
>Be me, virgin
>Never had a gf
>Have 8.5/10 in class, very intelligent, like me
>Known her for 1 year
>Falled in love with her after some time. Been a while now
>I don't know if she likes me.
>Probably yes probably not. Can't really understand if she is trying to give signals or being friendly
>Wanna tell her how I feel
>I don't care being friendzoned, I can live with that
>Afraid to ruin the friendship between us
>Also afraid if she actually says yes.
>Since I never had a gf, I barely have any idea of what to do, and I don't want to screw things up

What do? Tell her and hope our friendship won't be destroyed if she says no? Go for it and hope to not screw things up if she says yes?

Sometimes I wish I could read minds.

(Pic related is me RN. Help. Lately I couldn't sleep well and focus, all I can think about is her)

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>>Have 8.5/10 in class, very intelligent, like me
PPFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT No need lying on the internet.

Destroy your friendship by asking her out. If you're romantically interested your friendship is doomed anyways.

Might as well go for it. And if she says yes, be honest about being new to the relationship thing. You’ll be fine. And if everything crash an burn, you at least tried in a honest way.

One trick I use is to see if she acts with other people the same way she acts with you. This is how you tell what can be considered a sign of her liking you and what's just a sign of her being friendly.


it's not the end of the world if she says no, stop being a drama queen OP

She knows I'm new. I overheard her once say "New virgin guys are actually cute. I don't care if a guy has experience or not"

I know it's not the end of the world. I just don't want ruin our friendship, especially because I gotta see her for another 1 year and half. And that's why I'm worried

Ye I know. The problem is she di both. Like she sometimes did some stuff with other guys, but sometimes she did rally strange stuff just with me. Like damn, help me understand what u want gurl

I'm not lying. I can show you my grades. But that's not the point here. Why you saying our friendship is doomed anyways?

99 times out of 100 that ruining the friendship thing is just you giving yourself an excuse not to go through with it. If she's not into you but close with you like you say she is she'll be flattered but gracefully decline and shit will just proceed like they have been without you bending yourself out of shape about it

in case the 1 percent scenario does come true and she flips out it just proves you're better off without her anyway. no downside

That's also why I love her. It's the smartest girl I have ever met in my life. Maybe even smarter than me

Thanks for the suggestion. If you think thing will proceed as ormal, I might just try anyway. Goddamn love is difficult

>very intelligent, like me

Ye I know it sounds fake but
1) I can show my grades. Hers are a little better
2) It's important to specify it because that's actually one of the reasons I love her. It's the smartest girl I have ever met in my life. Maybe vene a bit smarter than me. Like, I am ok with average girls too, but it's just too attractive to see somebody with knowledge, sexy body and good personality

the thing that helps me rest easier is that if it's a cute girl there's always 5 other guys trying to get with her as well

minimum. all crying over her just like you. when you put it in that context it's actually pretty funny

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Sorry to burst your bubble but good grades in school don't indicate intelligence. Good grades just require discipline and conformity.

Ye that's the worst part. And you know why? Because I am actually noticing one of my other classmates trying to flirt. Ive known her for a year, and he does as well. But she chaged class 1 year ago. While I've been with this other classmate for 3 years and he's also very smart. I used to "compete" with him for who gets the best grades. And now I'm competing with him for who gets her, if he actually is flirting. Goddamn it D.

Grades are not accurate indicators of intelligence.
I have a friend who had high scores all the time.but can barely open a can without somehow almost dying. (I'm being hyperbolic ofc. I just meant he's dumb.despite his excellency in school.)

And your friendship is doomed because once someone, especially guys, like the other side, it's bound to have earth-shattering drama over it.
All kind of futures-
It drives you nuts over time and you try to back off and move on, which will hurt her, especially if you do it aggressively.
You finally gather the courage and confess, but she rejects your confession because you're not in third grade and confessing your love is childish, dumb and a turn off.
You ask her out like a normal human being, she rejects/accept.

So many options. What will you do? No matter what you do, your friendship will not continue unless you suddenly find a new chick to obsess on.

Girls always get good grades because they can obey orders, but I don't see them exactly making scientific breakthroughs. You're not very smart yourself, OP.

Ye I know that stuff. Please I just stated it to make you all jnow I love her for many reasons, one of them being smart. I don't want to turn this into that "Oh, I'm dumb and I need an excuse, so I'll say good grades don't indicate intelligence" shit. End of the discussion. Thank you

Ok. Good point. But as I said, let's not get off track now with the smart thing. I appreciate your advice tho.
Gotta try it. Thanks

Thanks I guess for insulting me...?

>confessing your love is childish, dumb and a turn off.
never thought about that...

How old are you even?

Goddamn it doesn't matter now. I asked advice, not lectures on how grades aren't important etc... Do you want to help me? Tell me something interesting I could use in my favour. Thank you

Rule 2 it is.

I am actually 18 ok? You happy now? Finally sopped crying? Thank you

BTW she's also 18 no illegal stuff here.

>Falled in love with her
>I don't care being friendzoned, I can live with that
Wtf is wrong with you OP?

God, OP sounds like an insufferable prick

I just destroyed my friendship with a girl that I liked but did not know if I liked her (sometimes she was half flirtatious but only kindness), she told me that she has a boyfriend

I know it sounds strane, but I've passed through way worse shit. Seeing the girl I like say no to me will make me sad, but I'll keep going on. As I always did. Life is good even after all i had.
Still, I think having a relationship wth her would be amazing, especially if later on life I won't meet a girl like her. And I'd regret it


I just ruined my friendship, she liked me (I was just nice) but just today she told me that she has a boyfriend
My last message to your WhatsApp was:
forget this
From there I blocked it, now to see it the following months

Oof. Sorry to hear that bud. Remember kids: always make sure to ask a girl if she has a bf from the beginning. Hope you have better luck necxt time

Actually being friends with a girl you have a crush on is the gayest and most beta thing you can possibly do.

Because there is no tea for three

Thnaks to you too sir for not giving me advice, but instead lecture me on stuff I already heard many times, and that didn't ask for RN

GTG. Gonna see the replies tomorrow. Thank you to all those that gave me usefull advice. And thank you to all those that just came here to say random shit that wasn't helful ,but still made me laugh

Damn, I was cute, intelligent, calm and wise, good life goes on but it will take me 6 months to get over it, like my previous disappointment.
By the way, in the bathroom I thought about something, before starting a friendship I will ask in advance if you have a boyfriend

What do you suggest we do?

There are lots of women who have made scientific discoveries. Marie Curie, Harriot Brooks, Fanny Gates, Phyllis S. Freier, Emilie du Chatelet, Harriet Brooks, Melissa Franklin (top quark), Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Donna Strickland,Lise Meitner,Marguerite Perey, Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen,Berta Karlik, Lene Hau....

Those are just some in physics, many many more in other sciences. The problem is, in a patriarchal society they didn't gain my fame or recognition.


Your welcome.

Don't be 'just friends' with a girl you have a crush on and then sort of accept that. It will drive you nuts. Ask her out on a date and try to move things forward towards romance. If she rejects you, stop spending time with her on a platonic basis. Now i'm not saying you should be rude towards her or outright ignore her when she is talking to you. Just act towards her like you would towards any acquaintance you interact with in your day to day life. Be polite but not more than that.