
Last post of the night lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

where am i to go

you didnt forget her...did you?

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Why is that black man stealing the homeless guys phone?

onions green is people

lol the filter

he has to dm your mum somehow

You cheeky sod


It's embarrassing how low quality the average person is in this country.

I increasingly find myself drawn more towards an aristocracy/elitism than run-of-the-mill nationalism (usually premised on the notion that your country's people have some kind of exceptional value/worth).

*tips fedora*

The average person here is still a million times better than a nog. But still, aggressive eugenics is best

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I was in Korea when that happened

Someone hack me, I've no idea who

Because I'm in a dispute with them and vowed to wipe out 1 billion of them

>Jow Forums
Because I BTFO of their white identity America BS

>Glow in the dark niggers
Just because


Because they think I'm a Alt Right darkweb leader from hanging around here

>Jow Forums enemies
By association

I always expose their film's sodomy message

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Why do you type like a multiculturalist TV ad?
They are "low quality" in your opinion because that quality was instilled by design so other people reach that same conclusion of yours.

The system in place is designed to promote immorality and degeneracy and prevent people from reaching their full potential. It is designed to keep us atomized, confused, docile and powerless. It is the role of nationalists to help lead and lift up the nation that we are unable to fulfill at present.

Jeremy Corbyn is going to put one of these in every home in Britain.

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When the 8 goddesses thing was revealed or when they did the ship sacrifice?

>Britain does not care about peace in Northern Ireland, to them it is a nuisance.

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Obviously I prefer them to immigrants, it's just demoralising when you compare our masses of norf scum with other countries in Europe.

Eugenics is a must.

britpol, more like britpasta.. ya im rite.


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

You have to British to post in here.


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Genetically low-quality.

I probably sound like a massive narcissist, but you'd understand what I meant if you lived here.

every class is full of cunts


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i've done a number on you

Still, I'd guess it's a "home" problem, it's better than adding a foreign one.

Is the wind literally knocking anyone elses building down? Fookin' brutal

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Comfy rain and a light breeze in N.E Lincs mate


>wut do brother?
So many nmies so few fwends.

Someone Norf this

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House just got blasted with crazy wind whilst reading these lol

That was the blastwave that hit my house reaching your house.

Yeah, but she's a kike so it would have to be some variant of the happy merchant for her.

Me too. World governments are doing weather manipulation.

Giggs needs to be deported.

Well stay safe lads, I’m gonna try and sleep while this rain is hitting the window in a pleasing way. Still adjusting from Texas time.

Rain stopped as I did the capcha. Bastard

I bet my house that Giggs has shafted Rachel Riley


of course he has. She loves Norf FC and he loves cunt slime.

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you dont even own your home dickhead

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What point are you trying to make?

That's why I'd bet it lol

She's wearing the 'nonce spiral'

I'd shag her tbfhwy

She is a kike and a disloyal slag that was fucking her dance instructor on a celebrity dance show and left her husband. She should go on Britains got talent and show everyone how to be burnt at the stake.

She looks like jynx maze with blonde hair and has about the same level of chastity vile slag.

why cant i just be a good person

someone norf this

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>West Ham have launched an investigation into allegations of racial abuse aimed at Liverpool’s Mohammed Salah during Monday’s Premier League clash after a video taken at London Stadium emerged on social media.

>The Liverpool star, 26, was subject to abuse regarding his religious beliefs as he stood over a corner during the 1-1 draw.

>A fan can be heard calling Salah a “f****** Muslim c***”.

wtf I'm Souf F.c now

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someone souf this

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okay I'll add this to the list of photos I need to Souf but they take me like an hour plus to do each one so not till tomorrow

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‘am FC

lol cheers, post when youve cleared your backlog Ive got some ideas

Got to do this one then i'll work on the other lad. You're welcome.

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Couldn't this be exploited?

>that pic

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some more reference pics

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I hope not

I'd fucking love to see this get Norf FC'd

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fucking kek

>We must secure the existence for Greggs and a future for sausage rolls

Yeah I should really do that one too, there's too much potential material.

I have the best one ever but Ill tell you tomorrow

Jordan Peterson drank one can of cider and couldn't sleep for a month.

Paul atredies and Rick dekard please

Okay but it's on the backburner but remind me later on when the new ones get posted.

Aye lad I'll be lurking.

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Bunch of miserable cunts, here's something cheery to liven up the thread a bit

Just read this in a comment under an article in The Guardian:
>The UK Black Caribbean community has made an enormous positive contribution to this country
Fucking delusional.

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Hey Bongs!
How are you guys tonight?!

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fuck your sausage rolls

im a posh cunt me

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Such as?

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Does anyone have the image of the times the EU made members vote again or just outright ignored the vote?
I think its from a book.
They don't take no for an answer, something like that.

I'll show you my pure white hand if you want.

Some of it isn’t quite right such as the Swedish example

Can’t remember the name of the writer but someone will tell you

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I've noticed this "THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF BRITON" meme in Brit Pol a lot and it is not really any different to leftist hatred of the working class.

Realistically, calling it 'genetic' shows a lack of understanding of genetics. Most of those people just need a proper education and to be put to work. Not competing with chimps who want to knock them over and rape them, not raised on a fucking diet of deep fried cigarettes. There's a Noblesse Oblige, as well, and it never comes from jumped up bougies who've decided to go Tory for the lels.

I mean, I'm a fucking convict and my IQ isn't too bad. People think I'm English all the time which shows you what you can do if you put down the Irn-Bru.

Yanks have to post their foreskins if they want to be taken seriously here

Fuck knows. They didn't elaborate, but if I had to guess they'd probably say
>Muh music
>Muh sports
>Muh EnHayChess

Checked and thank you very much, mate.

That's fucked up dude.
It's not my fault my parents fucked me over with the whole foreskin thing man cmon.
Can I borrow yours?

When did 'cute' become a dirty word?

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what book is this from?

>I've noticed this "THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF BRITON" meme in Brit Pol a lot and it is not really any different to leftist hatred of the working class.
I can't stand dickheads who like to shit on the plebs in this country. It's easy to feel superior to some of them and bash them, but it still makes me feel like a cunt when I do, because I know that had things been slightly different in my life I could have been one of them and of course, ultimately, they are still my people.

Is this really her? Her mouth looks the same.

Fucking read what I wrote you fucking goblin spastic fucks sake

What's Eddie been up to guys?

Why are these British bois being so mean Ameribro?

Stay strong Brits.

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