Trump just raised US gas price by 2x

$8 gas here we come

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We're a net oil exporter, I think we'll be OK

That's not how it works, American firms pay the global price per barrel the same as everybody else, whether we buy it from Venezuela or wherever.

No one else can refine that shit efficiently and the market is already saturated with oil.
Most of it will be sold back to the US. This isn't even the first time it happens.

Netherlands have better refineries than US.

You have to have oil first.

Ginsberg id dead, and BK modeling agency is full of pedos

You think we profit from fracking? Nope.

Venezuela doesn't export light sweet crude. They export shit that gets turned in to hearing oil. Thank God I live in the south.

They have it, it just happens to be garbage tier sludge

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For heavy crudes?
I doubt that they have the capacity to match what the US was doing.
How the hell would they have this if they weren't using it? Spare capacity would have been extremely expensive to maintain for no reason.

1/10, best I can do

shh, don't let the Venezuelan government know they're cutting off their nose to spite their face

We were processing it for them and shipping it back out. All the oil we're using is domestic shale oil. Venezuela's problem is that their oil is sour heavy crude, high sulfer content, lots of contamination. US refineries are only a few of those capable of processing it.

Based, I've been dollar cost averaging down on Schlumberger (world's biggest oil service company). Oil has so far been the main catalyst for the market recovery in Jan.

M8 the us is an oil exporter thanks to fracking
Thats the main reason commies hate it so much it makes us less dependent on gommie states

Don't they have o mix that shit with ultra light crude that the US has a shit ton of to make it usable?

Shale oil is now below the cost of Saudi crude per barrel. It's also light sweet crude. Almost no sulfer content, no contamination. Fewer steps to process it.

Nice digits for a shitty addition to the thread

gas prices are fine tho and since we basically handed the middle east to saudi arabia and israel on a silver platter OPEC does virtually anything we want, for the time being anyway.

Uhhhh I just got 25 gals of gas for $43

now the refineries will go bankrupt

Venezuela is not redirecting SHIT.

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Gas prices will maybe go up 3% on spec. America is kicking fucking ass. We won’t see the benefits for at least another year it’s just starting to roll.

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If only oil were a global commodity with an international governing body that fixes the price in USD, shucks

>not understanding brent/wti/wcs spreads

Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about, non-energy fag

This. Venezuela's oil is full of sulfur.


Uh, Iran just attempted to launch another ICBM.
Not sure yet if we shot it down or if it failed.
Intel is pretty frantic on SWR.

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There are plenty of northern/eastern refiners still geared for shitty heavy crude. Cracks have narrowed to 5 year lows though, so maybe. Citgo can go eat a dick though

Why are they set up for that, there is no ready source of oil for them to be that way.

first post checked post

I wish I could get people to understand this. The Venezuela stuff is gutter swill by comparison. We don't want their oil for us. At all. We use it as an economic tool to push elsewhere, maybe. But no one inside the US wants that shit here.

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best fn

jesus christ are you fucking stupid?

They were generally constructed pre/post Texas oil boom (early 80s) back when we were a heavy importer. Built for Saudi/SA/African/Canadian oil sand garbage crude.

The joke is on Europe and Asia. It takes a specialized refinery to convert dirty Venezuela crude into usable products. Only two such refineries exist. Both located in the USA.

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Petro dollar btfo
China/Russian crypto dominates

>Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about, non-energy fag
They all influence what anyone would consider paying on a global playing field. Just because Iran or Venezuela wants to charge 30% above the market average does not mean they will sell those contracts. Stop pretending you know what you are fucking talking about dipshit.

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