So, a Rothschild company was in charge of screening passengers on the flights of 911 and also in charge of the security inside the world trade center buildings?
And a bunch of other Jews were responsible for getting the lease on the buildings just months prior to 911?
And years before that Jews made movies depicting planes flying into NY skyscrapers and talked about terrorists attacking NY's tallest buildings?
And before that talked about how they wanted to expand Israel and that America had the ability to fight "terrorism" but not the will?
Can someone with more brains than me please debunk this, because it made me very very uncomfortable watching this.
I can't debunk it because it's true. This is the world we live in. That's why we are here. We know.
Ryder Johnson
jews know you pussies aren't going to do anything
Wyatt Gomez
Here are 30 Facts about 9/11 most people are unaware of. 1. The Project for a New American Century was written in Israel in 1996 under the name - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Requires a new Pearl Harbor for their plan. 2. Zionist Jew Silverstein purchased WTC 6 weeks prior. First time the WTC was ever put into Private Hands. Friends with Israeli Prime Ministers & Intelligence Services, along with Fed Reserve President & World Bank Presidents. 3. Zionist Jew Frank Lowy paid $127 million in May 2001 for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Member of the Golani Brigade & fought in the Israeli war of independence. 4. Zionist Jew Ronald S. Lauder was key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC. Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel. 5. Airline Security Company at both the Boston & Newark airports on 9-11 was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS). Most employees were ex- Shin Bet Israeli agents. 6. Security at the WTC was run by Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll & Jerome Hauer (BOTH Jews). Hauers mother involved in the creation & maintenance of the State of Israel. 7. Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel) wrote the fraudulent 9 11 Commission Report. 8. Zionist Jew, Richard Perle, Chairman of Pentagons Defense Policy Board, was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the 1970s after NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel. 9. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff was assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security. 10. Israeli messaging service Odigo sent AT LEAST 2 Israelis prior warnings on 9 11, 2 hours prior to attack. Odigo has offices in New York & in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.
Ryder Long
11. Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Pakistani military officials whose plane (Egyptian Fl990) crashed 2 years prior to 911. 12. Israeli Mossad Jews caught & arrested filming & celebrating WTC prior to & after 1st plane hits WTC. Jumping up & down, lighting lighters & holding them up in air. 13. Ted Olsen's wife supposedly placed an impossible cell phone call from on the plane during 9 11, Ted Olsen was Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard's attorney. 14. Israeli Mossad Jews caught with explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9 11. 15. Zionist Jew Alan D. Ratners Metals Management merged with the SIMS group & the Hugo Neu Corporation & sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence. 16. Over 60 Israeli spies arrested on 9 11 & days afterwards. 17. Zionist Jew Adam Pearlman is the AlQaeda spokesman. Lived with grandfather prior to joining AlQaeda, grandfather on board of ADL & huge Israeli supporter. His father helped run the Hippie Movement in SoCal then moved family to run a Kosher farm. 18. S.I.T.E. website releases AlQaeda tapes but is owned by an Iraqi Jew who was in Israeli IDF. Her father was an Iraqi Jew & was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL in the 1967 war. 19. Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC International which developed Remote Control Flying Technology & leases Boeing 767 refuel tankers, the same planes used on 9 11. He also authored PNAC & was Comptroller of Pentagon when $2.3 Trillion went missing. 20. According to FBI, in the Year 2000 Israeli Mossad had penetrated secret communications throughout the Clinton administration, even Presidential phone lines.
Ethan Perez
21. After 9 11 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said: We Jews own America & the Americans know it. 22. Popular Mechanics so-called (Debunking 9 11 Lies) article had as its senior researcher Benjamin Chertoff, the cousin of Dept of Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff at the time, Israeli dual citizen. 23. Israeli Mossad pretends to be Al Qaeda in Palestine but is caught by the Palestinian Authority in 2002. 24. October 10, 2001 (2) Israelis arrested inside Mexican Congress building with explosives, detonators & guns. 25. November 2, 2001: FBI furious As Israeli citizens With US Nuke Plans & Valid Israeli Passports Escape custody. 26. Israeli citizen Philip Zelikow led the 9 11 Commission Report. 27. US Army released on 10 Sept 2001 a study on Israel, which said: Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS Army Officers say: Wildcard. Ruthless & cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces & make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act. 28. Israeli Mossad Motto: "By way of Deception, thou shalt do war." (Motto Removed prior to 9 11). 29. Bin Laden constantly denied committing 9 11, until 4 days before the 2004 election. Video considered fake. 30. Ehud Barak, the prime minister of Israel until March of 2001, came to the U.S. shortly after leaving office. He came, ostensibly, to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a consultant with SCP Partners, a Mossad-run private equity company focused on "security related" work. SCP Partners did business with Metallurg Holding, Inc., as well as Advanced Metallurgical Group, both sharing the same Wayne, PA address. AMG specializes in the production of the same super-thermite used to collapse the three skyscrapers on 9/11.
Jacob Adams
nah bro a couple sandal wearing arabs masterminded the whole thing. No way CIA/Mossad would have anything to do with taking US lives in the largest attack on US soil since pearl habour. It's irrelavent that both countries are now united in fighting aginast "islamic terrorism". You also can't point to things like Lavon Affiar or USS Liberty otherwise your just a paranoid goy believing baseless lies
Lucky Larry received $4.5 billion after the towers were demolished
Nathan White
Every morning during the week, Lucky Larry had breakfast at the Windows On The World on top of the north tower, but on September 11th, he had an appointment with his dermatologist.
John Gutierrez
This desu. Ryan Dawson and James Corbett have some good videos on 9/11 as well that are consistent with this narrative, and are all based on factual evidence.
Jayden Reed
>jews know you pussies aren't going to do anything Jew here- Americans are good doggos- but can't respect a nation that doesn't earn it.
Lincoln Jones
Keep preaching truth- but you underestimate people's resistance to believing that which would subject them to ostracism.
Generation Z will believe you- but at this point, it's history.
Caleb Anderson
>be kike >orchestrate plan to demolish own buildings and get paid for it. >stupid goy insurance not in on the plan has to pay me out >results in undermining my host nation
9/11/01 was a good day
Elijah Williams
>nah bro a couple sandal wearing arabs masterminded the whole thing. I heard it was this Venezuelan guy named Maduro who was responsible.
Noah Rogers
I don’t deny what you say but how do you control the blue collar workers? How do you get the low level security people in these companies to be complicit in such a scheme? A lot of conspiracy theories have to resort to “luciferian towns” and such to explain why seemingly normal every day people (like all these ‘crisis actors’) would go along with evil deeds.