Something is fundamentally wrong with a society where we can sit back and watch a girl commit slow motion suicide over several years. All monetized, I might add. This death may be the turning point for our society.
Something is fundamentally wrong with a society where we can sit back and watch a girl commit slow motion suicide over...
Well why don't you go shove a sandwich down her throat?
Styx was right, just fuck off it's not your business. Strangers organizing and doing something would be a sure fire way to trigger her into suicide.
Where is her hand?
I want to eat her roast beef sandwich
>turning point for society
Yeah, the current obesity epidemic is terrible. Just look at this whale who ate herself to death.
She ate it in desperation
human life becomes less valuable the more people you have unfortunately
Please tell me this is shooped
If you have an eating disorder you're most likely going to die
Its a neurological fuck fest that becomes worse then an addiction
She will die, darwin gets proven right once again
t. snapped out of eating disorder after being a shred from death
Strangers shouldn't be doing shit. There are laws already in place which allow the police to arrest the mother and get the girl help. The mother fled the state before the police came, the (((single mother))) is killing the kid on purpose. She is fat, her other children are all fag. The girl was doing better and then her cunt mother kidnapped her and made the situation worse.
It's not fucking strangers that should do anything, it should be a police officer who comes to her door, shoots the (((single mother))) in the face and gets the girl away from that house. That alone would save her.
fuck do you want me to do about it?
People with mental health issues who kill themselves are doing society a favor.
Rejoice and encourage more to do it.
any lewds of her
asking for a fren
Somebody send this guy a shirt already
100% could be saved by fucking weed
that stuff makes you so hungry you get hunger pains with a full stomach, and it if helps barely alive cancer patients to eat a whole 35 dollars mcdonalds order, it can help some mentally ill roastie thot
She looks beautiful, I love skinny girls
Huh, I thought that dumb cunt would have been dead by now.
Go shove your fist up your boipucci and report back with your results
Oh, Eugenia Cooney died. So sad.
Her parents should force feed her. Anyway, somehow she is still alive. Maybe she will live into... well a few more years.
yes but the ultimate sign of a dysfunctional society is that people refuse to fuck and procreate. From a physical standpoint it's never been safer to have kids. It's never been easier to keep kids fed and physically healthy. We have a real sick social disease.
Styx is about as boney as Eugenia
Why is she so fat?
She should smoke some weed lmao
Someone with anorexia defends someone else with anorexia.
Jeez who woulda thunk it
Too much meth
I wish I could look like that without the necessary years of effort.
Lol you asshole.
Yeah I got one right here, straight off the interwebz.
That would be a no for me, dog.
how does she even have the energy to breathe? this is sick. not even sad, just sick.
I don't fucking support it so guess what. I don't watch. I don't provide views. I don't do anything. She doesn't listen to anyone that cares for her health so the only way she will make a choice to change is everyone stops watching. What's more fucked up is that she apparently gets off on ALL the attention which makes her worse than everyone else in my opinion.
That's the joke
too fat
>slow motion suicide over several years
That's all any of us ever do.
Ever heard of TNT? What you're asking for is TNT.
is it 2017 again?
don't be gay dude
Impressive and Ironpilled
Too bad the government has drilled into us that weed is worse than alcohol.
It looks pretty gross and if he stops lifting he'll get fat, which is worse. Nothing worse than fat unmaintained weightlift biceps.
The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew
>some motivation after that
Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO
Thank me later
Also the answer to the mess
God Speed in defeating these Satanists Filth
fat as fuck
To be fair, weed and alcohol are both equally terrible and should be banned.
How retarded do you have to be to EVER feel like making yourself stupid is going to make you feel better?
>inb4 it's just to relax duuuude 420blaze it dawg
>inb4 a beer is just to celebrate between friends and create bonds!
Yeah no. You want to get high / drunk, and in that state you deserve every god awful thing that happens to you. Intelligent people don't try to drown out real life. If your life is so shit you need to blur reality, you need help.
kys furfag discord tranny
sounds hot. link to vids?
>tfw no qt gf w/o menstruation
Still never seen anything to corroborate this NYPD hillary / huma eating children face mask pasta.
Nobody ever offered you a blunt in high school huh kid
nigger detected
She's been having people beg her to eat for years. Most people who watch her are either in it out of concern of morbid fixation. It isn't how you described it, she's only just become popular again because of that cosplay but she's been around here for a long time and you'd know she's had people begging her to eat if you'd been around for half that time.
no, stay. this guy is a glo nigger who should be mocked and shamed
She "accidentally" let her Arbies slip in a video. I think at the time she was underage though.
Weed actually has medicinal properties. Alcohol does not.
>Well why don't you go shove a sandwich down her throat?
actually, that's the measure of true adulthood. Sometimes you have to cause pain and deal with it, so the other person can grow stronger.
So faggots saying: 'if she doesn't want it, then so be it' are just weak bitches. Life is all about struggle at first to reach heaven at the end. Most people can't even fathom how many great things may await them if they suffer a bit.
Prove it.
It's ridiculous that, in any country that this occurs, alcohol can be completely legal but weed isn't. The worst thing I've ever seen someone do on weed was forget to do something they were supposed to do, and find shitty comedians to be funny. Alcohol causes countless drunk driving deaths each year, and it destroys entire families when someone gets addicted to it, just like with any other hard drug. If alcohol is legal, heroin, crack, and all of the other hard drugs might as well be legal too, it's just as bad.
Sounds like the worlds best grindhouse film
kinda sad that concentration camp victims looked better than her, how was she able to even stand on her feet or hold something in her hands when muscles are 0%?
Some fucking beaner, 20 or 30 years ago, kidnapped a young white girl from her bedroom at night and raped / killed her, while high af on weed.
Google Polly Klaas
Source: Your asshole
Doesn't say anything here about weed driving him to commit murder lmao. What a fag you are, lying on the internet. For shame.
>His defense is likely to center on his contention that he was high on a combination of beer and marijuana when he devised an impromptu plan to kidnap Polly, whom he'd observed in her neighborhood.
dumb leafnigger, you've only strengthened my argument against BOTH weed and alcohol
I'm high and drunk on beer and weed every night. I never raped and killed anyone. It's probably got more to do with the fact that he's a dirty shitskin immigrant.
Those are contributing factors, sure.
He would have done it sober.
Then you don't really wish at all
>This death may be the turning point for our society
I wouldn't bank on it.
I call her my slambone
>hey everyone the crossdressing fag was right all along
shut up you absolute nigger brain
At this point that would kill her.
Listen to the background between 5:20 and 5:40
This tells me her mum and/or dad are making money from it.
She woukd be unironically hot af if she gained normal weight. Her face is beautiful.
>his defense
>a man convicted of all kinds of insane shit that would say anything to excuse his actions
Holy fuck you're retarded. So some retarded criminal says weed made him crazy, and you're just gonna take his word for it? Did you look at his criminal record? This fucking guy was a career criminal, it was ingrained into his very being, drugs and alcohol had nothing to do with it. If this is the conclusion you've reached after reading all of that, congrats, you're a retard.
Look at the Auschwitz photos.
Most of the corpses are better muscled than these anorexic girls.
>there are no people who have been brainwashed into a mental illness by MSM and Disney
>waking her up from her physical and mental denial wont wake other (aww so beautiful and brave) people up
>arguing with straight edge niggers about drugs
>literally spoonfed evidence
>spergs out
cope harder, btfo leaf fag
>alcohol does not have medicinal properties
it purifies/cleanses wounds
She 'feeds' off all the concerned comments from strangers. When people keep asking her "omg are you ok? You should seek help" it gives her that little dopamine fix from getting attention.
The mom is typical for an anorexic's parent too, big fat self absorbed hog who engages in a form of self deception. Although I bet she's counting the days until her daughter finally croaks so she can set up a gofundme.
t. used to be hospitalized for deppression with a few girls with eating disorders.
>slow motion suicide
>a literal mutt nigger's laughable defense when on trial for rape, kidnapping, and murder
You're the only one here sperging and coping lmao.
Looks like someone is off their medication again.
>subhuman career criminal spic claims weed and beer made him do it
>this is "evidence"
>"wow he must be telling the truth wtf i hate weed now!"
Retard confirmed.
Yup, clearly rekt
Search up electrolyte deficiency. Apparently when you become so low on electrolytes your bones and muscles stop functioning and start violently jerking.
I passed out in the mud and was out for I don't know how long, my dad ended up seeing me pass out and rushed to get me
had he have not, I would be dead
>lawyer has police records indicating perp had both alcohol and weed in his system
>not part of his defense
fucking stupid aussie, use that tiny potato nigger brain before you ever post again faggot
Thanks Ms.Skeletal