Who will win?

Any bongs awake yet? What are the odds for todays match between May and EU, you think?

May seems stronger than ever, having united the Tories and with a clear vision of what she wants out of the negotiations. Meanwhile EU is really shitting themselves, stand to loose the only real contributor to the Union and will surely face disaster if UK leaves.

My bet is on T-May, desu

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Pretty sure that they come up with some “late night agreement” at some “crunch EU-UK emergency meeting” which will be hailed as “the great breakthrough” and will the be pushed through all relevant chambers.

It has always been like this. Big theatre until the sheep don’t care any more and are simply happy everyone moves on.

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We're in quite a strong position.

EU has said in the event of no deal there will be a technical solution and no physical border in Ireland. So why can't we do it with a deal?

May has a clear political majority in Parliament that says that they will support her deal with an ammendment to the backstop. Ball is in their court and they don't want to piss off European nations that rely on trade with the UK.

EU is looking likely to enter into ression over the next 6 months the last thing they need is to put up barriers with an extremely wealthy import nation.

With the economic problems in the European Union they could really do with a £39 billion cash injection plus it's going towards lining the pockets of MEPs so they'll not want to vote against that sweet sweet bong cash.

EU elections are coming up in May so they need as much economic security as possible and to appear reasonable if they want to avoid the huge populist influx that's likely to happen in the elections.

>EU has said in the event of no deal there will be a technical solution and no physical border in Ireland

Bullshit. No such thing exists. The english are liars, as usual.

>So why can't we do it with a deal?

Because what the EU actually said is that the “technical solution” of the NI border will be border checks aka a hard border.

>EU has said in the event of no deal there will be a technical solution and no physical border
Um, no, the opposite is true. EU has said in the event of no deal they expect Ireland to put up a border and implement people and customs checks.

Is this satire? Brexiters have been told to fuck off three times or more already and you think you're in a strong position? hahaha Go ahead, do your no deal brexit, fukkin morons.

>three german flags shilling for the EU

What are the odds of that!?! It's not even a fucking meme anymore.

Tories are up six points in the latest poll; thanks to the hell comments yesterday they could go even higher.

I still believe May is playing a game, feigning no deal until then last minute so MPs panic anencephaly push through her deal. Either way we get Brexit so I dont care

How is that a problem? Russians travel to Finland and it's like a 3 min stop, show me your documents sir, move on.

They'd have a visa free arrangement

The most interesting part is whether to buy or to sell the pound during the shite show.

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i smell a burger behind this post

It's not about travel, it's about large amounts of export and import, redundant bureaucracy creates a negative impact.

>How is that a problem? Russians travel to Finland and it's like a 3 min stop, show me your documents sir, move on.

You need a border for that.

germans consider the uk part of europe which they control,they think it belongs to them now

they dont care about flooding germany with niggers cause they think europe belongs to them so its fine

the german doesnt worry about niggers it worries about loss of power and control

the eu is simply the germans being german,trying to control the free men of europe and now the mighty anglo bout fuck their plan up for the 3rd time in less than 100 years

buy british products and support the uk

even from a russian point of view,its in your interest for a weaker europe so support the uk.

I hate the EU. I also hate the UK. I am torn on Brexit, but in this thread I was just correcting the record. The EU actually said border checks are required in NI in a no deal scenario.

>thanks to the hell comments yesterday they could go even higher.

Are Brits really this sensitive? When you are in a strong position why bother with this?

To be honest, Brits will be importing pakis by the millions to make up for the EEs leaving after brexit.

The price of brexit at sovereignty is a lot of diversity apparently, (((truly global))) and all that.

>Tories are up six points in the latest poll; thanks to the hell comments yesterday they could go even higher.

Interesting. What if May and the EU agreed a snap election are the best way to get the deal over the line? Maybe Tusk was just reading from a script when he made the hell comment to increase Tory backing in a snap election? Maybe May is trying to end the DUP agreement with her by making the DUP pull out, then call the snap election and get a pro-her deal crowd into parliament? Comrade Corbyn can’t rally his labour voters because half are Remoaners and he is a staunch Brexiteer.

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>now the mighty anglo bout fuck their plan up for the 3rd time in less than 100 years

Only this time you are alone.

No big mom and pop (US and Russia) helping you out.

Not that you didn't try. You sucked trump hard and long, yet he considering he is german-scottish and you worked together with Obam and Clinton to undermine his presidency, he probably secretly hates you

I didn't mean a long term investment. During such public events over Brexit the pound usually quickly goes up or down, for forex traders it's a thing.

>Are Brits really this sensitive? When you are in a strong position why bother with this?

They are worse than Jews.

We are still going to be blacked whether we stay in the EU or not.

This is going to be a disaster i reckon

Brexit isn't going to stop non white mass immigration
Your lawmakers are traitors

Staying in the EU isn't going to stop non white mass immigration
Your lawmakers are traitors

I'm a bit surprise you agree with me. Last time I mentioned this most UK posters completely denied it.

Still, I think May will get a good deal today.

You're not wrong. Fuck you for not finishing the job on merchants, and fuck the UK for gay sexing Obama...corrupt nigger lovers with your nasty teeth and tiny clothes washers.

>going to be blacked
hate to break it to you, but

>Still, I think May will get a good deal today.
May already HAS a good deal. It won't get any better than that. She just has to sign it.

You don't understand how the British migration system works, they can't import anyone on a whim, it is not easy nor is it cheap, as it was with the EU where any toilet cleaner could simply buy a ticket on a plane.

If it takes 1 or 30 days it doesn't matter. Melanine levels will increase in the UK.

Is this satire? You are pretending to support an evil dictatorship

We German diaspora have your back over here in the US! Give ‘em hell Hans!

UK = Ruled by the Queen and a prime minister nobody wanted

EU = Ruled by the EP who is democratically chosen every 5 year

GTFO Wilders


The *nglish are getting laughed at by everyone now, ahaha.

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>What are the odds of that!?! It's not even a fucking meme anymore.

It's always the fucking Krauts shilling for the EU. Watch this:

Attached: German EU propaganda.png (1024x457, 469K)

In all fairness after we have delt with you bongs the german centrists needs to be beatin into submission. Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Italy et al will make sure of this.

Actually we are half way there since Merkel has given up on here forced EU immigrant policies and are resigning.

If they out up a hard border up between NI and Ireland they will ha e to deal with Belfast and Derry burning again

It's a good thing that she will be gone in three years. But unfortunately her legacy is that there is now no political party right of centre in Germany. Because her successor is again a woman who is even as bad as her.

>Merkel has given up on here forced EU immigrant policies
Yes, I get that and it's good news. But the damage she has done is irrevocable - it simply can't be undone.

>after we have delt with you bongs
Whatever. We DO have an island mentality (call it 'arrogance' if you wish) and most people don't give a fuck what you continentals think about us - we just want our country to be sovereign.

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>we just want our country to be sovereign.
Who doesn't? I mean here on the continent we are more supportive of the EU. But giving up national souvereignty in favour of the EU like some Brussels idiots talk about certainly hasn't the support of the people. I'd say there'd be a violent conflict or even an outright civil war if they tried to abolish the national governments.

Fuck Brussels.

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Kill yourself cocksucker.

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I couldn't agree more, mate.
But that's not the direction the EU is heading. This article is from an extremely pro-EU, left wing newspaper:

They mocked us leave voters for suggesting this was on the EU's agenda, but it now seems a very real prospect. Just search for "EU army". It's fucking chilling.

What really pissed me off about the remain bloc is that they painted people like me as anti-Europe because we hate the EU. They conflated the continent of Europe with the European Union organisation. I've lived and worked in Ireland, Germany and Spain. I speak Spanish and German quite well and I love Europe. I hate the EU BECAUSE I love Europe.

litteral eu paid troll farms

I'd prefer to have the EEC back, plus maybe the Schengen Treaty. Other projects like the common currency and a union could work, but only on a much, much smaller scale. Like if you took Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg and left it at that. That could have worked.
The free trade zone could be bigger, but an EU has to be small in order to function.