Anyone else hope this mediocre bland super hero movie wins best picture just to further wake people up?
Black Panther Nominated for 7 Oscars
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Nobody will care
Giving one single fuck about nigger movies and Jew awards. Absolute state of OP.
blacks definitely will. It will be all over social media, in a million articles, etc. Normies will be bombarded with people telling them why this is an amazing thing.
It will last one day until the next outrage comes along.
nigger man, thats epic XD
oscars are a joke, just like other stupid prizes out there.
Have you seen any movies in 2018? Hollywood is a giant shit machine that shits into the mouths of shit-eating goyim. Annihilation was pretty cool though, but they even managed to fuck up a neat concept with muh wimin soldiers! The movie industry is done. Every pile of shit they produce just gets thrown onto netflix within a few months anyway.
should have attacked it in reverse and got it nominated for the most awards ever.
That movie is shitty fantasy.
The real history of Africa is told in Unbreakable. See more information:
It was a good fanfiction about banging a Jewish chick.
its not up for best picture. its up for 'best popular picture'. they made up a new category just for it
such a weird fucking movie.
had to laugh out loud a few times, especially when the big negro guy turns into a gorilla, and when they wear fucking loinclothes in a techno city.
Reminder over 70% of voters in these things are actors and play writers. Literally no one but Hollywood votes for this bullshit awards.
What? The Hurt Locker is fantastic
The best way to insult the film is to point out that it's just Thor but with black people
I was pissed LaLa Land was passed over at the last minute
>Trying to maintain order in cold-war America
>A mute maid puts everyone at risk just because she's horny.
>Gay old man acknowledges the creatures is a wild animal AFTER it fucking bites off the head of his cats(they even play it off as a joke)
>The "heroes" release this thing, without fully knowing what it is or what it can do
>The "heroes" assist in the MURDER of a government agent, just because they're lonely.
Strickland did nothing wrong.?
Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.
They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. The caveposting. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.
This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.
user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.
Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.
Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED._-_!
If Black Panther wins an Oscar it would merely be the death knell of the award, trying to remain relevant in a time where people give zero fucks about them.
It probably deserves it. I dont think hollyjew makes good movies anymore
Niggers are so fucking stupid they don't know what patronizing is.
right and that's obvious to us, but Jow Forums forgets that most people are low iq sheeple. it takes more of this shit to slowly wake people up. None of the apolitical white normies I know liked the film that much. The general consensus was "It was ok I guess, but it was like every marvel movie. I'm getting kind of tired of them" Meanwhile every nigger shouts "wakanda fo' eva" if it's even brought up. They genuinely think it's one of the best movies ever made.
Ya know, I had my doubts about the movie, but I actually did enjoy it. It made lot of good points with subtle red pills even if it had a "no walls" feel good ending.
It also go blacks to fucking go out and not act like niggers and shut the fuck up during a movie for a change. Plus all the tribal paint on the nigresses was kinda hot.
One of the worst Marvel movies so far.
How the fuck does BP get nominated over Infinity War that got praise from nearly everyone and earned over 2 billion dollars. Im fucking sick of your nigger population America.
Leftist "awards" shows haven't been meritocratic for several decades now.
It's about who can be the gayest and/or the niggest; or who can shit on white people the most.
oy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
It wasn't even the best marvel superhero movie of 2018
What're you on about?
how can you be attracted to a race of women who look like their men in drag.
All superhero movies are shit, its hard to cherry pick which one is mildly better. And at the very least, creating a fictional world where niggers are a first world power must take alot of imagination
Time to play the jew faggots.
If we want to win this war we must adopt the appearance of our enemies. We must take their propaganda campaigns to the next level, and make it so clear that white genocide and the destruction of the US is what they want that no normie could miss it. Time is on their side. They have been patient, planning their moves on year-long schedules, moving along at such a slow pace that most people don't pick up on what's happening. Things are changing though. If someone has the Steinlight plan pic, post it. Basically the pace of jew propaganda is steadily increasing, to the point where it's becoming more noticeable. The kikes know that people will realize eventually, but they're hoping it'll be too late by then.
Chaos is what they want. Let's give it to them.
Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist
Jow Forums is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about
We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too
Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!
>bonus meme
Curious case of Jason Dalton MKUltra Uber killer
the hurtlocker its pure low quality hollywood propaganda and you know it.
I hope it wins all 7 nominations. People will get redpilled and the Oscars will loose so much credit.
Propaganda for what?
If you actually care about he Oscars kys user. Please, before you spread those genes. Do it for the species.
La La Land was good. I don't enjoy musicals in general, but that one was pretty good. Well picked music, decent cinematography and of course Ryan Gosling makes even straight guys want to dock, so it was definitely one of the better for me that year. I can see snobs that vote on this stuff saying "Auuw, it's annuda' moosical, seen one seen 'em auull", though.
I hope it wins all 7. I used to love the movies. I enjoyed watching the Oscars to see the talent behind the movies I enjoyed each year. The last time I gave a shit was when Return Of The King swept because I legit thought the cast and crew deserved it and wanted to witness it. I simply don't give a shit about Hollywood or the Oscars anymore. It's nothing but leftist bullshit now.
Man I just saw Serenity and I liked it. Didn't expect that.
I wouldnt be so sure of that
Nobody who matters care about black people
He looks bad man
The Oscars aren't objective or logical. They just give awards to the biggest names, and the most hyped movies.
Well it was the best movie because it had black people, lots of black people AND even secret futuristic black people, no other movies can even compete
the more you matter, the more money you give them to survive.
The oscars are scripted, just like every other aspect of hollywood.
Saving Private Ryan getting beat by Shakespeare In Love was the biggest Hollywood blackpill of the 90s for me.
People who have a big sack of shekels don't matter either.
Stop putting kikes on a pedestal you dumb faggot
Triples confirm
Shouldn't Infinity War be nominated then for 70 Oscars? Surely they don't mean that Black Panther is in any way better than The Lord of the Rings.
>people who add enough value to society to provide to their family, instead of needing the government to provide for them, don't matter.
>If you can support your family, you're putting kikes on a pedestal
Checked. Who cares about the Oscars though? Fuck Hollywood.
So when are we going to meme Mommy Ocasio-Cortez into the presidency and rip apart these fuckers?
Yes, we do live in an society
you're learning! its so adorable really
>Nominated for 7 Oscars
>Anyone else hope this mediocre bland super hero movie wins best picture just to further wake people up?
>checked and this
never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake
so you have nothing of value to say. got it.
As a long time lover of Marvel, I really haven't understood why everyone sucks this movie's dick. It was okay. Only okay. Definitely not the best movie ever. Though so many normies claim it to be not only the best Marvel movie ever, but one of the best movies ever created.
Hahaha that movie was fucking awful. Only won because female director. That point was shilled continuously
I actually remember this, kek.
i'de high-key fuck that water creature thing desu full homo