I have seen, zoomers identify as about 7% fascist and 7% communist respectively. More polarized than millennials. But at the same time, I was a much edgier natsoc as a teenager myself before settling down and becoming a traditionalist conservative, so these results may change. A lot of people have a commie stage when they're young, too. The 60s had a huge leftist wave and it eventually ran out of steam and never materialized in the West as revolution, just 40 years of liberal virtue signalling bullshit.

That word is a stale meme at this point. The kids these days just dont engage people face-to-face enough.


My nieces and nephew (14-17) and their circle of friends are all based af.

no they are not they are sociopaths and so are you
>hehe we are so based strangers on the internet now think so so we are so based
dumb little nigger

trannies are growing in Argentina, and in my home town are depraved af, they love to fuck trannies, even when I was in High School teachers were talking about it.

It's shamed publicly but it's the elephant in the room, everybody knows who's the tranny fucker.

Anyway, I'm considering escaping to another country whenever I can.

How are things, Samnang? Are you khmer or a tourist?

They will be forced trp. Gov will eventually run out of money and they will see every other group protecting their own. So they will pretty much be forced to become a demographic or die.

That graph gives me a tremendous amount of hope.

Based fellow zoomer
>genz women are fucked up degenerate sluts even more so than the millennial women because these girls grew up and were molded by social media attention
this, I met one girl at my High school who was not only qt but seemed somewhat trad like. (may help that she wasn't from the US to begin with but from Quebec)
Everyother THOT was AIDS holy shit I'm glad I graduated, apperantly from what I heard some freshmen we're destorying the bathrooms and even broke the sink clean off and a couple freshmen thots were getting pregnant.
>genz men are very polarized, you have the manwhores fucking tons of girls like degenerate niggers and you have virgins who either majority voluntary celibates who hate the degeneracy on all sides
>tfw you're that virgin
I don't even think of girls in a postive view anymore at this point, why bother? Manwhores deserve the bullet as well.
>in general i think they suck and all they do is party, smoke weed, drink, juul, have sex and browse the net
this as well
>i get that america is technically more degenerate than Wiemar already but thats just because of the tech, we will see seriously weird shit in gen alpha, especially if the economy isnt good in 10-20 years which it wont be
I give it 5 - 10 personally
If you mind me asking what state you from zoomer bro I'm from washington so its not a surprise for my state to be AIDS (especially in the citys)

You're in denial of your brother's possible autism

>Also what's the final solution to the pedo problem?

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>but the ones that are redpilled are radical as fuck
Since I redpilled myself at 12 my resolve has only grown and now nothing can hurt my leanings.
I unironically wish for a race war in the US or Europe

>Are Zoomer actually based?
Anyone that says zoomer or boomer is a total faggot, so it's not surprising that OP would bring this up.

Its literally hard right, hard left, and people who don't give a fuck. With a 20% voting turnout there is space for a new party I think.