Why Americans so ugly?

Just pure disgusting.

Attached: Ordinary_Americans.jpg (2799x1902, 965K)

Attached: australian standards.jpg (352x500, 20K)

>waiting for the welfare office to open on any given holiday in LA, colorized

Attached: National-Geographic.png (471x753, 522K)

Those are beaners, not Americans.

i dont see americans

I don't know what you mean

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She's Armenian. I met her parents once in France.

the Tijuana tip of the caravan
>NEVER will they be Americans

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See these vile creatures.

Attached: VileCreatures.jpg (2960x1973, 2.11M)

la ogra

ewww, imagine the smell.

Attached: AmericanStreets.jpg (3888x2592, 651K)

>Anita Sarkeesian. Anita Sarkeesian (/sɑːrˈkiːziən/; born 1983) is a Canadian-American feminist media critic, blogger, and public speaker. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency, a website that hosts videos and commentary analyzing portrayals of women in popular culture.

I'll be damn the bitch is a fucking leaf.
Of course, it all makes so much sense now.

Knock it off canada

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Her parents are Armenian you fag. She is too ethnically but it says Canadian because she was born there. Her parents also used to live in Mosul in the 70s

degeneration from mixing

Fuck you canada

I'm not Canadian nor have I ever been in Canada

Obviously you picked the most rotten cherry. But if you want an honest answer, our lifestyle encourages obesity and our women are now emotionally conflicted about being pretty. Also many of our men have given up because of the above.

You might as well be.
You're just as annoying.

Tell me how many pounds you're overweight

Why Australians so ugly?
Just pure disgusting.

Attached: average australians.jpg (620x387, 57K)

I'm 6' 5" 240lbs why, you wanna fuck?

That's overweight

I only see one American... maybe. What you're trying to refer to are refried beaner niggers who aren't actually humans but beans that have advanced far enough to imitate human form, they have no intelligence and speak gibberish to eachother, thats also why they are brown

Big whoop

Thank the lard

its the biggest whoop regarding your fat ass


*Outruns you easily*


You would run like a pussy

*Pushed you on your back so you can't get back up because of your weight*

Imagine believing you could push anything over.

Attached: Boomer.png (276x268, 204K)

Fucking hell I just realized that I have beaner facial hair

The french are known to run from fights

Spaniards were so horny, they just bleached anything in sight.

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sniff sniff

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They literally had no standards, they were bloodthirsty pirates who raped at sight

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Those are spics

They’re Central Americans. Probably from Honduras, Guatemala and the Mexican lower caste.

This is what the average American looks like

Attached: IMG_1186.jpg (225x248, 19K)

They’re Mayan Amerindian with probably a little bit of Spanish blood.

That dude is probably a Pacific Islander or Somoan type.

I don't know about that, but that's certainly your average marine

please stop calling mexicans american, there is nothing more painful

Zoom in....


Oh I see it

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Mexicans are not any more mongrelized than many ethnic groups in Eastern Europe. Mayan Central Americans are just not the best looking people on average.

It comes from being a mutt. When you race mix whites with niggers, spics, & amerindians, the result is ugly looking orcs. Add the unhealthy lifestyles & it makes things worst.

Get out of the POC urban jungle and into rural white America

Attached: typical_american.jpg (624x551, 43K)


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All I see in that pic is a bunch of beaners.

Rural white America is being flooded with 5'2 brown indio spic subhumans

White Americans and Mexicans have no black admixture. This isn’t fucking Brazil.



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Half breed Black/Whites are probably better looking than the most Indio Central Americas desu. Little brown Mayan Dwarves.

Why are Europeans so ugly?

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Spics are 10% nigger on average

>Rural white America is being flooded with 5'2 brown indio spic subhumans

Wrong, visit Vermont and outside of Burlington (the Capital) not a POC can be found. Bernie Sanders (Super Socialist) is a Senator for this state. Socialism MIGHT work in Vermont since everyone is white and hard working but would fail nationally with all the welfare queens rejoicing in even MORE government welfare,

Attached: White_Racist.jpg (335x439, 42K)

Guatemalans and lower caste Mexicans are close to pure blooded Maya Indians. They’re more south East Asian than anything else.

>and Mexicans

Tried to squeak that one by huh Pablo

Thoes are mexi-cants.

The French probably have more black admixture than the average white American or Mexican.

I don't see anything. What exactly am I supposed to be seeing?

I work with one Mayan Dwarvinarita and there is another identical one that is just a janitor. I frequently can’t tell them apart and I’m sure the “smarter” one (the non-slave) is pissed because she knows I get them mixed up but she thinks she is superior to the janitor because she is “in tech” but ironically I’M the sexist racist for mixing them up even though they look the same and both speak Spanish most of the time.

People who race mix with Latinos are the scum of the earth.

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Not entirely true, I do know a cool gun MAGA guy and he is Honduran but his wife is SE asian and it’s a good mix.


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People who race-mix with niggers are worse, because the average black IQ is 70, and the average Hispanic IQ is 85, but more often than not, closer to 90.

How frightening similar

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>Nametape: White

Most of the people crossing through the border are of the lowest caste Central American Indios. They aren’t representing of middle and upper class Hispanic who tend to have significantly more European features.

>Nametape: Nowitzki

Nowizki sounds like a Germanization of the Polish name Nowicki.

You can thank cross breeding with the tacos and the 900 different kinds of nigger that came into the u.s. via tourism

maybe to a dutch faggot troll

They’re not the brightest but they aren’t foaming at the mouth retarded like subsharans. They’re the Class equivalent of south East Asia or the poorest of Eastern Europe.They wouldn’t be a fucking problem if our government implemented some basic immigration control.

how blind are you? That's a heartagram. Pic related.

Attached: Heartagram.png (180x162, 9K)

Exactly, they would be integrating much better, and since there wouldn't be so many of them , they wouldn't be able to form their own isolated communities and create their own gangs like they do now.

At this rate the United States will be a giant fucking Panama by 2050. I don’t if the demographics can be reversed. The white midddle class just isn’t having enough children.

Ideally we should remove all the non-whites and white trash and sterilize all of the disabled people who cost us more than they contribute, but we know that's not going to happen. I wonder what China would do, since they really don't care about morals, and since they strongly believe and invest in eugenic research and experimentation. Maybe the Chinese would actually liberate us. Who knows.

Those are just spics. Come to the middle class high class area full of whites

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You mean Mayans and mestizos, its because they are beaners

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>Those are beaners, not Americans.
>actually being this deluded

Attached: Proud Texan, colorized, 1848.png (741x649, 23K)

Population decline is a good thing, Just keep out non whites and the USA reverts back to a utopia

The people at the top are probably going to be Jews, pure whites and caztizos. Society is probably going to degrade but the elites aren’t going to let China run over the world. Mexico will probably economically fully untie with North America and pose a challenge to Asia. Half of the American military is already Hispanic.

Which one is American, the car?

Realistically the white population in America is around 30% since the last census due to most Hispanic Americans self-identifying in the white racial category of the US Census and/or other official government data collecting

This is what it looked like in 2000
In 2020 it's nearly 3 times this

America as a whole is literally not a white country statistically anymore

Attached: 1280px-Census-2000-Data-Top-US-Ancestries-by-County.svg.png (1280x949, 691K)

>implying it's immoral to preserve the ethnic and genetic makeup of your country

Fuck you white boy I come here for a better life and this is how I am treated

What do you mean? That's not what I said. I said that with the current climate, it's probably not going to happen. Almost all white people would have to become far-right ultra-nationalists for it to work. I also said that if the Chinese were to annex the eUSA, they would probably remove all of the niggers and spics because they are strong believes in eugenics. The government spends billions on organizations like BGI to do research in eugenics science and technology. Chinese people in China actually admire white people.