What will the left do?
The rise of the Caliphate begins. the left will doubtlessly and willingly hand over their power to their new Muslim overlords and then turn to the right to come save them when the stonings and beheadings start. Useful idiots... always first up against the wall.
They will have to side with muslims cuz they're brown people and they don't wanna be called islamaphobic or racist.
Muslims will do the job you Western ''men'' are too scared to do... cleanse society from degenerates and kikery. You should thank them.
>muslims are allowed to be anti gay
>I was derided in school because a teacher thought I said the word faggot
Why can muzzies do it but I cant? Is it cause Im huwhyte?
Maplesyrup drenched opinion but I want to see how far their delusions go
we are not the ones who were letting in hordes of refugees from a particular conflict where the enemy is adept at blending in with the populace.
America the gay disco. I'd be pissed if I were a muslim too. Fuck these homo-pushing faggots
>being taught
Wh... fuckin huh? You can't "teach" homosexuality... It just exists...
The left will do what they did when that muzzie shot 50 of them in a bar.
Blame the average person of being bigoted.
They'll say the Muslims can do what they want, but white devils must indoctrinate themselves because guilt or something.
Stop typing like a fag.
And what did you do after you got denied? There's the answer. These people would rather starve than except such degeneracy, compared to pathetic wh*tes who would never dare ruin their precious career working for Goldstein.
not denied, derided, criticised. I didnt actually say faggot then, a teacher thought i did
I did get chastised by some classmates for being pissed about the formation of a gay club. I told them I didnt like faggots and didnt waivor on that. Not much I could do though as far as stopping the club as it was an after school group. I wasnt being forced to be involved (and I certainly did not attend) so I couldnt counter it on religous reasons
Bullshit. If you think a huge number of the newfound trannies and faggots in the West aren’t just malleable retards following a trend, you’re an idiot. People don’t “choose” to be gay, but they certainly can and are being socialized/conditioned to be.
very accurate btw
i don't like fags but at least they're more civilised, muslims and anti-Semites don't belong to the western world
Is that why all of their nations couldn’t last a week against Israel in a “war”? Lol, we Jews fucking own you pricks.
>muslims and anti-Semites don't belong to the western world
This outta be fun to watch
How the fuck do I getba jew gf you fucking kike I thirst for khazar milkers
>What will the left do?
The real question, what would you do?
Do you agree homosex taught in public school or not?
Stop being divided by label such muslim, left, right. If it good for your communities, defend it, no matter whos bring the messages.
Thank God someone is!
Too bad they're going to hell for worshipping Satan.
Never thought I'd agree with muslims
The left went nuts at Russia when they banned teaching gayness for children.
Wonder what mental gymnastics these same people will come up with.
Jewish women are pure, they would never date a filthy streetshitter.
I have a bag of gold coins you fucking faggot will you sell your jew sister for it
Force every school to teach those lessons in the hope mudshits will leave the country?
Based Truck drivers of peace!
This is why you should embrace Islam, /pol!
Which group will win?
It's clearly a dilemma because, as we know, beloved by the British leftists Labours and The Guardian are funded by Muslims.
I honestly wish Catholics and Muslims would get along. We would get so much done.
Absolutely this. It's not even in question.
no they wont
maybe for a while, but it will be subverted by kikes as well.
Checkmate faggot.
it's all coming together as planned.
*rubs hands*
>"Remember kids, you can all cut your dicks to become girls and liking the same-sex is okay"
Kill yourself faggot, I'm with the muslims on this one. This degeneracy should not be allowed to continue
>What will the left do?
this is great, we all knew this fight was coming, we warned the left they didnt listen. its going to get bloody soon.
the brits should give up their nukes now, before they get too many muslims in the british military
Pakis just want to teach their kids about homosexuality themselves - with an interactive practical workshop. Filthy paedos.
muslims will get brainwashed too, the lower the IQ the easier it is, thats why there are so many gay niggers in America (per capita, blacks are gayer than everyone else)
They may get brainwashed by the shit over there but in north africa and middle east, muslims will hold their ground as the last line of defence against such degeneracy
Whoa what happened to that tank?
Interesting guardian articles kek
From 2016
I live close to there.
Its a terrorist hotspot full of pakis and Somalis
this is crazy why is homosexuality winning everything? there is no defence to this? our kids are gonna be gay?
Except the Muslims are invading the low level politics too. Its a matter of time. I like that one imagine showing the percentage of Muslim population and how far they push things, eventually taking over. Amazing most people can see it coming till its too late.
Holy shit, "Muslim majority school"
theres one white guy only brits aren't ever allowed to say we aren't white again ever
Good, Muslims are doing what whites are too cucked to do. Fighting back against degeneracy.
In the west, yes, because you let them go too far in including thier crap in children carttons and teaching them shit in
schools The middle east and north africa censors any children cartoon with such crap and lgbt is completely illegal in all the countries. Really islam is the last line of defence, if they fall to international pressure then its all over for the future generation
Are you supporting transitioning by cutting your dick and same sex aids marriage? Muslims are doing what is right over here so kill yourself fag
America won for you kikes
I didn't vote Trump for this youtube.com
It's cuz of muh slavery and muh holohoax. Remember the six gorillion.
That's kinda racist the soft bigotry of low expectations. Why are muslims being treated differently cuz they're brown or is it that they probably want to avoid a chimpout.
>theres one white guy only brits aren't ever allowed to say we aren't white again ever
Muslims cuz they're brown and brown people are generally victims by default.
pope kisses nigger feet.jpg. This is why Islam will win.
First we bow to Mecca, Children. Now that your butts are in the air it's time to learn about Homosex.
white's really can't speak out with being labeled every term in the book and having their lives ruined by media and everyone else.
Gavin loves shitting on gays, but Gavin is a literal faggot degenerate.
>"I'm a Christian"
because he goes to a Rich Bitch church and doesn't do anything but sit there and give a few dollarydoos.
Only through chaos can we achieve victory
Yeah because whites are weak and allowed themselves to be beaten down in such a way. All it would take is say 10% or maybe even 5% of the white population to seriously stop giving a shit and forming a strong vanguard and it would be over tomorrow.
But alas whites are too cucked and weak as a race to do anything like that. You can call for white genocide, insult white people and do all kind of things like that and it's fine. Try that with Mohammed and you have a target on your back because Muslims aren't as cucked or weak.
Every muslim school should be forced to promote this , not only can they leave the schools they can also leave our lands.
Homosexuals will save white race!
Why do you have to teach about being gay to a bunch of easily influenced children sex isn't even a thing at that point. Either you're raised like a sissy by mother/multiple female roles, you watch too much porn & become a pervert or maybe you were born that way which i doubt
WHY ARE WE AFRAID OF THEM OR OF BEING CALLED RACIST? Our ancestors would be rolling around in their graves if they saw how we kowtowed to these people.
Fucking fantastic picture lmao.
>be muslime
>hate fags
>yet love the prophet Mohammed who actively sucked boy cock
Why aren’t these photos being sent to Muslims all around the world?
>kick out degeneracy
yeah right
Ha! Socially conservative fiscally liberal
Wow, the alt-right really is filled with faggots
They'll ignore it. Stop thinking they operate on rational good faith.
Air pressure removed from the inside.
Aka: The weight of the outside air crushed it.
First article says "christian parents forced him out of past shool, new muslim parents much more accepting".
Then the second article reveals that in fact it was Muslim parents in the first school as well with "some christian parents".
Guardian writers will get the rope.
Someone should shop those to articles next to each other as well as archive them so people can be shown the blatant propoganda.
That’s it I’m Muslim /pol
Good for them. Homos are ALL pedos.
Get the rooftops!
He was right though, he had reason to be afraid to walk down the street and rape teenagers.
Don't you have some children to be raping?
Oh yeah? Well, guess what! Hitler killed a bunch of people a long time ago so they're always right now.
Check mate, racist!!!!
and so are the british muslims
>threatening to go away
ooooh so sad
how will england ever recover
They want to fuck their kids and only on their own terms. Not have some weird drag queens pump them full of sóy and make them annyoing while they're at it.
Muslims are doing it with class. So are catholics.
Conservative pedophilia > Liberal pedophilia
>american tanks
>american ordinance
>american aircraft
>american trade embargos
>american billions
>american soldiers
>american technology
>Yeah we're so fucking tough
I don't recall ever seeing any sand niggers getting blown up by a flagpole, Noseberg.
excuse muzzies from class
looks like the problem worked itself out.
They will simply give muslim the right to skip thoses classes