How do I flirt with men?

I am extreamly shy when it comes to romantic relationships, but there is this guy I really have taken a shining to. How do I flirt with this person without coming off as slutty or overeager?

I try to text him every now and then asking how his day is and we hang out with mutual friends once or twice a week, usually on the weekend.

He is eccentric but not autistic and likes dark humor.

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start out by asking him to hang out without the friends, and see whee that leads you.

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Does he like shy girls? A lot of guys do, it's actually considered a desirable trait. If he does, I'd emphasize that trait when talking to other people while he's around, but not to him. I'm not saying make it your personality, but make sure he knows your kind of timid. If he likes shy girls, that'll be a good thing on its own, but more importantly the fact that you're texting him and not just waiting for him to say something and generally being open to him will stand out and hopefully make him catch on. Good luck.

Ha, you actually made me think user. How would i want to be approached in this case?

I guess telling or hinting your common friends that you like him would be a good choice. They will most likely relay the information to him. And it will still be within your shy character attribute.

This way the ball will be in his court. Dont change your attitude to him in the meantime, but also dont keep messaging to him. It might feel overbearing and you might loose from the start.

The thing is, I’m not shy around the people we hang out with, just him.

I have considered this but my brain kinda breaks when I’m around him. I can’t think of anything to say, even if I thought of something to talk about with him before hand. Asking over text seems really lame and cowardly to me.

I’m a bitch to everyone but him

But why?

Just be my gf and you won't have to

>I’m a bitch to everyone but him
If I were him, I'd pass.

Because that is how my friends and I show affection. By shit talking each other.

Thats not being a bitch. Thats banter, banter is good when both sides are in on it.

If thats so just tell the friends and eventually he will hear it.

That sounds like some middle school tactic though

Do pic related. Invite him for dinner. Even by text message.

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Well, obv the first choice is directly asking him out. But i feel OP doesnt want to do that and i really think she is a high school student.

Advice runs off women like rain water on a roof

Top kek.

I'm just gonna ask him out

probably how it's gonna go desu :,)

Wise. Good luck.

banter is actually a way of flirting

>banter is actually a way of flirting
If that were true I wouldn't have such a hard time getting a gf.

trips of truth time: only for women.

Thank you for bringing me back to reality.

I know bud, sucks, but you got to suck it up and chad up a bit.

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Invite the guy over to watch a movie with the lights off. As time passes, lean onto him until he is lying on the couch with you lying on top of him. Then kiss him.
Or grab his dick and rev it. That's also good. You know what? Just tell him this.


Oooooo. Things got interesting.

Just open bobs and the rest will flow.

no, u.

It is if they already like you.

My dude, plenty of people like me, but exceedingly few are attracted to me.

there are some though

I only said few because, statistically, I can't say zero.

but that's what I'm saying, there has to be someone. There are +7.5billion people on earth, there have to be some people who are attracted to us.

Oh yeah, for sure, but in my experience those people are an overweight mentally unstable drug addict in my high school theatre class.

Story time

Senpai, please

That's really the whole story.
>in theatre tech
>this girl does a very bad job of hiding the fact that she wants my dick
>do nothing because "don't stick your dick in crazy"
>nobody's ever been into me since
>the end.

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what did she do exactly?

That tipped me off about her being crazy?
Ran away from her parents, talked about her depression and self harm, and her friends were all druggies.
If you meant like, after I did nothing? I have no idea. I *think* she showed up to prom, but I don't remember.

yea, send n00ds.

Flirting is a game of tennis. This is all you need to know. It is a game of tennis.

People of both genders fuck this up constantly, because for some reason they've bought into this idea that they have control over others. They think that if they say the right thing, hold a confident posture, and hit someone with the perfect amount of wit, then the other will be powerless against their will. This sells self-help books, but does not result in relationships.

This is because that is not how it works. You do not have control over someone else. What you do have is influence, and a very small amount of it at that. A very VERY small amount. So why flirt?

Simply, you flirt to confirm that the person is, in fact, also attracted and interested in you. So you serve the tennis ball and start the rally by texting him how his day was. Watch his responding volley. Was it half-hearted? Did he respond right away? Does he seem like he is excited to text you back and tell you how his day was? Does he ask you how your day was, and if so, does he really seem to care? Pay attention to these. If it feels like you are putting in all the effort, you are not playing tennis, this is not a volley, you are not rallying, this is him being polite.

The same can be said when you hang out with him in these groups. Does he make time to talk with you? Does he hone in on you and start a volley, or are you the one putting in all the effort? If that is the case, do not escalate with more flirting, he is not interested in you.