Was he a racist?
Was he a racist?
nu/pol/ has no idea who this is, most posters are shitskins
“I’m not a racist, I just think non-whites are subhuman filth, and they will pay with their blood for what they have done to the white race. They all will die.” De William Luther (Hold the Martin) Pierce
"its the kikes!"
I love Ron Paul too!
Who cares, everybody is.
No, he was a saint who loved his people. If you wish to know more, start here.
Of course he was, he just didn't hide the fact like a bitch, like 99% of people on this planet.
Racist is a fucking commie hex word invented by a commie jew. Cleanse your mind of what the mainstream media has taught you. Its not hate to love your own, to value them over others.
Probably. But he had two white sons and a wife that he abandoned to play Hitler in West Virginia. And they are all he really left behind except some badly written books and old ADV recordings.