I get a boner around my gf 24/7

Every time I'm with my gf I get a constant boner and I can't stop it. It's not stemming from anything sexual but it's annoying and it happens in public also. She knows it happens when I'm with her only but I wanna control it somehow. One day its gonna cause a bad awkward situation. Anyone have a similar experience and know a solution? Btw I'm 20

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Delet this

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Does she mind at all? How often do you two have sex? Obvious explanation is that you instinctively want to make babies, but it could be something else. When exactly do you get boners and has this happened before? Is she THAT fucking hot? If so, be happy you can still get hard.

I'm virgin. We don't want or like kids. She finds it funny and cute that she" broke my penis" . It happens when were physical close or holding hands. I find her fetching

And its never happened with any other girl.

Just fuck already then. But get tested for diseases, health issues, etc. Also use contraceptives like it was your life line. If you two aren't ready, just try things carefully, oral sex obviously is extremely unlikely to cause pregnancy so maybe start with that.

It's totally normal, op, especially if it's your first. It'll go away on its own eventually

Time to get a chastity belt

Brother, you have the opposite of a problem. Just deal with it however you are now. My friend gets boners all of the time for no reason and he just kind of adjusts himself and had been getting along fine this way for forever now. There's guys who can't get boners at all. Plus you're 20.

this is almost wholesome.
how long have you been together?

>One day its gonna cause a bad awkward situation
Yes, it's called sexual intercourse, or didn't you know?

A week now, after we took a break for a bit.

I agree with other anons. This thread is actually cute.

Just make sweet love to her, your meat compass is giving you a direction and you need to follow it.

>I wonder why my dick wants me to fuck my fuck partner
>I'm a virgin btw
why are these people getting gfs instead of me

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Haha u fucked up your pp with all that porn you've been wanking off to.

it's the other way arround, you idiot
porn supposedly gets you ED

It's just because you get excited around her, it's a honeymoon phase, you're a virgin, and the idea of screwing her is a possibility, now more than ever.
So your body gets hyped.
It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen to almost everyone who's an awkward dork and has a gf for the first time, I was in the same boat.
So don't sweat it, it goes away on it's on.
Until then, uh, tight underwear and loose pants, I guess?

fuckin kek

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Tuck your dick in between your legs.


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It's natural OP, especially at the start of a relationship. Me and my boyfriend used to fuck whenever we could in the first 3 months of our relationship, literally had a weekend when we finished a box of 10 condoms. We'd wake up at 3AM and start fucking, I was constantly wet when we did anything together.

It will slow down eventually, but right now this is the opposite of a problem. Enjoy the honeymoon period, don't stress.

It doesnt stop soon OP. I've been with a great woman for almost five years. Not that long in the scope of things but I still get constant boners around her or while thinking about her

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