Do young white girls in America hate white boys irl as much as they do on twitter?

T. Deeply concerned Bong as all the shit that happens here always comes here a few years later as always.

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Do not take this bait.

Just answer the fucking question before we get busted by Jannies again

Twitter is a nigger app. Whites use Instagram

Kill yourself now discord tranny, why wait?

How many times will browncel make this thread?

>that feel when no beautiful depressed white qtπ to sing you sad ballads.

sage JIDF

Why do you post her tryhard ass over and over?

I honestly have no idea.

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nothing happens in real life like it does on twitter. Twitter is inhabited by mentally unstable people

So there’s nothing going on like that irl then

perhaps on university campuses? Hardly real life though, its a little safe space for dumbfuck young people.

Yes in the general sense but they will still end up settling down with one that shares their political views and occasionally self flagellates.

Most of them are like this?

i have friends who are those twitter whores. hating white boys. talking trash about white people. being slutty, pro-choice, loud, anti-drumpf, yass bitch fuck white boys on titter. in real life, these SAME GIRLS are in love with white boys. they drool over them. they don't even date guys from other races in real life.


Lana poster is so tiresome.

Jealous kike is jealous. Quit spamming the board with this post. 4th time in the last hour. Go back to Israel where you're women are such whores you have to trace your lineage through your mothers to cover your shame.

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How do they put together these two seperate behaviours in their own minds. How do you know they actually do like white boys?

Western society has a lot of hatred and tension towards white men, but it is not fair to put all the blame on white women for it.
Women also have this strange mental complex where they hate what they love. Often times they just want some decent white guy to be with them and enjoy life together.

gtfo tranny

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they hate the idea of white patriarchy and wamen oppression. but they like white boys. if that makes sense.