" Muh IQ"

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>Irish people are dumb fucks
Ah yes, new and startling information.

>Irish are low iq
Yeah we already knew that, hell the Irish already know that. If they had the iq of normal Europeans they would be able to have sovereignty over their whole tiny little Island. They are content with just being the fun loving little mics they are today. Only the IRA and fenian larpers give half a shit about their low IQ. The rest of europe has just accepted it and moved on.

>There is no correlation between genetics and IQ.

>irishman detected
Everyone else already knows. Sorry you had to find out like that.

Why do you think we put them in labor-intensive factories and death-intensive civil war battlefields?

Ireland has the HIGHEST FLOURIDE CONTENT IN THEIR WATER. No coincidence. Was done to pacify them because of the troubles.

"what is Roman Catholicism"? for $500, Alex

>tfw only half irish
>tfw only half dumb
Mutt wins agian

Potatoniggers are dumb niggers, more news at 11.


This is hardly news. Also it's a common practice for shills to create threads that are nothing but ancient news articles with the date cropped out.

By what?


Pick one.

Modern Irish are descended from malnourished, maleducated peasantry, where any man with the courage, skills and will to do anything about his condition was either ruthlessly put down, or fled to another country. No surprise here.

We're being invaded by kike shills

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Proddies dragging us down. They're only cleverer than gypsies

Proof that lower iq whites are still more capable and better behaved than similarly low iq blacks. IQ alone as a marker is completely useless. It is purely down to race, which is a large series of varied markers that yes, includes iq but it is simply not enough.

IQ is a product or our genetic differences to other races, not the prime mover.

This is what happens when you select for high iq instead of values, merit and racial kinship.

But most of the far-right will still flap their gums about the useless iq difference.

Shareblue got marching orders to hit us hard this week

I know, I noticed a large increase in negative threads today after the SOTU address last night.

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they're the niggers of the white race

irish arent even human, but they are cute desu senpai

Well I verify that, fucking bunch of inbred fucking bastards. When I around 11 years old, it tried to tell one of these dumb bastards what Saliva Glands were, anyway, I ended up receiving a blow to the head with a tennis racket for my troubles, still have scar over my eye. I'm very empathic, I think everyone is the same as me, I never treat people like they're lower in any way.

Anyone, I often tell Irish people things, and they're reaction is often hostile, they get physically disgusted with me for being intelligent, I've learned to hate them over a long period of time, they really are bastards.


i read that in an irish accent and it was awesome

Irish people are very much White. They genetically overlap with Anglos

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>and they're reaction

It’s almost like there’s a large environmental component to IQ.

> People who chimp out and blow themselves up at the concept of a land border are pretty stupid.

Never would have guessed.

>low on Euro scale
>still beat niggers and arabs

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It's okay Paddy, we know you're doing your best to overcome your racial disadvantages.

Hate to disappoint you, but I sound more like a posh English person. Some people also think I have a slight Canadian accent also.

Well, that and Ireland being heavily colonised by Anglos. Anglo-Irish =/= Irish.

> racial kinship.
I almost vomit
IQ and ideology is 99% of what matters

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They have nearly the same genetic profile. 23 and me can’t even tell them apart.


good goy

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23 and me is run by kikes.

Wouldn't have steam engines except for the Irish...

I'm 1/4 Irish from my maternal grandfather and he was an engineer, rich as fuck currently. Feels good to be descended from the +2sigma potatoes with the brains to leave Ireland

Don't ever speak of 23andMe in anything but a negative context.
To quote a wise man -
>I'm glad there are no stupid people on Jow Forums.

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> kiiiiiiiikes

Fine. Suppose 23 and me is lying. In every PCA analysis an Irish person is closer to an Anglo than a German. Are Germans non White now?

What the fuck are you on about, lots of people in lots of countries were developing steam engines but I can't think of a notable Irishman.


Germans were never white. The wogs start at Calais.

Protestant invention, before their Glorious Revolution, they were bending over backwards trying to be the most British person that ever lived, after the Protestant Revolution, Brits never existed anyway, they were wiped out by some Germans, this, because the Glorious Revolution's allies in Europe were nearly all Germanic. Their version of Pan Germanism is a fucking lie. Shakespeare is a fucking degenerate.

I thought this was established during the famine despite being an island surrounded by fish

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Why are the Irish such subhuman animals? Do you know ONE Irish person or an "Irish" person who isn't a worthless sack of shit?

I was referring to 23andMe's ethical practices. I presume their methods of analysis are high accuracy, although I don't really care because I will never go near their services. It should be a bannable offense to post your genetic analysis on Jow Forums of all places. You are now aware that the CEO of 23andMe is the SISTER of the CEO of YouTube, which is of course owned by Google. And of course you use reCAPTCHA to post here.

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You're called potato niggers for a reason.

and don't forget to take your (((meds)))

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Iirc correctly Irish Americans on average have slightly higher than average IQ scores (100-104) while native Irish have the lowest scores in northern and western Europe (mid 90s)

Why is this? Did selective pressures prefer higher IQ Irish to immigrate?

Christopher Langan?

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The literal German nearly starved to death in 1946 too, without foreign aid, they literally would've perished under Morgenthau Plan. The point being; Protestants are trash.

Another one sold out their data as reported two days ago. Of course I am one of the few running about informing the dumbfucks who not only use these services, but tempt others here to do the same and post their results.

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So let me get this straight.

All of Europe is basically Germanic. Let’s go with that.

What we understand to be Anglos and Irish people these days have a different genetic profile than German people that is detectable genetic tests and comes out prominently in PCA analysis.

PCA analysis places Irish and “Anglo” people in the same cluster because they overlap.

So Anglos don’t exist, but somehow form a different genetic cluster that overlaps with the Irish cluster and is highly distinct from the German cluster.

Actually ... this isn’t making sense at all. I’m trying to be charitable, but what you’re saying makes little sense from a genetic perspective. It might make sense culturally.

I'm Irish and I'm no retard. I'm a drunk, but I'm not stupid. What about Colin Quinn?

I actually agree that 23 and me is unethical, but the topic was genetics, not how ethical they are.

Stefan molyneux released that video about Ireland 2040 plan and the antiirish threads have started piping up. They then censored the video on youtube

I don't believe it because I'm Irish and I've never even heard if iq so how can mine be low?

Micks are still smarter than non-whites by a country mile though

That is not necessarily what should be inferred
Although measuring bulk genetic similarity is useful it doesn't really tell us which genes are more important for what
So even statistically small changes could manifest massive phenotypic differences

No, Irish people are White and IQ has a strong environmental component.

You’re trying to shoehorn a hedetarian explanation when it doesn’t make sense.

I do think genetic components to IQ exist and they probably vary by race, but we’re talking about the same genetic stock, so there’s no way it’s not environmental.


That’s a fair point. I think it’s a little far fetched but possible that an extremely subtle genetic differences is causing the Anglo/Irish IQ gap. I doubt it though.

You shouldn't even mention them in a positive light if you can avoid it.

The video is apparently banned here. But I was able to download it using a mobile YouTube downloader. It's in my view queue to watch later.

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Cross channel cultures existed from the Bronze Age. Caesar himself wrote that he attacked the Britons because they were fighting against him in Gaul allied to the Veneti, prior to that there are heaps of continental relationships going back to the Neolithic. But only after the Glorious Revolution do we get Pan Germanism. And even that marker for supposed Germans, was found in DNA from Briton in Roman times.

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fake and gay irish are the true master race

> you shouldn’t mention them in a positive light

I don’t think I did. I meant to use neutral framing because the focus is was genetics. That said, I’ll be clear. Fuck 23 and Me. Don’t use them. Don’t give them money. Don’t give them your DNA.

>we are talking about the same genetic stock
No we are not
choosing to immigrate to the US or not would be a very clear bottle neck that prefers people of certain temperaments over others
We are also have to consider that the American Irish breeding population is more likely to be admixed with other european pops

my take on the Flynn effect is that IQ testing is made up of multiple correlates of "g" that are of various strength
What we have been measuring with the Flynn effect has been the less heritable aspects of g and iq but their remands a strong heritable core (twin studies have for heritability to be around 50-80%)

irish american w/ 135 IQ checking in

Isn't this strange? But pic related seems to map directly onto archeological cultures of the third millennium BC, but that can't be right? Because Germans just appeared out of a forest around 400AD then wiped out everyone.

pic related

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>mfw mom and dad are irish
this is why im a fucking retard its not fair

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The only thing stupider than an Irishman is a Pole.

>Be Irish/German
>Go take the smartyman test
>0 study walk-in
>140 IQ
I like my taters scalloped thx

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Gracias para la informacion.

>Germans just appeared out of a forest around 400AD then wiped out everyone

Teutoburg forest was 4 centuries earlier.

Attached: Germania.png (700x491, 188K)

Oh good, another reason to not give a fuck about what Bono thinks.

t. 90 iq retard

you mean people prone to addiction mate and make children who have the same genetics leading to rampant alcoholism that kills brain cells?
who wudda thunk

>taking the time to cap all of that
you guys really are retarded

I know, I'm taking the piss, the Germans were literally Equestrian tier at the beginning of the Empire.

It only took the one person to create that, but many have easily shared and viewed it. And for a good cause, to draw attention and to archive the persistent shill threads spammed here during a time.

Ireland has been exporting its smartest people for centuries. Any Irishman with a couple of functioning brain cells got out of there the second they could; it's called brain drain and this is one of its long term consequences

However, Ireland is today one of the only nations in Europe with a sincere "fighting spirit" and a definitive national culture it can be proud of. One stupid belligerent bogtrotting mick is more alive and more valuable than 10 Germans IMO. I too hate the Irish and find them obnoxious and stupid, but I sincerely love them for the same reasons

Things don't look so great for them at the moment, but they've seen worse, and the damage is less pronounced than their neighbors. Wish em all the best, truly

No wonder so many of them fall for the communism meme. Sad.

>Ever heard of the Irish brain drain?

its well documented that irish are subnhuman apes, closer to a potato than a man

the average says very little about the distribution of high and low IQ people.
theres plenty of super-intelligent irish, none of the authors or poets in their history had an average IQ no matter what the average is.
hell if every book written in history was by an irishman it would have no bearing on the intelligence or capability of an average IQ potato, theyd still be retarded.

similar with every group of people. high IQ jews might run hollywood but it doesnt raise the intelligence of kikemutts living in israeli slums

>tfw half potato nigger half Dutch

Guess I'm not white after all.

Are you really going to only respond the meme part of my post and completely ignore the most important point? Even if Ireland averages the lowest iq in europe it is by a negligible amount.

My dad fulfills the filthy rich Irish American stereotype. Very successful accountant, and the family isnt snub like the stereotypical Protestants who get rich