Jow Forumsacks encounter Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

This is exactly how I would have envisioned it.

Now we have a picture.

Attached: aoc.jpg (675x1200, 91K)

All of our governments are robbing us at gunpoint under threat of imprisonment for tax evasion in order to fund a massive underclass of hyper reproductive welfare addicted minorities who are on track to outnumber us in our own democracy - and this must be stopped if white people are to survive in the long term. Prove me wrong.

Attached: CTBOSWGE_24.jpg (550x733, 91K)

Are they freakishly tall or is she freakishly short?

I would have gone up and sniffed her ass desu

My fellow brethren would do the same

why is every step so powerful

Maybe she's got a whale tail going on back there.


>envisioned it

dead-eyed psycho mentally ill shrill voiced skank, and everyone looking over, laughing at her for being such a stupid bitch walking with such hubris like she has any kind of impact or power on society? yes. you are correct. it is a funny image.

no wiki's or databases list her height. it is safe to assume she is a 4'10" dumb whore with high heels.

America will never be socialist

>when you know she's had chipotle

Attached: AlexandriaAsquerosoCortez.png (1125x1993, 2.31M)

Lol she still like the crazy horse girl from elementary school

nice selective framing, got the full picture?

This post deserved quints.

they're literally raping her

hnnng feminist milkers

Also, she’s ugly af

Go back to Shillcord.

Angle. Look at the feet.


Check em btw

is she on drugs or something or maybe some mental issue ? Her eyes look insanely dilated and she always looks sort of "out of it".

Jesus there is nothing behind those eyes. Completely vacant.

Attached: 1549513511685.jpg (567x552, 44K)

No, you fetish faggot, most of us would not even acknowledge that useless cunt.

I'd pay someone to sniff her ass like a dog in front of a camera.
I'd pay $2000

Is there a law against that?

dont youll wake him..

Yup, she ugly AF. Looks like a bug with big milkers.

Also where's those hips?

Yes, cruelty to animals.

Don’t lie user you’d smash it

If doing like a dog I mean. Musn't appropriate animal culture.

No, my GF is a 7/10 and still better than that spic.

Upgraded to china thread.

Attached: china t bone.webm (428x244, 944K)

Attached: CLIP_STUDIO_PAINT_2019-02-07_04-53-47.png (639x814, 134K)

Where the fuck her nipples at?

>eyes open as wide as possible
Why do they feel the need to stage shit less than 1% of the population will ever see, and even fewer care about?

Attached: 1483758565988.jpg (1633x1927, 845K)

She looks like a fucking swamp donkey not hot

>white & non-manlets
>Jow Forums

shes not even breathing she looks scared

>voting for a spoiled rotten neurotic teenage girl as a leader

Who's the dwarf?

what are you talking about? she is ugly as fuck

look at those filthy nazis... looking at a person.


Where's the pointed hood?

She has that Deer in the Headlights look. She can't be more than 3 Rogans tall.

White after labor day?

Only one of these people is actually looking at her. The photo is framed in a way to trick the eye into thinking the room is centered on her.

Is that a preview for

Looks like a trashy gypsy.

Funny how you don't quote Chamberlain that was actually in charge when the war was declared. You know, the guy that let Germany annex half of Europe to have "peace on our time".