Demons hate when you find this out one neat trick

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bump listening,
no idea what "bind and lose" is

its interesting,
it says jesus command of angels was left to us,
and in jesus name we can command the angles to protect us from demons/spirits
that's what ive got from it so far
21 minutes in

>western europe


can we bind the demons getting Trump to obey the will of the satanic zionist jews? the synagogue of Satan.

lets give it a try.

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Help me bind the demons stopping me from watching this video.


Here are the 7 deadly sin,
WHICH are effecting your life?
Bind & lose the spirits/demons related.


might help with no fap, being lazy etc


Europe section is peak autism. How the fuck can you label Poland Eastern Europe but not Hungary or Czechia? And how the FUCK is Serbia or Croatia Western Europe when they’re more eastern???!

Demons arent real. You are all bipedal great apes who live in a brutal natural dog eat dog world. Your "negative thoughts" come from your R brain which controls territory and aggression. Things our animal nature needed to procreate in the past. Your reality is a Simian one. Your ancestry stretches tens of thousands of years not before any written language or speech.

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t. demiurge

human thoughts can be triggered by external influences.
Demons would be considered an external influence.

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>Don't watch the video goy
>God is fake and gay
>t. demon merchant

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No proof, not real. Literally a psy op invention. Other simians trying to cloud your mind with fear to distract you from the fact they rule over you. Humans are evil for the same reason a cat tortures what it catches. Its in our animal nature to dominate.

Never said God wasnt real. I believe in higher power. But I dont believe the bible anymore. Why do you think christians practice cicumcision in America? Its a blood sacrifice and mark of servtitude for Judaism, an ancient sand cult.

he Duplessis Orphans (French: les Orphelins de Duplessis) were children victimized in a mid-20th century scheme in which approximately 20,000 orphaned children[1] were falsely certified as mentally ill by the government of the province of Quebec, Canada, and confined to psychiatric institutions.[2] The Catholic Church has denied the allegations, and disputes the claims of those seeking financial recompense

Either there is an afterlife or there isnt. The way I see it. The only true immortality is to live on in the cells of your offspring.

digits check out

I once cast out a demon, no joke
Shit‘s wild.

1. Scientists believe in things they cant see, or have no "proof" for. One example was the higgs bosen. Dark matter is another.

2. For thousands of years, all across the world, totally unconnected tribes believed in gods & spirits. Why did all these different people come to the SAME explanation. Cant just dismiss it was a coincidence.

3. Evolutionist theories still cant explain many things. Like what caused the "Big Bang". There are signs of intelligent design all around us.

So you "no proof" argument doesnt hold water.

>But I dont believe the bible anymore. Why do you think christians practice cicumcision in America? Its a blood sacrifice and mark of servtitude for Judaism, an ancient sand cult.

Zionist jews hijacked the scofied bible

They will say: haven't we done your works and driven out demons in your Name?
Jesus: depart Form me, I never knew you!

Remember all the talk about witches "binding" Trump? Isn't this basically what they've done, except using evil spirits from Satan?

Definitely give it a go, identify the negative traits Trump has that are hindering him and pray using your authority in Christ so that the Lord may send angels to bind the demons responsible for them.

t. concerned demon

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thanks for pointing this out,
but shouldn't we look at the FULL context
>21. “Not everybody who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter. 22. On the Judgment Day, many people will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and do lots of miracles in your name?’ 23. Then I’ll tell them, ‘I’ve never known you. Get away from me, you people who do wrong.’
>"Only those who do the will of my Father"

So people who "prophesy in his name and expel demons in his name", BUT dont "do the will of my Father", dont get in.

I dont think its explicitly saying "prophesy & expelling demons" are bad.
Just that they need to align with gods will


>nambia and south africa as developed as aus/nz
eat a dick op

Is just imagination and myth. Every culture has some crazy obviously untrue stories. When you finally realize who you are, a bipedal great ape, an animal, a fleshy and hairy beast. You will realize that the TV and society has filled your simian mind with delusions of grandeur. You are born of nature, a terran. A light incarnate alpha simian protectorate of Gaia.

A higher power? Some singularity in our world of duality? Sure. But books written by monkey men to control monkey men using fear isnt the absolute truth. Religion had a purpose in the past when humans were so blinded by their own hubris, they failed to realize they were animals themselves. They bought into the lie they were deserving of some greater ulterior purpose. It answered the unanswered questions. When you learn the answers for yourself you wont need the packaged religion of the world today.

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I love demons
I summoned one and she jerks me off everynight when i go to bed
Its great

The only way to see demons is to confront one in a sex dream. IE. Realize you are having a dream and ask the succubus you are with to reveal itself. It will, most likely it will be so grotesque you will immediately wake up in a cold sweat. This will happen the first few times. When you finally have enough courage to withstand their appearance, you can command them return to the abyss at which point they will catch flames and cry out in agony.

So either netherworld demons are real and can effect your consciousness when you sleep. Or your imagination is just capable of conjuring such things. Either way, next time you have a naughty dream, you should try it.

We are...checkin' em.

'demons' are just negative attractions. follow them home and fight them. it's your fate to meet it, so be a soldier and fuck it up. consciousness isn't perception. it's projection.