Leftist men will use our toxic masculinity to destroy right wing nazis!

You better be afraid you nazi punks and proud boys! We are getting stronger. Carrying guns and knives, training every week in firearms and guerilla warfare tactics. We are also training every day in hand to hand combat and MMA and lifting!

I am calling all leftist MEN. Yes REAL MEN, not conservative neo nazis white power freaks on roids...I am calling all leftist men to be prepared to use their toxic masculinity for the cause of antifascism!!!

Just as privileged white people need to use their white privilege to protect marginalized people groups and people of color and the trans community; we need all cis gendered males to use their privileged toxic masculinity to defeat in a violent revolution all of you white supremacist racists!!

We should be prepared to do things people of color and the trans community cannot do such as face the cops and be willing to do violent revolution and face arrests and combat situations. We know the state comes down harder on people of color. Because cops want to murder every non-white like our hero Charlie Landeros who was murdered point blank in Eugene.

Not only cis gendered white ales involved in Antifa and our black bloc and our redneck revolt militias, but our homosexual squads of RASH/SHARP skinheads who are tougher than all of you wicked Trumptards!

Be prepared! We are swoll and we can fight!

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You are all afraid to even post on this you nazis!

why is his moustache non existant?
I've never understood this beard without a moustache shit. The whole point of a beard is too look rugged and like you don't give a shit

>gets shot by obese burger

Don't mock me! At least I can grow a REAL beard. My boyfriend does not like my mustache for when I do rim jobs. He has a sensitive anus.

Gyno tits, also ur a fucking ginger kys

Wait, you are just now doing this?
You weren't taught geurilla warfare tactics at church by the vietnam vets every sunday from the age of 5?

Lol. Fucking larping faggot

You are just afraid of our serious masculinity that we purposely hold back in order to respect women and gender neutral people of color.
How would you feel if you were cornered y homosexual red and anarchist skinheads like my boyfriend in this photo? I bet you would be terrified. That's right, we will make racists afraid again!

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OP looks like that faggot in the UK who converted to Islam.

I don't believe in religion and christianity is for white supremacists and the cause of systemic white racism.

Oh no!

Well when push comes to shove, the masculine men surely wont win face to face with them.

Yeah? Do masculine muslim men and blacks scare you? I bet it does! They are on OUR side!

like Landeros?

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Fear us! Antifa will reign supreme!

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One of our evil patriots made this meme of our warrior who was killed in battle murdered by the fucking cops!! How dare you!

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>Yeah? Do masculine muslim men and blacks scare you?

Yes Toxic Masculinity scares me

>I bet it does! They are on OUR side!

Thought you were against Toxic Masculinity

I meant to say YOUR patriots...

We are but we are willing to use our horrible masculinity to fight an even greater evil!! And WE KNOW how to use it!

well you're a faggot so no one really cared what you said to begin with.

>be patriarchy
>wear your "smash patriarchy and chill" shirt
>get your patriarchy smashed and chill

you got your (You) but at what price?

When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

The ideas of the far-left are so bad that when they are put into practice, everyone tries to leave because their lives are under threat. However, today there are some people who march in the streets with hammer-and-sickle symbols, which represent these terror states of the 20th Century, like the Soviet Union. When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery? After all, killing on the scale of several tens of millions is something that must never happen again, the political activity which took place under the hammer-and-sickle.

How in God's name does a person get this broken?

Welcome to the Jow Forums hotel, bar and grill!
You can check out any time, but you can never leave. (long guitar riff )
May I push in your stool?

Look at these fucking little pansies.
None of you can fight for shit.
Just the crap that went on in the streets of Berkeley proved that.

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isn't this that fag that went trans and tried to fight mcinnes? your daddy is ashamed of you coppercab. go put gam-gams moo moo back on you queer.

Why not join a boxing gym first eh, I don't give a fuck how big you are, you best learn how to take a hit bud.

Best not call for war though, you'll just get shot or imprisoned.

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