YO! An ex accused me of hacking her computer and phone


its become a matter of faith for her. What evidence can prove the truth?

>inb4 my stupidity

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You aren't required to do anything. Innocent before proven guilty. If he/she defames you, then sue.

You don't have to prove shit because you didn't do it. If she wants to get the cops involved and you didn't do shit, you have nothing to worry about.

She's your ex who cares
Burden of proof is on the accuser

No in America you are guilty until proven innocent.

its funny - I am literally a golden iron giant incapable of assault due to well the truth lol...

however it is effecting her decision making and causing utter chaos so im looking for options to deflate the whole scene

thank you for the replies tho

How can I unsubscribe from this blog?

>options to deflate the whole scene
Do nothing. If she continues to bother you, tell her to stop (And tell her to stop only once, do not be drawn into an angry outburst or argument in public, do fly off the handle, remain calm). If she doesn't, YOU get the cops involved and start making a paper trail for harassment against her. Because aside from bitches be crazy, they can also be vindictive. If she contacts you making accusations, delete nothing. Keep it as evidence. Text messages, call logs, emails, whatever.

didnt know Jow Forums was useless uninformed pussies
im hoping its just you.
Put the fork in the UNSUBSCRIBE socket.
Not sure which one? TRY THEM ALL

>do fly off the handle
do not*

I thought Jow Forums didn't use WebSockets?

i was looking for more of a tech-oriented answer as in logs for who what when where - - even gmail sends a warning if i use a second computer in the house...


You've given yourself the answer. She has to come with proof that you did "hack" her shit.

*forks you*

she will fuck up so many lives for years looking for it. im in a hurry and do not want to wait.

If you haven't hacked anything, there will be no logs of anything. If you've tried to log into her accounts then your IP will be logged as making attempts to log in to her accounts... so you better hope you didn't. Aside from that, she is the claimant, the burden of proof is on her to provide the evidence to substantiate her claim.

How? How is her claims going to fuck up many lives? It won't. How old are you? Because you're coming across as a panicky tween.

You can't prove shit you didn't do without an alibi. That's simple facts about life. She can't accuse you of anything without evidence, just fucking ignore her like a normal human being.

you gotta do you bro. this bitch dont know nothin. you gotta get back in there and get in the game my dude you can do it i have faith fuck that bitch


> panicky tween
lol no, thats your limit on my perspective

im trying to short circuit some serious negative paranoid shit thats creating distrust in order get people to cooperate - there are families involved. im hoping like "heys heres proof this shit you think happened didnt" and minds get changed . . .

i guess wishful thinking compounded by being on Jow Forums lol

It's fuck all to do with your wishful thinking and just your straight up idiocy.

If people are talking, tell them to go fuck themselves and get the evidence. Tell them if a crime has been committed, get the police involved. If you've done fucking nothing then you have nothing to worry about.

You're being a bellend.

yeah yeah - you dont understand the nuance. thts fine, im not here to argue about that aspect of things. its well understood. like i said - families - when you like them, you help

you need to be above 18 to post on this site
nobody cares about your teenage drama

i didnt ask you to care.
i asked other people to see if the question hit upon any technical knowledge they might have

nobody cares

i dont care

Tell her to give you backdoor access

i did.
but things have come up

If you're a man anyway

Not when you have a woman put rape accusations on you.

ok cunts how to rewrite the question to get an answer and get said answer, within the parameters of tech not social engineering, manhood, or the legal system, or anal sex blogs?

1. Go to /sqt/ next time.
2. You can't make proof of shit that isn't there or hasn't been attempted. Even in tech. There's no logs that say "You didn't attempt to do X this second."
3. Tell her that you have nothing to gain from her shit personal data/life and that you don't care.
4. Fuck off.

Burden of proof is on her.
People who don't understand technology have the simple and ignorant explanation of 'it must be a hacker!', much less understanding what 'hacking' things entails.
An absence of understanding doesn't give them grounds to point accusations around.

did she accuse you of this? have only just broken up and she's pissed off?

Stupid wigger, you deserve it.

i just thought maybe pointing to like log X which had no entries, or say like the email account has only entered from computer X, might force a confrontation with reality.

all this "innocent til guilty" is appreciated but not necessary. Im kinda trying to detox cult behavior with facts - i know - good luck.

lol thnaks

Again. No log will show any significant proof of you not hacking. Even then, logs can be stripped.
>email account has only been entered from
That's literally her having to show that as proof. That wouldn't come from you, but it would come from her, just like everyone in this thread has been saying that she needs to show proof of you doing it. Google will only show on her devices if you would have logged in on it. You can't see her activity. Stop being a retard.

You cant reason with whores you stupid faggot. You're literally trying to prove her negative. You cant.
The logs only account for things that happened.
Tell her to fuck off and you fuck off for being a cuck for trying to appease a vindictive whore.
Ignore. Period.

If you're determined to show proof, then it's up to you to help show the lack of proof.
You can go into things like Facebook, Google, Apple (hell, most things these days) and extract security log history, which includes the IP addresses of where/when/what was accessed. Check, cross-check and correlate activity.
Encourage her to run a proper anti-virus solution on her devices to show there is no malware present.
Tell her to put 2FA on things so she knows accounts aren't being logged into.
The only problem here is she won't want to because that takes time and effort, and it's much easier to call you a hacker.

thank you for being the only fucker in this hole that can listen.
blue sky you cunts

You'd have to go on HER facebook to see logs on HER account. Meaning SHE has to show that you hacked her. LITERALLY EVERY user IN THIS THREAD HAS TOLD YOU THIS.

Sounds like the bitch is crazy and got schizophrenia.
I know because my mom is like that and accuses my dad of the wildest technical feats.
We should really euthanize schizos.

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No problem.

hack her gmail and show her the real IP address that logged in vs your IP address

youre innocent until proven otherwise, unless you live in the land of the 'free'.
so where is her evidence?

It's really hard to say what that even means. It used to mean "playful creativity" but the media machine has made most people think it means something like cracking or placing malware on a device or who knows what, basically "illegal something related to computers".

If you didn't do anything wrong then just say no and stop talking to her, stop replying to her, just cut all contact with her. It's an ex so that's what you'll want to do anyway.


thats exactly NOT what everyone has said. everyone has answered a technical question with post-nu-male copy pasta ideology (which is both accurate, appreciated and fine). go suck your onahole.

the question is..... DID you hack her? or access her accounts/devices?
because if so, if it escalates so far then the police will probably find out

I get that you're trying to nip this is the bud OP but what are the details? She thinks you hacked her Gmail? Tell her that she will be notified if someone accesses her Google acct from an unrecognized IP. Other than that unfortunately there is no proactive solution for you, sorry.

no, i didnt. Id love to have the police get involved. what i need is the negative bias forced to crack.

I think thats best, mixed with thanks truly to all you dirty weirdo cunts.

>youre innocent until proven otherwise
Unfortunately that's not how it works in real life if the police get involved. You're assumed guilty until they figure out that they can't prove you're guilty because you are, in fact, innocent.

>Id love to have the police get involved
I can tell you for a fact that you really don't and here's why, and this assumes you are totally innocent: The police could decide to confiscate your computer(s) and your phone and all other electronics you have and sit on it for 1 year. They will assume you are guilty of something and only return your property once they give up trying to prove you did something wrong.

>Encourage her to
>Tell her to put 2FA on things
This is a bad idea and not because those things are a bad idea. You don't want to engage with this woman at all. She is your ex, not your current girlfriend. Tell her to stop contacting you. Make it very clear that you do not want further contact with her. Her computer issues and mental issues are not your responsibility.

Gas yourself nigger. This thread proves you're a retard.
>burden of proof being on the accuser is a numale statement
Wew lad

>technical knowledge they might have
they can sure be put to use based on
>hacked her computer and phone
top kek dumb user

great post bye

look at yourselves
its kinda embarrassing

true, popo is bitches always

op has actual room temp iq

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+1 for cutting the psycho bitch off completely

its hot where i live bitch

kids involved

>great post bye
you are expecting use to:
>guess which programs she is using
>guess what she think happenend
>guess what actually happened
solely based on
>hacked her computer and phone
give the full fucking story you absolute mong, we are tech litterate people, not magicians

Police exist to investigate and protect the citizens according to the law. They can not accuse or charge you without any evidence, they will however open an investigation, which is not the same as assuming you're guilty.

Temp is in celsius.

>kids involved
well, take your kids and protect them by cutting the psycho bitch off completely

It's fucking sad how close this is to the truth

this might be the right, and most complex and difficult, to execute choice - i am well aware

sure bb you measure your dick in metric

no, im just looking for some general this is how you tell ins/outs or sorry cant eat a dick whatever

so how are your ex's ins/outs?

Lol some idiot i know claimed he could hack fb to impress a girl. He failed trying a password reset, then gave up and used an app to just spam the guys phone.

fairly nice desu

Nevermind I figured it out.

is this a Jow Forums thing?

usually gets a ban from mu

Nah just some socially retarded troll escaped from Jow Forumsrelationshipadvice

No, it looks like he has figured it out.

Good to hear OP! Now we can finally let this thread die.

that wasnt op you fucking dry weasly cunt
i hope your mums abscess pops on your limp dick

No tripcode, so it might as well be OP. Now STFU and let this shitty /soc/ & Jow Forums thread die. OP didn't bother to give specific information on what he's accused of so we can't help further than give vague information about his rights and what he physically can and cannot do.

lol Jow Forums is tinee peener wah wah um i need more details lol i swear this never happns to me

Based janny.

sounds like she's crazy and you're better off without he