Why is tranny porn becoming more popular?
Why is tranny porn becoming more popular?
Jow Forums
its not, in fact porn usage is declining rapidly and the kikes are in overdrive
it's not demand that generates production when it comes to addictive products
Trannies are becoming more attractive.
Because (((they))) are winning
Because mysogony is becoming more popular
who is that man in the picture?
Traps > trannys
this, and by extension Jow Forums
Because communism is inevitable
What better way to get straight white men to accept degeneracy than to get them to fap to it?
Trannies are hot
Men can’t compete for women so they turned to other men or men that turn into women or they themselves turn into a women
Real women are bad
>this is legitimately what a tranny thinks he looks like
protip: you will never, ever, look anything close to your 2D counterparts and its a fools game to even attempt it
Back to /lgbt/ tranny monster!
slaanesh grows in power
>men are becoming better at being women than women
really makes you think
Jewish subversion and t7-estradiol agonists that promote feminization due to that fact that estradiol that is a product of aromatization not being expelled or stored and in turn passing the BBB and interacting with the vagus nerve.
because men are sexually triggered by
-other men's penises
watching shemales saves time by gathering all those things in one place
jews are pushing it, normies and npc's are eating it up.
Where'd you get that idea?
Actual trannies are getting cuter too though. More access to hormones and youtube makeup tutorials and such.
THATS what you use as a comparison? Jesus christ get that mongoloid looking faggot outta here. Truly a pathetic display.
because theres something about hot trannies. its probably because they sexually objectify themselves so hard.ive yet to see a hot tranny that didnt do porn or post nudes online. the ones who are larping hard as women are hairy crossdressing men or below avg sjw tier barely passable men who go chop off their dick
Because men are so willing to submit that they will permanently alter their form into a fucktoy. And more men who wish to be dominant, but not gay, can be involved, because it's not gay.
Either way, stop liking it. If you base your world only on power, you will be consumed.
Because of people over consuming porn. your brain is getting aroused by seeing both the man and the woman. Thats why people are going towards a mix of both
it's shilled. Not only by porn sites but also loud degenerates on social media
I wouldn't be surprised, if there was agenda on higher level to shill it, but I don't know. Definitely pornsites don't do that for no reason though
he's name is shemax. Don't ask me how I know.
>Why is tranny porn becoming more popular?
Also, men are disgusted at what women have become.
>other men's penises
not really. It's a turn off for me to the point that I don't even watch hardcore
I've met trannies that looked like female pornstars, unironically gorgeous, then they spoke and the voice gave them away, still weirded out to this day.
It's not popular at all that's just you saying that.
the usa
Disgusting. I can still tell thats a dude, it looks like some mutant fish thing.
You haven't really lived until you've had a woman's cock in your ass.
You got the first hand brick wall reality realization. You can play dress up all you want and modify yourself to the absolute limit... but youre a man, and will always be a man in this life. There is no escape to the gender question. You just can't do it.
^ This
Jews promoting degeneracy for the goyim.
Hell is for ever!
because world it's full of faggots now due to lgbt shit
It's not, the jews just want you to think it is.
Because they are better female performers in porn than actual roasties.
Porn and prostitution used to be the only domains where women actually did a job that was worth more than the equivalent done by males.
Now simple silicone dolls made by nerds in asia outcompete whores in Europe.
Trannies are taking over women in porn.
What are women going to do now?
It feels like the only thing they have left is making babies, and even that is a feature we won't need them for in a few decades.
To be honest, my right hand is a better lover than virtually every woman I have fucked.
And I say that as a married man who has fucked over 50 wamen (before marriage).
name of the tilf?
Sure tranny.
Men cant resist dat manly forhead, adams apple, and bone structure that screams male. Who wouldn't want to stick their cock in a open wound where a cock uses to be.
Because anal porn is no longer fetish