Was he a racist?

Was he a racist?

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nu/pol/ has no idea who this is, most posters are shitskins

“I’m not a racist, I just think non-whites are subhuman filth, and they will pay with their blood for what they have done to the white race. They all will die.” De William Luther (Hold the Martin) Pierce

"its the kikes!"

I love Ron Paul too!

Who cares, everybody is.

No, he was a saint who loved his people. If you wish to know more, start here.

Of course he was, he just didn't hide the fact like a bitch, like 99% of people on this planet.

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Racist is a fucking commie hex word invented by a commie jew. Cleanse your mind of what the mainstream media has taught you. Its not hate to love your own, to value them over others.

Probably. But he had two white sons and a wife that he abandoned to play Hitler in West Virginia. And they are all he really left behind except some badly written books and old ADV recordings.


>tfw started on /new/
>fully aware of guys like Pierce and Steele
>remember the memes revolving around Fat Harold, Axis Sally, and the Northwest Front

saddest thing desu is that Steele is forgotten. dude was so articulate, educated, and good with words, yet got thrown into a prison because of the kikes, and no one even remembers or cares.

He is a figure that those of us who followed him grew out of after he died. We are past the point of no return. American is dead and the white race has less than 100 years left.

"Abandoned" Stop projecting nigger...

If that is really how you feel,kys.

So you are saying that he didn't abandon his boys before they reached adulthood and visited them fewer than 5 times before he died?

not only was he a racist but he was also a pedophile

I have no reason to kill myself. I took a wife of a different type race and we are raising our multicultural family successfully.

Dr Pierce was based on everything except Christianity. Can't really blame him though because how much Christianity has been made a target for takeover by Marxists and Jews over the last 100 years though.

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I thought Kevin Alfred Strom was the one that went to prison for CP. Was Dr. Pierce into child exploitation as well?

Have you ever been through a divorce?

Yep, big time pedo
look into it

Dude no one cares! You fuckers and your jew this jew that and jew everything, ENOUGH ALREADY! Just focus on the task at hand, we have so much more important shit going on than "le ebul jooos". We have socialists lingering in the shadows waiting to strike at the Gd Emperor and derail any and all progress we've made thus far and you guys are literally taking the glow in the darks divide and conquer bait tactics, just stop it. Focus! and together united as ONE AMERICAN UNIT there isn't a single mountain we can't climb, no obstacle we can't over come together. MAGA!

Sounds like you have many reasons to me. You should reconsider.

No. But she divorced him years after he abandoned them and moved to WV. They were still married during his George Lincoln Rockwell years.

You don't seem to understand that this is not a battle against Socialism, this is a battle against Satan. Same thing dude.

Your lonely pathetic virginity is enough reason for you.

This thread is a perfect microcosm of the modern state of Jow Forums. Its fucking dead. Perhaps this is good. People have taken what they needed and moved on.

where have they moved on pray tell... :)

He died?

Debateable but I'd say no.

No, he lives in the hearts and minds of all of us

They moved on to r/TheDonald, where all the Trump worshipers congregate.

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"No. But she divorced him years after he abandoned them and moved to WV."

1.Ok so you have never been there, got it.
2. "Abandoned" tells me you dont know wtf you are talking about. The american mercury has a extensive bio on their relationship up and into his moving to the WV compound. Tl:dr you dont know wtf you speak of.


he was a noble soul and a true paladin

Have you consider theater work? They are hiring projectionist. Bonus if you are a faggot. You should look into it.

Where ever you want them to sweetie..:)

No, just sexist.

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OK, I guess I'm the NPC now.

The jews are the task at hand retard. Who do you think runs the media that opposes Trump? Who do you think controls the democrats (and many republicans) and uses them to oppose Trump? Who do you think is married to Trump's favorite child and uses his position to give bad advice to Trump like an IRL Grima Wormtongue?

Time to get panties

The correct question is: are we equal?

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/tv/ is unironically more NatSoc than current Jow Forums.

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Trying to explain this to Mr. MAGA is wasting your time.

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how about you fuck off if you're not satisfied ?
you are so fucking demanding, like a woman or a jew

you give them Jerusalem as a capital
they want Syria

we know
we know about the jew
we know about his thievery

It really is the kikes.

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"What are you doing with this dog eating gook, let's go get some fine Aryan pussy," Based and racistpilled

I know that guy
idk how or why

Who is Steele? I haven't heard of him. Big fan of WLP though, read/listen to National Vanguard more than Jow Forums lately.

K, But you are a leaf.

This person is Jewish btw.

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Would have to say no

He struck me as very fact based and oriented

You’re racist for thinking he’s racist

He might be a caved-in head boomer as well.

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No but his cat was

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>utter worship of Jewliwood
>more natsoc than Jow Forums

No he’s a hero. I listen to him on and off and started listening to him again a few days ago and have never been so angry but simultaneously motivated in my entire life

>thish.. wonderful life


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