Why are the shills throwing this word around so much lately? Im sure you guys have noticed it too

Why are the shills throwing this word around so much lately? Im sure you guys have noticed it too.
>pic related

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only thing i'm accelerating to is bed
we all should use more sleep

why are you shilling it?

For people who just really wanna become cyborgs.

The idea I think is rather than try to stop the collapse people are actively trying to speed it up. The whole "the safest place is on the back of the tiger, so you ride the tiger until it exhausts itself" mentality ties in with the idea the consumerism with eventually consumer itself, already companies whose sole job is too sell a product are getting infected by the social justice virus so now both producers of consumerism is being compromised as well as the everyone is equal lets all grow fat and merry idea of social justice because of being related to each other.

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It's some kike "we're not really racist" bullshit.

Fuck that. I'm a racist.

Pointing out its over-use is the opposite of shilling, but okay.

never thought I'd agree with a Demoncrap

this, your digits are rewarded with a ted quote

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Not a shill, but am getting older. Would rather have the shtf sooner rather than later. Would suck being in the retirement home when Civil War V2 arrives.

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They're trying to co-opt the term and shift the narrative but it's too late.

The premise behind Accelerationism as a socio-political strategy is that the frogs are being boiled alive. Trump was considered the pro-White candidate in 2016 even acquiring the support of David Duke. Under Trump's regime American white genocide has not stopped, or even slowed, and continues in the background. Empty rhetoric causes whites to be complacent and not revolt trust the plan . The Right will genocide us slowly - that is (((their))) plan. The Left will open our borders and we will see whites resist just like they are in Europe because their replacement will be undeniable and at the forefront of thought. When the People realize both Right and Left do not serve their interest then the door is opened to a third position. If user says

>It's stupid to think Democrats are anti-Israel!

He may be correct, but there is no denying their current outspoken condemnation of the Jewish State. Should they renege on this position the masses will realize both sides are controlled by Israel, again, opening the door to a third position.

Accelerationism is risky. It's like taking a shot of venom directly in your aorta, but it may jump-start the European spirit. The alternative is being boiled alive. So pick your poison.

All your base are belong to us.

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>all fields
>hide thread
>pic related

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Because it's original usage is being employed by big tech today, which is Hyper-capitalists using capitalism to institute social change.

It's current usage forks slightly but still has the same mentality behind it; to not just let it happen, but to make it happen. With the expectation of people wanting to return after they see how bad it's got.

From white people pushing for black right movements and mass immigration to "awaken" some form of "white identity" to those advocating for hard socialist policies knowing full well they will bring about collapse.

These people are useful idiots and will be seen and be tried as traitors if they get their way.

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Nigger why are you copy pasting this from your thread. Also you didn't respond to me in your thread

I know, it pisses me off so much

>hey guys, let's all vote Democratic and implement socialist policies to wake the whites up!!!1!!1!

like what kind of Jew logic is that

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They want you to give up and give into the kikery, with some weak rationale about being able to pick up the pieces after it all crashes and burns.

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Two choices
>Man up and opt in for current western society, akin to a shit mudslide getting bigger and bigger
>Let it collapse and make no attempt to contribute to it's betterment so we can make something better after it's gone
It causes a lot of outrage to say, but a lot of white men simply do not like the first option, and the second option sounds much more appealing, even though it will bring so much death and suffering you can't even imagine it.

It's slowed down a BIT under Trump, but yeah he's still been disappointing

What didn't I respond to?

i r so disappoint. remember to face to bloodshed, user

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It's code word for communism. Pay no attention to it.

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Based posts blessed by digits


Not this, it’s kill your local mailman and bomb a federal building
Or if you’re not up to that just live on welfare and drain the economy

The jews don’t like how the right is on the rise. I’m guessing the jew will do a hit dpiece on the legacy media at some point in the next few days.

no i really wanted to know what it is...?

sounds like its making something happen on purpose, to create an outcome you want?

Posties tend to be pretty based. Can't I just punch my local member of parliament in the back of the head?

If a house is rotted to the core, filled with mold and termites, holes in the floorboards and leaking ceiling, you don't try to repair the house. You tear it down and build something new.

todays satire is tomorrows reality with the left
accelerationism doesnt work, they will straight up endorse whatever crazy position you suggest and ti wont be undone and the normies will still be asleep because thats what normies are.

If the west did a 180 right now there is. Othing the jew can do to stop it. It we wait 20 years it will be too late and the jew won. It’s better to get this shit over with now and die knowing the western world is safe for a few hundred years.

That too
Try to do it harder than whoever punched the budgie smuggler abbott

Blackpill: its already too late.

Yes, especially in the last two months. Yet no one knows what it is.

Spoiler, it was coined by marx as a means to crank capitalism into over drive until it replaces it self with communism. It was later taken by Nick Land from Oxfords CCRU who after eating amphetamines realized that technology will take us to a singularity cyber grunge ancap post human society. From his writings and the writings of members from CCRU from 1997-2003 we have the origins of NRx and Dark Enlightenment.

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Mmm nonsense jew just in time for a good show. I really want to use my ice pick.

I just want a world wide civil war or something, I'm so tired of all this shit.

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like usual they dont know what it means. i told a glow in the dark cia nigger the other day that accelerationism is sitting back and waiting for the dems to out themselves as the pedophile party, now there are shills pretending we are all accelerationists, even though it's a strategy from game theory and not a political position. they look dumb, they might as well be saying, "oh my god this candy cane epidemic is getting out of hand! arent guys mad at trump? because he betrayed your accelerationist ER UM I MEAN candy cane vision? i know you guys are pro candy cane." their agents misinterpret the dialog, then feed gibberish to action committees that design new topic streams. like gamer girls who say, oh my god i love battlefield 5, nazi zombies is my favorite map and master chief is my favorite character!"

these fucking idiots are not even speaking the same language we are. on the rare occasion that they do, they will also use the wrong social capital which is another dead giveaway.

>Yet no one knows what it is.
see: I want you to kill yourself. Right now. Leave a suicide note saying I bullied you into it. I don't even care. Do it.

Tony was an amateur boxer mate, old mate the junkie wasn't packing enough to rock tones.

Because they want you to embrace your own destruction, it saves them the effort.

I think it's just laziness, desu. with some post-hoc rationale to excuse it.

>OP and the rest of the nufag crew on here don't know about accelerationism

I was never a proponent of it but this is an old concept on Jow Forums. People are just losing hope because Trump hasn't done much of what he promised.

They are trying to start a civil war.

Better have supplies on hand. You want a few months of food. That way you’ll be nice and fat and ready to get the job done. All the lazy niggers and government workers will be staging and you can make short work of them.

If you get caught just say “user told me to”

This image is terrible.
Start with A, then add two letters consistently until you get to ACCELERATIONISM. Then you will have a balanced pyramid all the way down with A at the top. IF there's some imbalance in either the top or bottom rows, select and stretch that shit to fit.

Learn aesthetics you fuck.


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Laziness is thinking that if we just kick out the kikes and put /our guy/ in charge that western civilization will keep going strong for 200 years.

because after that shit show of a speech last night, it became clear that we ever going to solve the biggest problems facing this country easily

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Dont cut your self on that edge faggot. This is the Jow Forums version. Like all things from Jow Forums its garbage explanation based on some subjective interpretation of jews and whatever. The actual term, which has been co-oped by Nick Land is about pushing capitalism more by removing regulations, pushing tech to its higher stages, and goading on both parties following the 3As. Agree Amplify and Accelerate. So it a progressive libtard says, we need safe spaces, you respond with, yes, but i think we need to take it to a further point and have classes for minorities only. The same goes for anything a republican or libertarian says. The Idea is to polarize so much that they are always clashing with in their own parties and each other so as not to impede tech progress.

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> Man as god without God
> Transhumanism and evolution till only a few (and ultimate one) remains
> The agenda of satanic priesthoods from millenia ago, and the essence of evil

so let's vote republican who will do the exact same thing but give everyone a false sense of security?

Revelation 12:12
Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.”

But you're suggesting there are only two options - do nothing or use the system. That's not true.

>subjective interpretation of jews
fuck off kike there are no good jews
>The actual term
In the context of Jow Forums, Accelerationism is what I described it as. You can take that as trufax or you can continue the convolution of our discussion. There is NO goal but first stopping white genocide and ANYONE who disagrees is an enemy who will be hanged by his big toes until a slow and painful death.



>if you disagree with me you are a joooo
Oh FFS KYS brainlet.

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If you disagree without providing a counter argument sufficient to dispel the current you are a jooooooooooo

Accelerationism will just end us retards, the time to fight is now

There's not going to be some miracle deux ex machina salvation when spic niggers kill us all

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The 2 options I'm suggesting are save our society or create a new society. My point is that our society isn't worth or capable of saving. We must create something new, which won't be possible without destroying the existing technological systems we already have. If you want to argue that we can paths without destroying our current system you have a lot to learn

change paths*

I like the way you roll son. Keep watch and stay alert.

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once the federal government blows up being too bloated, we will truly see anarchy run wild with no to support the benefits of nogs and spics anymore. better to hurt them while they are stunned and divided than when they are at full strength. reminder that the spanish were able to cleanse their homeland of arab invaders like this when the moors got too settled.

The short of it is that the cointelpro CIA niggers planted the seeds, the pseudo-intellectual casuals latched onto it in a hurry. The long version is that it's a wedge method of causing further division in voter demographics, like instead of deescalating a conflict you encourage more, using whatever instigation causes the greatest reaction from the opposing party. In other words, it's warmongering democracy syntax. The Democrat party is the worst in terms of this due to excessive fracturing and each successive fracture believing they're the greater victim among the rest. It's part of the reason the idea of socialism in Democrats simply won't pass its current phase, it's the next logical step for their delusional persecution complex. I can expand further but there you have it.

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> All the talk about our society
> No talk about the people who run it at the top

Give me the perfect society to rule for 30 years. Do you think i can ruin it or not?

>dances in the fires of kali yuga

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Any pre-agriculture society. You can't ruin it because it doesn't hardly exist outside of small tribes.

Asimov paralellizes the original sin with farmimg. When no land , no disputes, and happy hunting inawoods that gives thrills. Once farming, people become peasants, and farming cant be stopped anymore because famine. The happy hunting with thrills is long gone.

I see a lot of anons disagreeing with the concept of accelerationism but Trump is a flop and the man up and opt in thing is also a dead end.
Nobody can suggest anything better.

> But user i was told the parliamentary system was the best


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>Trump is a flop
>*checks flag*
Oh boy lol

Accelerationism and doomsday prep is the final redpill. Wait for it all to collapse then come out on top and rebuild it from the ground up. Only the strong will survive.

/thread. Take your Evola pills, children.

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literally no one will say good job for calling out the 9 as my 9th post. that's fine though. don't even care..

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> Black sun and dark angels

How predictable. Black sun is satanist symbol. Stay away

"Let's just keep retreating"

I don't think that system is the best.
Canada is a horrible country and Trump is a flop. It's not a this or that thing here.

that's what the republican party is doing by appealing to hispanics, blacks, and fags by giving them what they want in exchange for maybe a vote

>black sun originated from germanjc oaganism
>it’s satanic
Stop cunt

its them projecting the results of their attempted "demoralization" with all the SOTU trump is a niggerloving shill for israel/AOC slide thred tactics, they think that if they can make us fed up with trump, we'll abandon governance and give them the civil war they are literally cumming in their pants over

> Nazis not being satanic movement with roots Thule society and theosophist influences

Evidence for national socialism being satanic in nature?

Where's the flop?

Nigger are you retarded?

newsflash: coons and spics already think of whites as racists who are too successful for their own good. they will always hate us unless you give in to them


He did not save western civilization or the white race, the left is on the rise, the west is still visibly declining at a fast speed.
Thing is, I don't blame him for that, because Trump does not function that way. Those were expectations put on him by places like Jow Forums, he was never going to do those things anyway.

No wall, no immigration reform
"I want as many immigrants as possible"
Fuck Trump. He can go die with Kushner and Bolton

Natbol is a satanic ideology. It comes fron natbol. My harebrained theory. Does it hold water?

Western civilization won't be saved in 4 years or even 8, nobody but edgy children expected as much from him. What he is doing is setting things up for the future of the Constitutional-Republic, the "rise" of the left is a paper tiger and they're running for election because they are afraid, running affords them some protection from opposition by political assassination. He's addressing all matters pertaining to immigration and the abuse of the current system as well. People are mad because he's not directly combating these things, he's combating the causes behind them. It helps to take a step back to see the bigger picture, this isn't just about America.

2 miles built daily. "Reform" is a buzzword, restructuring of the current system is what's needed and much of the groundwork for that has been laid. I can't take opinions seriously from people that don't live here.

You are deluded

also 'intersectional', wtf is this shit?

You're on the internet, pleb. Use the shit, we're not your parents.

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They do this almost every night around this time. It’s probably because the US jannies are asleep. If these fags are not getting paid they have to be some of the saddest motherfuckers on earth.