I dare you to watch the first 5 minutes without skipping. Have I found the king of sюy?
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fuck man at least post a hooktube link
you're just giving this faggot money by making this thread
Fuck I did not consider that. Better late than never?
Suddenly im seeing the term "mukbang" everywhere.
This is probably the kikes trying to normalise feasts of shit and make the goyim a fat mess.
You no scientifically there is no evidence of a gay lisp yet they still talk like that
Holy moley, this video is something else. Thanks for sharing OP.
cast ye all out who use this temple for merchantry
thanks for doing that
I lasted 40 seconds. Who the fuck watches this shit?
what a faggot...
ya know they don't make money just from views right?
this is bloody amazing. cheers OP
To be fair he's a literal faggot so that doesn't count as soi
All pretense or leftover masculibity is shed with the lossof responsibility of maintaining it through getting penetrated by a man
>Have I found the king of sюy?
eating a massive pile of meat immediately excludes you from the line of accession
I skipped at 5m. Jesus christ.
The food looks dope though, I think arby's is one of the better fast food places...
ya know that I dont give a fuck
So many fucking faggots these days. How will we fight a war with all these fucking faggots?
Is this satire? This has to be.
Jesus Christ.
We'll be fighting against them, it's cool.
I couldn’t make it a minute in, you win
how new are you?
1,5 minutes were enough to handle the disgust. 12 minutes in atm, now its just boring. This creature is absurd.
I made it 44 seconds. OP wins.
12 seconds in, and yes you have. Oh God it gets worse.
>there is no emoticon for what I feel
7 seconds, and only because I was stunned momentarily by the faggot's best "turkey sucking mad dick" impression.
You win, OP.
I wouldn't call it so y. He's just really really gay
Kek, I don't even know, it's amazing
Barely their scraggly beard
High pitched voice
Waving hands like a mad woman
Attention whoring for a camera
Well that hits my onions boy bingo card
Holy fuck. I couldnt make it past 5 seconds
Kek i always thought about that
Why u kno bout this op? Sumthn u wanna tell us?
I couldn't even make a minute.
Americans watch this? 130,000+ have watched this fag eat some fast food and talk. Is there any money in this kinda stuff or is it just for the youtube "fame"?
The real holocaust begins TODAY, RIGHT NOW.
> manlet
> wristlet
> eyelet
his confidence must be in something other than himself
>king of sюy
U-uh... i-it was an accidental search I swear, the cat tapped on the keyboard... or something
Unless it's just his scenic character for the whole youtube channel, he actually talks like this.
This guy is proof that not every gay person is well groomed. He's really bringing down the standards of being a gay man.
That's one nice pussy
Wow...biggest queer ever
guy must have been raped a great deal as a child...possibly even in the womb at this point.
I first heard of it in that hellride that was the youtube rewind.
I think it's just another popular trend, normies like to waste their time watching other people's life (see all of the vloggers), it's just another form of that, I don't think the jews are to blame for this.
20 seconds was my limit.
I need to shave.
is the nigga gay?
He has a ton of videos each with hundreds of thousands of views. I don't even.
Dunno, but he moves, talks and acts GAY AF
He mentions it every 20 seconds how can you miss it?
I'm not watching it, but just looking at picture I can tell he is Toe Rogan tier height, 4'1.
i lasted 53 seconds
yea my bad, he did talk about how eating meat made him manly and straight
That ogre must be a tranny.
Absolutely disgusting.
The "höhm höhm" fucking forced laughter sounds like a retarded bimbo an a male suit.
That laughter and the "yall" is what gets me the most
No. You found a gay man. Congratulations.
>i lasted 53 seconds
When you start to meet women you'll need to last longer.
Every single fucking comment is from a female name. Letting women on the internet was a big mistake
South-Korean social eating.
It made its way over through sork-weeb fat cunts making feederism fetish videos on the cheap.
Whenever I hear Mukbang I think of the pokemon Muk banging the cunt.
mukbang was always fucking stupid but over the last years it went from kinda cute asian girls to annoying fat Western faggots
everything gets worse, even the bad stuff
if the women will look anything like that in the video, i will last for 80+ years
After eating all that shit he will be doing enemas for a week
Christ almighty
Is he their alternate reality Reviewbrah??
I made throughout the whole video without skipping what do I win?
gays are so disgusting and mentally ill. Should be quarantined
Isn't this the kind of gay that other gays hate?
Most of youtube-content creators are like grown ups who draw like a 4 year old because nobody said along the way that their drawings are objectively shit even though their parents were proud of them in kindergarten.
>Isn't this the kind of gay that other gays hate?
1.5 million subscribers...
1% gays and 150 million males in the US.
100% of all american gays are subscribed to him.
Scary thought. It's Presisent Hillary timeline reviewbrah.
I feel an overwhelming primal urge to punch him in the face.
why are ancoms on Jow Forums so chill?
>so much meat here I could turn straight "where the tittays at!"
I chuckled. I'm sorry you aren't accustomed to gay dialect. Reported this thread.
made it to 5 secs
Holy shit that faggot was annoying. How can people watch this shit?
2 minutes and 30 seconds.
It's food cuckery. Reviewbrah is the only acceptable food channel on yt.
>dare you to watch the first 5 minutes
Didn't realize till I started this was a suicide-avoidance challenge...
Made it three seconds.
20 seconds and I checked out, can not stand the behavior of onions people
What the hell is a muckbang?
Someone eating large quantities of food on camera with loud chewing sounds. Sometimes telling a story while eating.
This guy acts like someone who would’ve been in a minimum security wing of an asylum.
This is fucked
I raged in a few seconds.
damn this white boi wants that McBBC
Because I couldn’t make it 20 seconds.
he seems like he actually eats a bag of dicks a day so I really can't get THAT mad at him
Saved. Watching this every time I crave fast food.
That is a lot of arbys. I didn't watch five minutes of that cause I value my time.
I lasted 25 secs on the jewish male whoopi goldberg but rupaul had me tapping out at 11 seconds
South Koreans had a tradition of eating together with their family, but then they industrialized so young people have to do it alone in front of a camera.
Then it translated to eating copious amounts of food when americans started doing it as well.
shills dont like that video lel
hooktube is dead
naw nigga I can't. I just can't no.
That's entry level. Step up your game with the Beastie Squad youtu.be
dude i think i got you beat, did you watch the entire video?
3 seconds and I want to punch this fucker in the face
Not even a minute in and he says
>All this meat makes me feel straight
>That voice
Fuckin cringe
> meatcuck
I wonder if this guy had a father.