Starting a new because there's a recount on the last one.
im a 20 year old virgin and it sucks
not ugly.
just have terrble social skills.
would like some advice to be honest
I feel like the majority of people on this site are around this age.
Listen, at age 20 your life is still in the early stages. Only a small percentage of the population is cemented on what they want to do in life at age 20. Calm your tits.
yeah but i feel like never connecting with anyone on personal level at 20 years is not a god thing.
I dont want to become a wizard yo
Eh it's overrated. You've got time kid. It'll happen.
I was thinking about just getting an escort but I dont know
Please don't. When you lose your virginity, it really kind of sets the rest of your future relationships. You'll have a harder time emotionally connecting in the future when it comes to sex.
I miss you still. Will I ever not?
I want to see you before I die.
I noticed an old coworker of mine who I haven't seen in months has a sunglasses emoji next to his name meaning he shares a best friend with me. I only have 4 on Snapchat and two don't have any connection to him, one of the remaining two is my gf and I've suddenly become paranoid I might be getting cucked. Am I just overthinking this?
I'm just so mad
My friend got a wonderful girlfriend in school now he barely ever talks to me and is busy with her.
I'm working and never meet women, and I'm older than him. He's become totally normal and well adjusted now, and I'm still completely alone.
I shouldn't be mad and jealous, but I am. Just because I didn't get a girl I'm still a crazy loser. Seeing how much she fixed him made me realize that it really is my problem, now I'm going to fucking die alone. I wish I had just talked to women then and been fixed when I was fixable like him.
Time place and date. I'll be there.
I did that too, stop being such a fag about it.
Why would you Jack off to that?
It's hot.
Despite how mediocre my life is, I'm really glad I'm still in school and on track for a good career. To all you U.S. anons especially, you have to cling to that societal connection like it's the last helicopter out of Vietnam. I've seen how this country treats people who can't land a job or afford healthcare, and it's sad. Both of my parents are stuck in that rut now, and I'm sure many of you reading this are too. I can't tell you how to escape it, but just know that, if it comes to either buckling down for a semester in school or calling it quits altogether, please pick the former. Do it like the Japanese do: Work a soulless job for a while. That way, you're never fully out. When you contribute to society, you are owed something back by mutual agreement. Pursue this to the very end for whatever it's worth. That is all.
Do you torture little animals too?
I don't know, do you?
You did it too.
No I didn't.
I'm not the op on that post.
I'm crazy but not demented.
Seems like a pretty boring life desu.
I have such a battle in me all the time. Do the right thing or be happy. I flirt with being happy but then I know I have to do the right thing. Life is torture.
What is the right thing?
What would make you happy?
Maybe you should chase happiness. Morality is a spook.
I'm surprisingly not sorry that I stopped talking to you. I'm glad we established where we go from here. That was a flakey coating of genuine kindness you put up was pretty convincing but I'm glad I saw it crumble before I wasted any actual time on you. Red pilled assholes who tries to take the center field will always have their true colors revealed and as much as I don't care for politics, I'm not stupid enough to agree to leftist/right winged shit flinging when it comes to flat out racism.
Doing the right thing involves thinking of others, being happy means thinking of only me. The answer is clear.
That's fine. I'll happily take being "boring" instead of masturbating to someone's death.
Wtf is wrong with this generation coming up?? No wonder there's mass shootings everywhere.
I think I am in love with a girl named Briana. I can't stop thinking about her.
Went to my local supermarket to buy laundry detergent... in the isle i passed by the glade fresheners section and I smelled something familiar. I looked and looked and found the "Hawaiian breeze"... which is what you used at your home. it was a nice reminder. they say smell is the most powerful sense when it comes to making memories. I confirmed it today.
Aww that is the sweetest post.
I hope you don't visit in my dreams tonight.
Seeing you and spending time with you there messes my decision making during awake hours.
Fuck. I was so happy when I got over my angry thoughts this year. For seven years I've always had these violent fantasies of just killing random strangers or going on a rampage. It's horrible, truly horrible. The amount of mental stress it puts on you. This year I finally gave in and started taking meds. And next thing you know, the violent thoughts have all but vanished, I don't hate the world or the people in it anymore, not the way I used to. It was such a great fucking relief, you wouldn't believe it.
But hey, I wouldn't be life if it didn't come back at you like a bitch. Because now the suicidal thoughts are coming back. Locked away for 8 years, but now they make their great return. Well, it's only natural, my violent thoughts were always just there to distract me from suicide, no matter what form they took. It was quite a journey and now I'm back where I started. Wow. Now I'm thinking about hanging myself every day. I don't know how long I have left.
Thanks, kinda sucks that once you break up with someone you gotta forget everything you learned about them and go about like you never met.
I wont change my mind. I know this time what my heart truly wants.
I love the way he laughs at me when I say ridiculous things. He pretends he's angry at me but he can't help but smile and laugh. =)
Aw I don't think you have to forget everything you learned about them.
What does it want?
This is true, It was fun while it lasted. But thinking about it kinda sucks as well.
I know what I want, and I'm going to fight to get it until I am dead. I'll kill anyone who gets in my way.
I love him and am not going to cheat on him ever. This is a promise.
Yeah grief is just a byproduct of love. If they meant nothing, then breaking up would be cake.
I'm officially teaching 7 different fucking subjects, that entails 7 different fucking preparations, and all the ppts I downloaded to keep my prep time short only triggers my autism with their fucking comic sans font and different text boxes for different paragraphs and outdated information.
I have to read up on different shit daily because I am a fucking brainlet. I have to make different fucking exams for both lecture and laboratory and check quizzes and do extra shit. I didn't have this kind of burden before, what the fuck happened? To make things worse I try to teach the best I can so the brainlets in the class would gain a few cells more.
God once this semester ends I'm either eating a bullet or resigning.
How about cutting back on the different subjects? Or the number of classes?
I lost my virginity at 20. I felt terrible up until then too but there's still time man.
I'm a 26 year old virgin.
I feel awful and blame all my problems on it.
>so user, she's your girlfriend but lives with her ex-husband because of financial issues?
>y-y-yeah... She's working on it though..
I'd rather eat a gun than have this discussion with my family. I don't have the financial ability to pull you out of the sling you're in, nor should it even be my responsibility. You've made ten years worth of bad decisions, and while I've been there for five years of them, the only way we're going to date is if you're no longer financially dependent on him.
and I'm not waiting on that.
I actually refused to be the substitute teacher for the 7th subject, told my boss I couldn't handle it since I had 6 subjects already and it was biochem to boot (am chem brainlet). Boss said no, they couldn't find anyone else to teach.
I am 99.9% certain the other teachers just refused and since I was the "newest," they just dumped it on me.
Just have to hold out until the semester ends this December.
Im not feeling well. Where online can I go to learn about myself, my thoughts and emotions? Thank you.
Wish I could tell you goodnight.
I'm yours forever but you knew that.
Why do I fall in love with anyone I get close with?
I remember how your pillows felt like clouds, or was it the other way around? I can still hear you talk in your sleep, I can't forget your laugh. I remember your room, your fancy table, your checker pattern coasters. I wonder if I ever come up in your mind? Is your tv facing your bed or your couch? Wish I could go back in time and relive it once again. wish I could kiss you, your soft lips were an addiction. Goodnight
Well, its strange for me, but for the first time on my life, I feel good with myself, after a toxic relationship, when I became less as a person.
Now, I can see her without any bad feeling or something like that, it feels good knowing that I was able to move on.
I want to be better to you. I have these fantasies about kissing you. I want to touch you, and know you. I think about this all the time
I wasted my 22-26 in an online LDR I was too scared to close the distance with.
I'm an awful person.
Absolutely heartbroken. No amount of crying is helping my situation. Last night I cried for an hour and a half, stopped... then cried again.
Even as I type this I'm struggling to hold back tears.
I know you don't care anymore. I know there's no love. I should just block your number...your Facebook...But how am I going to purge your memory? Your face. Your voice. Your FUCKING SMILE.
I wish I was fucking dead.
I'm kind to you when you reach out to me to say hello because I worry you're in a very dark place if you're actually contacting me.
But you ruined my brain, you know? I think you made me incapable of love. Even the idea of someone texting me daily or God forbid living in my house is insufferable.
Even though I don't want you to be unhappy sometimes I think knowing you're suffering is the only thing that gives me peace.
It's been 5 years. Leave me alone. I want to pretend you never existed.
All the problems ITT could be solved if women were less shallow creatures. Pussy inflation is through the roof. Sex robots will probably change that though and women will have to actually work for the guys they want. SCUUUUUUUUUUM GAAAAAAAAAANG
I'm in a LTR and things have been rocky. I found myself having feelings for a coworker and hung out with him a few times (no kissing or physical touching) and then he moved away. We keep in contact, and I am guilty of doing some flirting with him. My LTR and I went away on a trip and its made me feel things for him that I havent in a long while, but I still find myself caring about this other guy. I would ideally just like to be friends with this other guy ( since things never moved past a platonic stage) but I feel like he may have feelings for me moreso then that since I guess he's talked about me to his other friends. I know I really fucked up, and just would like to remain friends with this guy but progress my LTR.
I really just feel so confused and I'm worried I'm gonna end up physically cheating on my LTR because I feel like I cant stop myself which I know is such a bullshit thing to say.
I know the best course of action is to cut all contact with the guy that moved away but I feel like I can't imagine not talking to him either. Ive never been in this situation before and never imagined myself in this type of situation. I feel completely lost.
and also hate myself even doing this.
Today is the last day. I hope you will remember me fondly.
What kind of garbage weekend was that? I didn't get to do anything I wanted.
You're out there having such a great life and time with your friends partying going to clubs like we used to. Probably having sex with someone else kinda like we used to. That 2 years was a wild fucking ride. You couldn't deal with me anymore. Man I don't know what else to do tho I'm still stuck in my shitty job, you dont come home anymore. I gave you shit all those times. You gave me shit and I couldn't console you. I fucking hate this. Blocking me on everything? I can't believe it's come to that. Im never going to find anyone. I fucking miss us. The damn dog. I wanna die every single day. But you'll never know. Im so tired. I'm losing touch with reality. really can't live this way. I had nobody before you and you gave me a reason not to kill myself. I just wanna be happy again.
I just wanna feel alive again
pretty much in the exact same situation
>Haven't cried since i was a kid
>Watch clip of baby elephant getting saved from a ditch
>Cry like a baby
Why are feels like this?
>Talking to people
>Said what i wanted to say
>Dont really listen to wtf they are saying
>Just go "haha, yeah" and walk away
>Do this all the time
People must think I am retarded or something. Why cant i be normal?
I need to escape my life
Im so completely underwhelmed and unhappy and angry with my life and everyone around me, literally everyone, my friends, parents who i rarely talk to but am obligated to know, my coworkers, the people on the bus, just everyone, i feel like i need to just run away and live somewhere else where i can start fresh and leave every trace of my life behind.
I really hope things work out for you. I don't intend to return. Life has to move on.
I lost 4 years to you and you throw me away like it's nothing.
I told you how I felt. If only you had just returned the favor. Now I'm feeling guilty because I have this feeling that you wanted to, or did and I just didn't see it.
I am 23 and my 1st boyfriend, whom i dated for 2 years, cheated on me. He had never done anything like that before and it seemed like an accident from drinking too much, so i decided to forgive him and see if he wanted to start over. But he kept saying it would hurt him to stay with me. He eventually spilled that he never planned on having a future with me and that he wants to live unmarried. My heart is broken. I think this is gunna give me trust issues for future relationships.
It was the deadline 11/11/2018
Now they fight, nothing I can do anymore.
See you in another life....
I love you. I will love you on my deathbed.
I just want to move out of my parent's house, but I can't finish the project I need to do to get a job, nothing is working, my code isn't working.
I'm trapped in an endless cycle of pain.
I don't want to have to wait another year just to get a gf.
Is it really so hard to believe that I'd rather be single than put up being in a relationship with a man who basically only wants sex and housework? I don't care how "lucky" I am supposed to be to get attention from a guy when that attention is all guilt tripping and demanding I fulfill his "needs". Who the hell wants to live pretending being asked to do housework is "love".
I’m dating someone who seems better than me in every single fucking way and I’m so fucking scared and I feel so insignificant why does this person want me? I am literally nothing I am a piece of shit next to him, I don’t understand what he has to gain. I’m just horrified he’s going to leave me for someone better and I don’t know what to do man
I'm 25 and I'm already burnt out. I went to four different colleges in a span of seven years, and I've had about 10 jobs in that time. I never got fired once, I just moved onto better things when I could.
Now I'm in a position where I have absolutely nothing going for me. I dropped out of college and I'm unemployed.
I'm probably going to hop in front of a bus sometime this week.
We are falling apart, and the feeling is dying on both sides. When we met you were the more positive one, you would cheer me up and bring me back from the fog. Now we seemed to have traded spots, I keep trying to keep you from falling apart. So much so that you get mad at me for being positive, but I know it's not really that. The stress of all this is getting the better of us.
We love each other, I feel it. I know it.
So why doesn't it seem to be working out? Why are there warning flags all around us? It hurts, that two people can care and love for each other but things still don't seem to go right.
I just want us to be happy. You and I.
I think I'm fucked in the head, I used to blame it on my parents but now I'm taking ownership. Any suggestions on how to do so?
Depends on your definition of fucked in the head.
Are you bipolar? Paranoid? Depressed?
I'm not really sure, fairly depressed for decent reason, but at the same time I bounce back and forth between fine and sad.
Are people here actually mentally retarded? What would be diffferent if you weren't virgins, except feeling cheapened?
Validation as a man.
the deep internal satisfaction of knowing that another human being engaged in total physical intimacy with you
the exact meaningless feeling in regards to it that you feel is exactly what everyone is after, to get over it already
Sounds like you have depression. Do you find yourself overthinking?
I feel like l don't have anything to offer as a friend or as a lover due to how introverted and reserved my personality is.
I've been in relationships in the past, and they all kinda ended for the same reason from what I can tell, I'm too much of a homebody for most people in their 20's and I would rather have 2 to 3 friends and a romantic partner than go to big social gatherings/parties, but I'm high maintenance as fuck so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
well aside from and also confirmation that I'm not a complete pile of social outcast trash.
What do you mean by overthinking?
I'm not attracted to you anymore. You've put on a huge amount of weight, and done nothing to lose it for months, although you said you would.
It's hard because I still want to be close to you but I don't want to be close to you that way anymore.
I guess I just have to admit that this is my lot in life. My sex life will remain shit and I'll be a part of one of those couples that are miserable, and fat, and actually look forward to KFC
Maybe you are pressuring him and made him less motivated to do so.
>just texted "you do you, i do me" to my exgf
>she wants two weeks of no contact because apparently she can't think straight when i'm around
feels liberating
I'm confused about my relationship with someone. We had a briefly very sexual relationship, but she lives far away and didn't want a commited relationship. She told me that she wanted to end the romantic/sexual aspect because of the distance, especially because she'll be studying abroad in a few years. That being said, we talk on the phone ~5 hours a night and make dirty jokes to each other pretty often, but nothing directly related to each other like before. Am I trying to make something happen that won't happen again or do I still have a shot in the distant future?
This is going to be a long post but it would be appreciated if someone could read it and give me advice.
All this happened about a year and a half ago now. At the end of high school with a group of friends, we rented a house in the country to have some fun for 4 days, just the 7 of us. 4 guys and 3 girls. I drove with 2 of the girls, we had a lot of fun on the way there.
Once we were there, the first couple days were great. Drinking, smoking and being free teenagers. Some of the best moments of my life. I took shrooms and it was great, although the others didn't approve of drugs other than weed, told me not to do it without telling them. At that point it went bad. I was given a room with my friend, but because I drove and had to do things when we arrived I didn't have a bed. So I had to sleep on a mattress on the floor.
I had no problem with this, but then everyone goes to fuck. Notice the gender ratio, I was the only one that night not having sex. On top of that I was a virgin, and my best friend lost his virginity that night to the girl I had feelings for.
The next day we run errands, I drive everyone everywhere. On the way back the girl my best friend banged asks me to cook when we're back. I tell her I can't cook and don't want to. She pesters me, and asks me what will I do when I get a girlfriend if i would expect her to do everything. That hurt me. Back at the house, the girls continue to tell me I'm not helping enough with cleaning, even though others aren't helping either. I felt very unappreciated. I smoked more weed to cope.
Later I was looking for DMT because I wanted to try it and it should have been in my bag. It wasn't, so I blame them and get angry (assumed they found it and took it because they didn't want me trying drugs). Eventually I find out I was wrong, so I apologise to all of them. I felt like shit, but at least expected them to talk to me. They accepted the apology and nothing else.
That night the same happens, I'm along and everyone else is having sex. From then on I would leave the house during the day to avoid them. They start being worried, my best friend sends me a message asking me to come back and have a fun night, a party again.
When I'm back, there's nothing. That night wasn't fun, we didn't do anything. Except they fucked, again. Nobody asked me how I was doing and this was the worst I'd ever felt.
When it was time to go back, I hadn't slept because I was forced onto the couch (forgot to mention this but this happened most the time). On the drive back i didn't say a word to the girks, it was 3 hours of silence. Having not slept enough, i got into the first car accident of my life on the way back. I think that was the first time they saw me cry.
I spent the rest of that day in my room though my parents could tell something was wrong I wasn't ready to speak to them about it. In fact this is the first time I've talked about it in full.
I also lost three kilos of weight during that week because I stopped eating.
I didn't talk to my best friend after that, but eventually decided not to ruin our friendship despite this. The problem is, he doesn't think he did anything wrong. Most of them blamed it on the drugs and don't understand that I felt mistreated.
It's been a while, but I want to know is there any point in telling my best friend about this? We rarely speak anymore since we're in different countries now but we were very close before this happened. We still meet sometimes, and I'm not sure if I should explain to him why I felt he acted terribly towards me because it might just end our friendship for good, and it's not like we see each other much anyway.
Thanks for reading.
I think my mom fucked me up and fucked my romantic life up by repeatedly mocking me whenever the subject of girls came up. It's not the only reason but it's definitely at the top of the reasons I'm sucha afailure when it comes to dating and sex. A more supportive environment when you're 14 would definitely have helped a sensitive, weak kid I was.
Come on user, everyone's parents fuck them up. If that's an area of your life that you feel you need to improve, throw yourself at the cunt until the emotional calluses feel good. You aren't 14 anymore, you're a fucking man
I'm in love with a girl who ONLY wants sex and has hinted to a million times that she is NOT interested and only wants to be with me for sex, and yet I still go back to her and fuck her because I love her and the sex is amazing, it fucking sucks
I work a job that's extremely stressful, people threaten to quit all the time and if they do quit it literally ruins my fucking life until I find a replacement, the people I work with are childish and unskilled in every single thing you can think of, no matter how much I try to find good PROFESSIONAL people, I can only find inexperienced motherfuckers but I have no choice but to hire them or else I get fired for not bringing new people
I am busy 24/7, I very rarely have time for myself anymore, I can't do what I want or be how I want because my life just doesn't let it happen, I sleep 5-6 hours a night and that's it, the last time I had fun in my life was 4 years ago when my family went to a wedding and we all got drunk together, that's literally it
I live a good life don't get me wrong, plenty of friends, lots of money, job that even though it's stress is amazing, but I just wish I was free, I wish the girl I love loved me back and I wish she wasn't so blunt about just using me for sex
Anyone else wish they could just freeze time and chill...?
I have anger and trust issues, my bitch caretakers used to beat me while my parents either verbally abuse or slap me and my younger brother, which made us socially uninterested with eachother. Personally, I acted very weird and scared most people away from me.
It's horrible coping with this, sometimes I get very angry, I break everything in my path, my gut gets hurt so bad and lastly makes me feel dizzy enough to "calm" me down.
I wouldn't have a problem with this, but I have a female friend that knows I do. I'm scared that I would hurt her or the people she holds dear to with my behaviour. Warm regards, fellow anons.
>Come on user, everyone's parents fuck them up. If that's an area of your life that you feel you need to improve, throw yourself at the cunt until the emotional calluses feel good. You aren't 14 anymore, you're a fucking man
Yeah, a 30 year old virgin still living with parents; not exactly the most comfortable situation to start dating
I dont know if being physically il makes me emotionally and mentally disturbed for the last 8 years. I'm physically deteriorating from chronic migraine and body fatigue that I became more and more depressed and anxious. I can't having sleepless nights too ever since 2011. I never slept well for a long time. I've never felt so pained. I missed so many opportunities. I feel like I missed a lot of chance and theres no more room for new opportunities left for. Maybe the opinions of my parents makes me negative than ever. They make me feel I've wasted a lot of time and theres no other possibilities for me left. That I have to do this and that to get my life together. Is it idealistic of me to believe theres room for possibilities even though I've wasted my life away? My parents thinks I've slipped away the chances too many times and there's nothing left for me. Even though I just wanna let things happen naturally and don't force myself to things, they want me to force myself into things other people normally go through and treat it as a "challenge" of life. Hurdles I have to go through. I just don't see it that way. I just see differently and life is supposed to be fun. Life is something you don't waste yourself thinking its a challenge. But yeah, I've been degraded by my parents this way since they say how I dont have ambition and plans with my life. That I keep ruining the plans they made for me. I don't take life seriously and they say I should be realistic. So these constant reality checks made me emotionally unstable and vulnerable. I see life as a pointless and scary place with no meaning.