Why is Islam so terrible that women will risk their lives to leave it?
Was Islam to sjw movement of the 7th century?
Why is Islam so terrible that women will risk their lives to leave it?
Was Islam to sjw movement of the 7th century?
I think you'll find that the USA is chock-a-block with Christian Iranians.
So they can be whores.
That makes sense
Why are muslim women such whores then?
Islam isnt the reason things are so shitty over in Muslim countries. The same reason shit sucks in America and the amount of degeneracy is at all time highs, is the same reason why the Muslim countries are trash. Look who they hate and look who were not allowed to boycott, it's the same people.
Why does the quran demand death for apostates?
Was that americas fault too?
Did jews insert Surah 9:29 into the quran? How did they get the time machine to do this?
Fuck off already. Exact same thread as yesterday.
t.sandnigger cuck
I dunno, I saw many Muslims pushing paganism and convert strories yesterday. Didn't see this one
They are so afraid, I don't understand why.
To become whores.
Why do muslims have no agency? Are they under the complete control of "ze jews"?
How did Americans and jews go back in time to put those commands in the quran commanding muslims to act like apes?
Sandnigger muslim women are whores for JEWISH BVLLS
All women are whores if given the opportunity. Genesis laid this fact out for you.
Why does Islam turn their women to whores?
The mideast is going pagan again, back to their roots.
So why are muslims acting like apeas over it? Did the jews write the quran and command them that way?
All women are whores if not restrained.
I'm going to keep saying this until you all grow up.
All. Women. Are. Whores.
>Because Christians leaving to Islam
Why would America have anything to do with the Quran? Why do you think the Quran is the reason they live the way they do? Are you aware of what Iran and many places in the ME were like before Israel and America went over there? Probably not, keep sucking Jew cock, ignoring what it says in the Talmund. Their religious doctrine isnt why bombs are being dropped by Israel and America on innocent people. You are likely to burn in Hell, which makes me smile
>Not leftist atheists
Why are so many muslims leaving islam?
Well the quran has caused them to attack everyone around them and eachother through literal commands.
Muslims did terrorism for 1400 years. They never stopped unless they got btfo.
So how did America cause muhammed to go full retard and put those violent literalism verses in the quran?
>the are Sluts
So Islam us weak and thats why their women become slits and leave it?
The laws of the Quran have nothing to do with why they are bombed to oblivion by Israel and her puppet state. Muslims have and have had multiple agencies and alliances. You know what started the Arab spring and all the conflict between the Muslim Aliances? I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with blues. They aren't under Zionist control, but you are, apparently mentally and physically.
No not because Islam is wake
The westerns Feminism you faggot came up with
Truer words were never spoken.
>tfw no qt Iranian gf
I know that feel fren
Why are Iranian women so fucking hot?
I want an answer.
>"Convert" to Christianity
>"HALP I'm being oppressed"
>"Poor you, come to X and get full citizenship"
And the soft hearted cunts in immigration/refugee departments around the world buy it every single time.