Damn grown ups!

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please stop with the aoc spam. we get it, she's a retard. But OP is also a retard who makes low quality threads.

AOC is unironically better than every congressman except rand paul. Name one other better congressman that isnt a progressive

A bit touchy aren’t we?


lmao keep this up just so she can raise hell and destroy the democrats. even washington post smears her

Couldn't those ugly cunts atleast decide on the same tone of white?
It looked real dumb and really bad.

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she cute

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Agreed. Any politician who wants to impoverish whites and give it all to BASED minorities is a winner in my book!

She looks like she ran into a wall at some time in her life, which would explain why she's so against them.

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I actually laughed at this, thanks

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conservitards sure are easily triggered.

Ok can we stop playing victim and actually try to do something rather than whining and asking for handouts? Our economy is insane right now and there are more opportunities than ever, literally a lie. America should not take on the burden of everyone else we have been doing that for years

Death to boomers

You can't name a better politician because you know the rest are controlled by kikes. When pelosi made the dems clap against socialism she was sending a message that the (((elite))) are opposed to AOC.