What is an argument against homosexuality. Like legitimate logical argument against gays?

What is an argument against homosexuality. Like legitimate logical argument against gays?

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They believe that they are somehow superior and try to influence others behavior even though their disgusting fetishes completely define everything about them. They are also far more prone to sexually transmitted disease and sexual crimes.


It’s unnatural for a man to insert his reproductive organ into another man’s excretory tract and then inseminate it.

It’s disgusting for a man to ejaculate in another man’s mouth.

This is deep sin, deep perverted lust in extremism. It’s called the sin that even Satan abhors and cannot bear to look at.

The anal tract is not naturally lined to accept the friction of anal intercourse.

The preferred “model” of homosexuality is Pederasty, which is obviously disturbed, it’s abuse of a minor.

Yes they do indeed act superior but is there an argument that proves that what they do is nothing but a psychological trait possessed by power and sex?

well, if you were in China/Russia or some shit you could easily say it's against the law and probably could get you arrested/beat up/killed because they purge them sometimes.

If you take religion seriously you can say it's a sin and people will go to hell for it.

Gay people don't reproduce and obviously that's not natural because species would die out. That's like the opposite of what nature wants.

Gay people may be willing to accept the stigma of being gay but imposing that on a child that has to go to school and deal with others that may fuck with him is wrong. It might not be something the child is willing to go through or wants to go through and fact of the matter is society isn't fully ready for gay couples raising kids and shit.

it's a mental disorder derived from one of many different factors or a mixture of said factors. Some of which relating around sexual exploration, abuse, etc. which caused a dopamine trigger within their brain(aka they got hooked on a feeling from when they were undergoing x event leading them to be gay) causing them to go after said hook, and resulting with them being gay. Why do you think so many homosexuals say "How do you know if you've never tried?" after turning them down? Look at Milo: molested when he was 14 and it triggered a dopamine rush in his brain.

If you look at the Amygdala and the portion of our brain which forms pathways, you can see how being "rewarded" with dopamine from x event would lead one to traverse the same path to get that dopamine rush again; i.e. getting your cock sucked by a man because that's who sucked your cock when you were 14 and it made your peepee feel good

homosexuality is nothing more than that.

Faggots are unnatural

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Did he get redpilled in this moment?

So straight couples who have anal sex is just as guilty? Come on user, I need something deeper than your personal disgust of faggots. I need well researched argument backed by data and statistics.

Ass Cancer
Shit Arts/Media

Honestly, its technically more efficient to have a society where men court other men. The Athenians were well aware of this. I don't know why Jow Forums is being so thickheaded. You cannot have a true patriarchy without homosexuality. Women are for pumping out more soldiers, nothing else. They should be traded like livestock.

>It’s gross

>appeal to nature fallacy

>”preferred model”

Absolute brainlet

they eat cock
much like OP

Nature doesn’t want anything. What’s natural means dog shit.

Wrong. Homosexuality hasn’t been a mental disorder for decades.

Appeal to nature fallacy into toilet

It is all so fucked up. How did we get here? Jesus thank goodness for people like you and Jow Forums who share my views. Thank you, user.

AIDS isn’t a gay disease. Pedos aren’t a gay-specific issue. Everyone gets ass cancer. What’s wrong with making art with shit?

Birth rate

Reeeee I think it’s nasty reeee

>So straight couples who have anal sex is just as guilty?

A fallacy? How so? Our society is based off of nature, and faggots get aids when they butt fuck each other, much higher than any heterosexual person.

Anal sex is hot, so you’re objectively wrong.

So regarding sexual behaviours, you’re saying that being a homosexual is nothing but a fetish?

>hasn't been a mental disorder for decades
okay and the powers that be rewrite definitions to things like rape, racism, and sexism to fit a narrative. same thing happened to homosexuality. or do you have a rebuttal to my claim other than "nah you're just wrong"?

it completely ruins your anus and your immune system. Doing shit like rimming gives you all kinds of intestinal parasites. Being constantly sick from a poor immune system makes you a net drain on society, as well as a danger as you become a walking disease ridden mess, your constant consumption of various antibiotics contributing to them not working in the future.

Destroy all of your technology and eat termites. Clothes aren’t natural.

No, you don't get what I'm saying. I don't mean like nature itself is a entity with an attitude like god or something. I just mean simply in general what living things do without being taught.

Like how living things know to eat without being taught. Like they know they want sex without being taught it. Like they know how to NOT shit all over themselves because it's just fucked up. There are things living things do 99% of the time.

No definition was rewritten. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM because being homosexual doesn’t cause harm, despite how long you may ramble on about correlations.


Who cares? Do whatever you want as long as you don’t bother the others.

True, it's a gay nigger disease. All fags are pedos. You ruin everything you touch. KYS.

And then let the strong survive? Sounds fine to me.

God says so.

>True, it's a gay nigger disease.

Wrong. Heterosexuals and nonblacks have AIDS.

>All fags are pedos.

Let’s see that study proving that.

>You ruin everything you touch. KYS.


>inb4 image
It's all sourced, read it faggot

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I disagree. I actually enjoy a lil ‘rough trade’. I’ve served some time, and well you know you get used to a bit of booty to get you through the lonely night. Only white guys though. Well maybe a few Latin men.

It makes your cock smell l, ass hurt, and makes you ashamed.

They can't keep their dick beaters off little kids.

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If everyone turned gay the human race would cease to exist in about 100 years or so.

>being a homo doesn't cause harm
elaborate on how that rules it out being a mental disorder, because having down syndrome doesn't cause harm either and it's still a mental disorder
>no definition has been rewritten
"you can't be racist towards whites" "you can't be raped if you're a man" "you can't be sexist towards men"
sure about that buddy?
also, still waiting on a rebuttal towards my initial claim

Everyone isn’t going to turn gay, so......

Not really, you'll die soon yet my posterity continues. Your parents probably cry a lot because of you.

Gay man here. Y'all are pathetic lmao. Only comment in here with any sense was declining birthrate, which honestly is probably a good thing if white countries weren't being flooded by brown hordes.

came here to post this

Read the fag agenda

It happens in nature. Not an argument.

So's being a faggot on Jow Forums. Not an argument.

>deep sin
So's being a faggot on Jow Forums.

>anal tract
We're talking homosexuality, not assplay, asshat.

We're talking homosexuality, not pedophilia, asshat.

I think homosexuality back then represents one’s ability to display power

26x more likely to have aids
more likely to be pedos/abusers

anecdote: more promiscuous

>It’s unnatural for a man to insert his reproductive organ into another man’s excretory tract and then inseminate it.
It's unnatural for human beings to drive cars vast distances across paved roads. Does this make it wrong?

>It’s disgusting for a man to ejaculate in another man’s mouth.
An entirely subjective view that has no bearing on a general consensus nor objectivity.

>This is deep sin, deep perverted lust in extremism. It’s called the sin that even Satan abhors and cannot bear to look at.
Prove that Satan, God, Christianity, any Abrahamic religion, or any supernatural belief is correct, and then you may make this accusation.

>The anal tract is not naturally lined to accept the friction of anal intercourse.
The vagina is also not naturally lined to accept the friction of intercourse, and relies on the production of a lubricant to allow for it; sometimes even requiring external lubricants in various circumstances.

>The preferred “model” of homosexuality is Pederasty, which is obviously disturbed, it’s abuse of a minor.
Please provide any substantial evidence that any significant group of people see pederasty as a "model" of homosexuality.

They can't reproduce and are literally insane. But there is nothing too bad about it so long as they keep their sex life private and don't try to adopt kids. Unfortunately, they can't seem to do either.

>What is an argument against homosexuality. Like legitimate logical argument against gays?
They abuse teens and create more gays.

>elaborate on how that rules it out being a mental disorder, because having down syndrome doesn't cause harm either and it's still a mental disorder

Their lifespans are shortened and their ability to function as independent adults is slim to none. You’re using a strictly physiological and immediate definition of “harm”.

"you can't be racist towards whites" "you can't be raped if you're a man" "you can't be sexist towards men"

All of those claims are false. Please cite the American Psychiatric Association or World Health Organization making any of those claims.

>also, still waiting on a rebuttal towards my initial claim

Burden of proof is yours, since you made the claim, “buddy”.

Whatever fantasy floats your boat, honey.

If you put all the homosexuals on an island they would die out. They are therefore parasites on the rest of humanity.

They spread disease through the action of unnatural sex acts. It is in the interest of government to keep the population healthy and that is why it should be criminalized.

They fornicate sometimes 10 times a night. This is part of their abnormality.

They are ashamed of what they do, and so stole the word "gay" from the language, which originally meant "happy".

When someone turns out to be a homosexual, they have been a genetic dead-end. Their parents' resources were wasted on a non-productive child that finds sexual release only through sodomy. This is a type of Darwin Award.

Even an amoeba knows its role on Earth is to reproduce. Homosexuals don't understand that life-lesson. They engage in sodomy.

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>26x more likely to have aids

And? Still not a gay-only issue, and AIDS can be rendered irrelevant by modern antivirals.

>more likely to be pedos/abusers

What is a correlation and do you know the difference between causation and correlation?

>anecdote: more promiscuous

Promiscuity is good.

Reality is that if homo is discovered to have a genetic marker your ilk will be eradicated through on demand abortion just like downies in Iceland. It's her body remember.

>Believing statistics
>The advancement of technology is interchangeable with gay anal sex
Nice bait, retard.

>If you put all the homosexuals on an island they would die out. They are therefore parasites on the rest of humanity.

There are more measures to an individual’s productivity than reproduction, retard.

>They spread disease through the action of unnatural sex acts. It is in the interest of government to keep the population healthy and that is why it should be criminalized.

Criminalization would literally only make it worse, and all STDs can be prevented, rendered null, or exterminated.

>They fornicate sometimes 10 times a night. This is part of their abnormality.

That’s hot. Who cares?

>They are ashamed of what they do, and so stole the word "gay" from the language, which originally meant "happy".

Most aren’t. Nice lie.

>When someone turns out to be a homosexual, they have been a genetic dead-end. Their parents' resources were wasted on a non-productive child that finds sexual release only through sodomy. This is a type of Darwin Award.

Apparently parents are only concerned with genes and not general happiness.

>Even an amoeba knows its role on Earth is to reproduce.

Amoebas don’t have neurons and so can’t know a damn thing.

>Homosexuals don't understand that life-lesson.

Do you support killing all infertile humans, too?

A.) Gay men have anal sex.
B.) Anal sex is unsafe (feces and blood and sperm fly all over the place when they do this).
C.) Therefore don't be a homo.

A.) Gay men have sex with each other.
B.) Gay men have higher STD rates.
C.) Therefore don't be a homo.

A.) Gay men seek more and more deranged sex in order to feel excited.
B.) This leads many to literally eating feces, intentionally getting/spreading AIDS, raping children etc.
C.) Therefore homosexuality should be illegal.

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>Nice bait, retard.

You’re right, because unlike technology, gay butt sex is natural.

Conduct a survey proving most parents would abort a child if they knew it was gay and get back to me.

>burden of proof
already provided with my thesis "friendo", it's all an explanation derived from sexual exploits or abuses. Burden of proof also lies with your claim, I'm not the sole proprietor of proof within an argument, you must also come forward with proofs made in claims brought forth by yourself. Nice job deflecting though, still waiting for a rebuttal.
>their life expectancy is shortened
average lifespan is 60 years which doesn't bear a significant margin between the lifespan of an average human being who lives to see 70
>state where x organization made this claim
you're placing words in my mouth, and or strawmanning p hard with this one because I never made the assertion that said org made this claim nor was I hinting towards it

I don't care where you put your dick I care when you parade around the street half naked shaking your cock at children that you admit you're trying to groom into being your little fuck tranny toys you sick demonic fuck.

I have nothing against homosexuality. I see it as Darwinism in action: too many people on Earth so Nature codes a certain percentage of the less genetically suited for reproduction in such a way that their sexual preferences prevent them from reproducing altogether. Getting rid of the weak and solving the surpopulation issue, you know.

A.) Gay men have anal sex.
B.) Anal sex is unsafe (feces and blood and sperm fly all over the place when they do this).
C.) Therefore don't be a homo.

Anal sex is hot, so do it.

>A.) Gay men have sex with each other.
B.) Gay men have higher STD rates.
C.) Therefore don't be a homo.

Don’t have sex with people with STDs.

>A.) Gay men seek more and more deranged sex in order to feel excited.
B.) This leads many to literally eating feces, intentionally getting/spreading AIDS, raping children etc.
C.) Therefore homosexuality should be illegal.

Everyone seeks more and more deranged sex in order to feel excited. Therefore, never have sex.

Nice thread

Depends what you are asking. Are you asking if Gay marriages should be treated the same as hetro? If so, across all of human recorded time and all nations Male Female pair bonding was celebrated for two reasons, #1 to pass on children, #2 to pass on inheritance. Please take a moment to let that sink in, All of the globe, for as long as we have had history have done this. Obiously there are very minor exceptions of gays staying together, but it was always a mutation from the norm and there was no marriage because who would pass their inheritance to someone who will have no, children or pass on that flaw.

My other point on this is, when people say LOVE IS LOVE, and move from one man one woman standard to anyone can be married, then anyone includes ALL degenerate behavior. Multiple spouses are even less abnormal but are still illegal. Age objects and Animals also apply.

My brother's friend announced he was a fag a few years ago and we were at a restaurant and he brought up Gay marriage and I didnt hide that there is no point to it. He got really mad and started shouting "FUCK YOU". I laughed.

As for if I have a problem with gays specifically, well they lead statistically lead very degen lives. It is at least part inherited and they should not have children. Im sure there will be someone that says gays dont have children, but historically many did and had a side man. They should be sterilized and possibly relatives should be too.

>that's hot
confirmed discord faggot

I love you

Depends what you are asking. Are you asking if Gay marriages should be treated the same as hetro? If so, across all of human recorded time and all nations Male Female pair bonding was celebrated for two reasons, #1 to pass on children, #2 to pass on inheritance. Please take a moment to let that sink in, All of the globe, for as long as we have had history have done this. Obiously there are very minor exceptions of gays staying together, but it was always a mutation from the norm and there was no marriage because who would pass their inheritance to someone who will have no, children or pass on that flaw.

Ban infertile marriages of any kind, yeah.

>My other point on this is, when people say LOVE IS LOVE, and move from one man one woman standard to anyone can be married, then anyone includes ALL degenerate behavior. Multiple spouses are even less abnormal but are still illegal. Age objects and Animals also apply.

Polygamy is fine. Fucking animals is fine as long as they let you. Raping kids can be proven to harm them, so that’s bad.

>My brother's friend announced he was a fag a few years ago and we were at a restaurant and he brought up Gay marriage and I didnt hide that there is no point to it. He got really mad and started shouting "FUCK YOU". I laughed.

And he was Albert Einstein and everyone on the bus clapped.

>As for if I have a problem with gays specifically, well they lead statistically lead very degen lives. It is at least part inherited and they should not have children. Im sure there will be someone that says gays dont have children, but historically many did and had a side man. They should be sterilized and possibly relatives should be too.

Back to the Nazi totalitarianism

>Confirmed discoed faggot

Confirmed Jow Forums incel.

3% of us population is gay.
2% is of male pop.
25% of that 2% is a hypersexual.
Hypersexuals have:1,000 partners
86% of all Aids virus, 2 % of male pop.

SPBP. A group of the population has high concentration of communicable diseases. There's a reason they should be monitored and suppressed.

>Back to the Nazi totalitarianism
Yes, faggot. Into the oven you go.

How did you even manage to make the jump from your initial argument to pedophilia?

faggots who cope will still get the rope

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AIDS is irrelevant with modern antivirals.

Just to add, the Gay dude has a 9/10 looking sister who had a kid with a meth head at like 17. Blond, big blue eyes, some freckles, thin, huge rack. She is really mentally fucked up, but she got remarried. I think stable and in mid 20s now.

Cause its gay

Silly rabbit, ropes are for the Nuremberg trials.

Aw, you want to replay getting raped by the Soviets again?

Sodomy is unnatural, and claiming that it's hot is not an argument. The anus is for excrement, not a point of entry.
You have to go back.

syphillis would be eradicated if it wasn't for vile faggots.
pro-LGBTQ simply means pro-disease.

I want to replay when families bogged bitches like you for the embarrassment caused for existing.

What is natural is irrelevant. What?

Ok, here it goes:
1. 80%+ of faggots admit to having had at least 100 sexual partners in a single year.
2. The sex they have involves rubbing their genitals in another man's feces.
3. This spreads diseases
4. Over 50% of all faggots admit to having had heterosexual intercourse in the past year. This introduces their faggot diseases into the mainstream population.
5. Faggots account for over half of all pedophiles. This means they also spread their filth among children, whom they seek to corrupt and recruit.
6. Over 75% of all serial killers/rapists are faggots, which shows they are hateful and vile monsters who actively seek to harm the rest of society for no good reason. They are essentially rabid beasts.
7. Google bugchasing.
>pic related

Attached: faggot1.png (602x502, 366K)

and faggots

Attached: iran-gay-teens-hanging2.jpg (304x255, 25K)

Does not produce offspring.
Encourages people do not reproduce.
Spreads STD's and disease.

The end.

Not so much an argument against homosexuality, but there is a problem with severe degeneracy among the gay community which needs to be addressed. Look at rates of STDs, promiscuity, child molestation, and more to see this in effect.

So salty. Enjoy the hangings and war crime trials if you ever try being too edgy

I was never abused or molested, why am i a faggot?

Move to the caliphate then, little guy.

Degeneracy doesn’t exist.

They’ll just say you’re lying don’t bother

I'll just vote dem and bring it here lol

there isn't one. hetero incels are just bitter.

Oh god it’s a boomer

War crimes? This time around the silent majority willingly joins in. Tick Tock, queer.

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I’m so scared by your empty internet threats. Oh no! Does it get the adrenaline running when you fantasize about hurting other people? LMAO

>So straight couples who have anal sex is just as guilty?
Yes, a straight couple having anal sex is also unnatural.

Jow Forums is unnatural. Destroy all technology. It’s hilarious seeing retarded autistic kids using one of the fallacies listed in the image pinned to this board.