
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>GOPAd: 2 More Years of American Greatness 2/6/19
>TrumpWave: Choose Greatness 2/6/19
>Pres Trump @Ministers of Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS 2/6/19
>Pres Trump nominates David Malpass for World Bank Pres 2/6/19
>VP Pence/DHSSec Nielsen Address USCG/DHS Personnel 2/6/19
>Don Jr on F&F 2/6/19
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 2/6/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Jordan FM Safadi 2/6/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/French FM Le Drain 2/6/19
>SoS Pompeo @Ministers of Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS 2/6/19
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 2/6/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 2/6/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 2/6/19
>FEDChair Powell Town Hall 2/6/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 2/6/19
>Corey Lewandowski on FBN 2/6/19
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania Welcomes 2019 SotU Guests 2/6/19
>Pres Trump SotU Address 2/5/19
>GOPAd: Two Years of Promises Kept 2/5/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw my parents divorced and mom left the cat behind when we moved out
>not left it with someone, just left it

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You're lucky they kept you instead of the cat.

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Your mother is a horrible person. You might love her but she’s objectively a shit person.

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She is shit. Done far worse than that

based best daughter

>Replies to his own OP
Fucking newfags are baking now?

DELET disavowed daughter.
I want trannies to leave.

bbc is more important than the cat. Mommas getting blacked

You do realize you're making it obvious that you're on discord with OP, right?

>shills think attacking bakers is a new strategy

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Trump loves my deep state.

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Is she married?

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my deep state is 100% kosher.

Attached: jewishman...jpg (200x267, 9K)

>shills think defending bakers they're on discord with is a new strategy

>On Thursday, January 31, Donald Trump signed an executive order banning Canadian goods and services from hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. government contracts.
>It doesn’t actually mention Canada by name. But of course Canada is by far the country that will be the most impacted — given the size of our trading relationship with the U.S., and the integration of our economies, and the nature of the products and services being banned.

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build that wall all night.

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have you hear of the snake story.

>no u the post

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Kosher discord tranny threads with no criticisms of trump allowed are actually BASED

let him read you the story.

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Sometimes Jow Forums lingo catches on irl with my friend group, and this phrase is one of them.
>/end blog post

Take your meds.

>no u the post

id switched but i'm still here


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And the shills being transphobe right now?
>they think this place won't affect them

what a bitch

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since you seem like you want the attention, I'll throw you a bone. have a PREMIUM you!

Attached: you.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

>Sometimes Jow Forums lingo catches on irl with my friend group, and this phrase is one of them.

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for any new lurkers, get out while you still can.

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Are you OP's tranny buttbuddie on discord? I didnt even say anything about your precious kiked God Emperor and I have half of /ptg/ calling me a shill because i pointed out baker was a newfag.

Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
Fuck White Apologists
Fuck White Men
Fuck Racists
Fuck Sexists
Fuck Bigots
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascists
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Libertarians
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Right-Wingers
Fuck Christians
Fuck Jow Forums
Fuck T_D
Fuck Incels
Fuck Alt-Righters
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Ben Shapiro
Fuck Milo Yannapolis
Fuck Steven Crowder
Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump

Attached: b18.jpg (225x225, 15K)

It's a shorthand form of the "tu quoque" logical fallacy which your circle might find interesting.

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I'm convinced. So who do we vote for in 2020?

sanders for socialism

checks out

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So i guess this confirms it then. /ptg/ being run by newfags on discord now. I guess the discord tranny meme is all projection. The absolute state.

>U.S.-donated night vision devices were stolen from the Ukrainian military, according to the country’s State Bureau of Investigation (SBI).

>Washington has provided Ukraine with more than $1 billion in “security assistance” funds since February 2014.

1/6th of the wall for some dirty ukros to be stolen and wasted.

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>because i pointed out baker was a newfag
how long must an user be here before he is no longer a newfag? or is it just an arbitrary amount of time that is undecided upon as a consensus?

You can believe whatever you want to, sweetie.

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If you don't know the answer to this then you need to lurk more.

I fuckin hate this country. Were these donated under Trump or Obama? Sauce/proofs?

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if you have to ask, you're a newfag

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Look at this fucking vulture. What a retarded nigger. Fuck him.

our greatest ally.

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Uh huh, tell me when any of these people resign.
Meanwhile the republican AG in Florida immediately resigned. R's are suckers.

If you came here (Jow Forums, not just Jow Forums) during or after 2008 you're a new fag.

Can you imagine a lower energy shitpost than that? /ptg/ is a shill raid being organized on discord by newfags lmao

>sees pic
for a second I thought finnkike was back. I almost miss the sucker.

or was it SoS? Either way my point stands.

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I am of the view that modern "leftism" (sjws, identity politics etc) were all created by the elites in order to distort original socialist values in order to turn the proles against each other. Sjws and the modern far-left are just a bunch of morons (often from spoiled backgrounds) who aren't even aware that their bullshit is actually working in favor of the elites by dividing the proles among racial and gendered lines.

Now white working class males hate non-white working class males, and working class women hate working class men. It's all bullshit.

I would even go as far as to claim that "cultural-marxist" identity politics aren't even real marxism, because they are too similar to the identity politics of the far-right.

The bourgeois are behind all of this. The far-left of today are just a bunch of useful idiots for them. They are not real socialists.

>believe all whaman!!!!

Big trouble coming. Looks like Tyson told Congressmen Scott about this whole rapey-gropey shit in 2017 -- that's more corroboration. Virginia is a hot fucking mess.
2 x blackface, 1 x sexpest

>In late December 2017 and early January 2018, aides to Scott said he learned that it was Tyson herself who was involved in a "MeToo allegation," concerning Fairfax. She also informed him that she had already told the Washington Post about an alleged incident involving Fairfax and that she had given the Post Congressman Scott's name as a character witness.

>When pressed by ABC News, aides said they did not know what the congressman did with that information, but that he told Tyson that he agreed to speak with the Washington Post.


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>conflating disdian with shitposting
Like I said, you're free to believe what you want, sweetie.

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This tweet has kept me thinking for an entire day and that's not really easy to do.

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>This tweet has kept me thinking for an entire day and that's not really easy to do.
Pic related

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>modern "leftism" (sjws, identity politics etc) were all created by the elites in order to distort original socialist values in order to turn the proles against each other
No, this is just an inroad of Marxism itself. You have not read Deleuze & Guattari if you believe the quoted part.

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Why? She clearly means hate speech will be dealt with as a national security issue. In other words getting black bagged so saying the wrong things.

why did she mention jews 5 times?

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Mainly because it is Democrat 2020 runner saying that out openly.

Dems support it so why wouldn't she. 2020 will be about who has the stronger base.

>I didnt even say anything about your precious kiked God Emperor
>d-d-don't call me a shill
kek i've already seen the literal discord screenshot of you fags trying this "subversion"

>The bougies and the proles
>more dualistic bullshit
I'm interested in hearing your general take on dialectical materialism In every form it was implemented, it failed. Miserably.

Why do you think it's going to be any different this time around?

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I'm telling you, she's urban Hillary just without the """southern charm"""

Huh. It's almost like liberals are waking up to the fact that political correctness is political cancer. Maybe some of them are waking up.

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it means the democratic party cannot survive on their victim culture that they have built up

She is suggesting enforcing political correctness at gunpoint.

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Under obumer

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>I am of the view that modern "leftism" (sjws, identity politics etc) were all created by the elites in order to distort original socialist values in order to turn the proles against each other.
That's what I think too.
I consider myself a leftist of sorts but I think the populist right is an extremely good thing.
Now the liberal parties will have to compete with it by having policies that actually are good for the poor and the working class instead of just pretending right? r-right? Well, no. They're doubling down on their bullshit it seems. Probably because the populist right hasn't completely taken over the conservatives yet. The establishment still think they can wait this out and return things to the status quo. Which they must not be allowed to do.
In the meantime, Trump's policies are actually making things a little bit better for the Americans. But there's potential for a lot more.

>She is suggesting enforcing political correctness at gunpoint.
because her party is falling apart from political correctness


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How you inferred that from the tweet, I'll never know.

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Hierarchy is an integral part of the universe retard. The proles cant rise up. The wealth cant be redistributed. It will always leave some people in a desert and some in a lush paradise. You cant create equality of outcome. Not without force anyways.

>when you unknowingly admit the entire "social justice" pyramid is in fact, a Russian psyop from the 60s...to destabilize America

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Hmmmmm. Why could that be?

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>flaunting the "we will replace you" slogan with fireworks, a theme song, and glitter bombs

She is claiming that un-PC (ie. homophobia/sexism) attitudes are national security threat(s)

are blacks native?

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good thing it can activate feral powers at any time
t. several ferals living in the old garage no one goes into and I dont ever feed or water them and it fucking snows bad around here so they must be invincible

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good morning to all except the Kushnerbots

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when is Trump going to get the government to start regulating social media? these private companies cannot be trusted to do it

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She kind of did.
Holy shit.

This is racist comparison though.

wtf go feed them you asshole

m'gorning to everyone drinking coffee rn

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Reality is always racist.

Nice meet up ya poof cunts

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no! I have my own cats dammit and they have enough problems. one is missing its bottom canines from old age, a couple with anxiety disorders so they keep chewing their fur off, a cat that was born blind in one eye and of course a cat that is overweight

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> Humanity
> Human Rights

code words for 'lets get everyone killed'

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Cletus and Tyrone will never gang up to over throw "the elites"
However cletus, George and bill might gang up on Tyrone and the elites.
It's that simple.