>50% portuguese
>25% italian
>12.5% english
>12.5% irish
>cops put "hispanic/other" when they arrest me
am I a nigger, pol?
50% portuguese
Other urls found in this thread:
% portuguese
% italian
.5% english
.5% irish
>this is totally how genetics work
fuck off mutt
I wanna sniff Bratass
"Hispanic/other" is short for "who the fuck cares".
she didn't show boobs after winning peanut butter team
scam artist
Am I missing something?
50 + 25 = 75
12.5 + 12.5 = 25
75 + 25 = 100
what the fuck am I missing?
My dad is 100% port.
My mom is half Italian, 1/4 english/irish.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
100% mutt
> they arrest me
>such a goody two-shoes little bitch he's never been arrested
stay gay
>Am I missing something?
>what the fuck am I missing?
Race doesn't exist on a spectrum, you're a mutt.
first post best post.
So you're a mutt if you're 100% European?
Yes, you're a nog.
I'm Peruvian Mestizo with more Aryan blood than Native American blood and Moorish blood.
I get labled white.
Liam is ourguy for sure. What’s more based than trying to beat niggers to death with a bat every night for a few weeks
Just stop responding, if this is any indication you're only going to keep proving you're a sub 80 IQ mutt.
I have not asked opinions of a nigger, k thx.
I'm 70% German and the rest is slavic and I'm white then you Foster boy.
Post boobs and timestamp.
You forgot to solve for X
alright Jamal Von-Cletus Hernandez
Just asking questions, you salty faggot.
why hasnt sloth posted bobs or vagine yet?
Does x = jew?
You’re not a nigger, you’re just a med with a tiny bit of germanic blood. You’re technically 100% “white” but take that with a grain of salt. Being 100% med isn’t as good as being 100% germanic
>Just asking questions
>>So you're a mutt if you're 100% European?
And I didn't ask the opinions of a Russian. Yet here you are.
There’s only two races:
- Faggot
- Not Faggot
Eye kiss
> literally asks opinions
> uh nuh i din du dat
Literally nigger.
>100% european
>75% med
Are you actually this dumb?
>cops arrest me
>am I a nigger?
>100% european
OP asked if this was the case, I never stated or implied it.
>75% med
>Are you actually this dumb?
hurrrr my grandpa was 63% italian my daddy was 47% german if I compound all the math I'm technically 75% med
t. actually just mutts
I got arrested for a DUI when my BAC was 1/8th the legal limit. They lied on the police report and claimed I struck a curb, like 15 miles before the faggots pulled me over. The only reason I failed the FST was because I'm a fat fuck and the FST is a bullshit non-test specifically designed to generate false-positives. I got off with a mere wet-wreckless and like 10 hours community service. Fuck cops and fuck bootlicking faggots like yourself.
Oh, sorry mate I thought he was referring to a (((dna))) test. If he’s just “doing the math” then of course it’s wrong.
>ITT things that didn't happen
I'm italian, spaniard and german and when I took a standardized test in middle school they put down hispanic for me
I asked for opinions. Not the cacophonous bleating of subhumans from Asia.
That’s why you don’t drink then drive. Stupid faggot. It’s your own fault. Take some responsibility.
I need that jeweses name for research, I have orders directly from the führer, and I’m not at liberty to say anything else about it.
Those are all nationalities. You can’t be all at the same time. Stupid faggot.
because you're a spic
>So you're a mutt if you're 100% European
Yes. Just a Euro mutt.
Technically the only genetically pure people are those who are born to incestuous parents.
Otherwise you've got two distinctly different genetic components, the ones you get from your mother and father.
Obviously, all of this isn't anywhere near the same ball park as race mixing.
Just food for thought.
I had 2 beers and was not at all drunk, retard. I had to drink EIGHT TIMES AS MUCH to meet the legal limit, let alone go over it.
I wasn't "drinking and driving," and your faggot-ass knows it. Cops are not your friends. They're not the stewards of civilization. They're not the thin blue line between us and mayhem. They're tools of the state who exist solely to increase its revenue. Peacekeepers are one thing. Peace officers are one thing. Cops are something entirely different, and you're a blue-pilled little zog bitch if you blindly support them.
Her name is: Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub
>I had to drink EIGHT TIMES AS MUCH to meet the legal limit
Whoa, that's a real 56% level of fatness
Even if he had one I'd still call him a mutt, genetic stabilization doesn't just happen, I've met people who "loot white to me" but it doesn't take long to see they've got abo in their ancestry.
0% politics
C-can I please enter the ethnostate :’( I promise I won’t procreate!! I just want to live out the rest of my days in a shitskinless land and mind my own business. Please say yes.....
Not true, dna research has shown that people for each nation of Europe, with the exception of a few have distinct genetics. For example, all baltic people share nearly identical dna.
The “legal limit” is a myth. It’s just an enhancement if your above the limit — a separate crime violation. You can still be arrested for DUI while under the “legal limit” just not charged for excessive BAC which is what you’re calling the “legal limit.” This is shit we learn in high school. Fucking moron.
All humans share nearly identical DNA.
Shit, us, chimps and gorillas have nearly identical DNA.
We share 98% of your DNA with chimps, are we chimps? Jamie pull that up.
>that pic
why tho?
I already made that point cum drinker.
On behalf of the deutschen volk and the führer himself, we thank you for your outstanding service to the Großgermanisches Reich, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty, and thus you will be rewarded, the iron cross 2nd class. Have a blessed night
Let me know before hand when you're going to refute your own verbal diarrhea.
>cops arrest me
You are a nigger
Tausend Dank
>50% portuguese
>25% italian
>12.5% english
>12.5% irish
This is all R1b so whatever.
You can dial in the admixture pretty granularity, like they did in Britain to determine how Germanic certain areas were and how they correlated almost perfectly to the old Anglo-Saxon petty kingdoms.
My point is that he said Baltic people share almost identical DNA. THAT doesnt mean shit. We share almost identical DNA with fucking all humans and slightly less but still almost identical with fucking chimps.
Portugal is in hispania, so yes you are 50% literal hispanic and 50% literal other
82% euro and you have all the worst of euro dna, your even 1.4% jew lmao. The answer is fuck no.
>slavs are not white
Neck it, Jealous M8ty boy.
Slavs are barely human let alone white.
>am I a nigger, pol?
oh yeah
I got european origin puerto rican blood in me and im more white than you
Calling you Le 56% would be a compliment at this point.
>le 100% man
feast your eyes on perfection
Generally yes, but if you look at the specifics we are widely different. Even within the european sub races there is genetic differences
Actually doing it
% portuguese
% italian
75 percent sand nigger
Conehead is such a giant faggot. I watched his documentary. He's an elitist prick who hates his fans.
Even Spaniards are labeled "Hispanic" in America, the truth is Meds have never been considered white in America. People can 56% all they want but this is how it's always been.
Yes, of course. But even within groups there can be unexpected differences. That’s why DNA testing to determine heritage is not quite yet perfected. It’s almost there, I think.
Is he a Jew?
>never spent a night in a cell
do you store your balls in a velvet purse?
If all humans are nearly identical, then they are significantly more identical
I think you missed my point.
he is LITERALLY 100% irish.
also he is good people leftist andy ruined him
I’ve heard he’s funny. But never checked him out. I’ve never thought people that do late night type show formats were funny.
Meanwhile, BrexitMuffin:
>100% anglo saxon
Really? That looks fucked.
He was funny when he was on nbc at 12:30. Not since then.
he's not
like 1% of comics are funny
1% of that 1% are famous, the rest are talented nobodies, half of whom never graduated past open mic. 0% work for big network late night shows.
Very true. I’ve spent a lot of time there as a teenager and — yes!! Very true. Although some accents were annoying, just as annoying as our New Jersey accent. That can turn an 8 or 10 into a 4 the second she opens her mouth. Then when she shuts up, back to a 8-10. Weird.
Bro, don't grovel and fucking beg like a faggot offering to be castrated. You're a fucking embarrassment, dude. Being Castizo is tight as fuck but you wanna go and suck anglo/germanic cock. Fucking disgusting.