Is this the speech that woke everyone up on the right to the fact that Trump is kike controlled op? Or will the slumber continue?
How do we wake up the magatards and normie republicans from their slumber?
Is it over for Trump?
Fucking 25 minutes of the Jews and the Holocaust. What the fuck does that have to do with America, making it great, and where we go from here?! Trump wins best goy 2019
Now with that knowledge you have, take in consideration that 78% of America thought his garbage kike rhetoric was a GOOD SPEECH. (MOSTLY COMING FROM THE CONSERVATIVE BASE).
nobody cares!
This is like that one movie where if they wear the magical hat, they can go through door portals into a utility hall. The magic hat people ran how timelines should end up. Anyone remember this movie?
topkek. fuck you kike, we all know trump bows to no one. he's the loose cannon that will bring this country back on the rails.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
All of our governments are robbing us at gunpoint under threat of imprisonment for tax evasion in order to fund a massive underclass of hyper reproductive welfare addicted minorities who are on track to outnumber us in our own democracy - and this must be stopped if white people are to survive in the long term. Prove me wrong.
Nah, Trumptards are so fucking delusional at this point. They will do anything for Trump, including LOVING THE JEW.
So uh... are you mad at Jews for following Trump or for being against Trump?
most Trump voters are genuinely not racist though
Haha, this, we want LEGAL beaners replacing us, not illegals, Trump is a master genius, just wait till he grants amnesty, boy the faces on those libtrads when we make illegals legals, BTFO!
Its over
I thought this was supposedly a high IQ board. Haven't you heard it said people who are really funny don't have to tell you they are funny. The fact Trump is having to say he loves Israel so much means that he must be fucking them in the ass doubletime.
Trump is so obviously kike controlled that it will become an issue in 2020 election and will shine the light on our relationship with Israel. Overton window will be thrown open
Look share blue anyone with an IQ over 90 knew Trump was Kike controled, he was just the best of a bad situation. If he gets the wall it will have been worth it. Sage.
You forgot your proxy nigger.
sounds more like leftypol being so buthurt that trump didnt trip over his own tongue while goosestepping on the skulls of children that they need to vent on a massive shilling campaign on pol, even so much as to bring in the donald arguments for the start of 2017. guess everyone has their ways of copeing
the point of talking about it for 25 minutes was to try and flip lefties to shit on israel.
If anybody has an IQ over 90 they would know that the elections are rigged and kike controlled. Your vote doesn't matter, presidents are selected, not elected.