So Jimmy Kimmel had apparently lied about Trump's SOTU speech and showed an edited clip of trump talking about border control and rape
Are you still not sure if we are living in 1984?
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who cares?
Nobody's talking to you New Zealander
Jimmy Kimmel is a racist and needs to resign
Just spread the link to the video like crazy
Cmon bump
Maybe Kimmel would act like less of an asshole if his retarded baby boy was still alive?
I think it still is
Isn't this guy an alcoholic?
i dont want to violate the nap by playing the video because my roommate is sleeping so can someone give me the quotes jimmy is taking out of context? i watched the whole sotu
Faggot youtuber whspering into a mic because he will wake up his alcoholic parents in the next room.
It's all so tiresome.
Jimmy Kimmel didn't talk about the Ralph Northam incident, unlike most of the shill TV "comedians". I wonder why.
Holy shit! The democrats are the real racists. I love my based black brothers. MAGA 2020!
Do you guys not understand a joke? You actually photoshopped "BREAKING" over a picture of Kimmel because of this?
Did anyone notice the crowd laughing instead of reacting in horror at the OBVIOUSLY REAL footage of republicans cheering rape and murder?
How is this supposed to be a joke? "what kind of reaction is this?" implies that it was the true reaction They were laughing at the joke that jimmy made about "Hahah Orange man bad"
Boomer as fuck, nice work.
All the late night hosts are propagandists. Their job is to just be clowns and put on a smile to make the lies simple for idiots to digest, so those dunces can regurgitate the lies to their friends and spew it all over social media.
Couple months from now they will say "dude, you didn't get the joke? we were joking about trump and russia! Have you seen the caricatures? and look kimmel talked about it too. Its a joke, lol"
are you scared when you post things like that, living in germany and all
couldn't you just watch the live speech instead of watching kimmel's version?
He's already gone
That's the point, kimmel showed an edited version trying to show how "orange man is bad"
or are you talking about how trump's speech was 1984-like? well norway cuck does his usual thing
Kimmel is a fucking pedo. Can't wait to see him go down.