Is a war between italy and france possible righ now?
Italy-france war
Hopefully, I need a happening and new warfare webms.
Fuck France. Italy are the saviours of Europe along with Hungary
I want a new war just because i'm tired of desert shit
Hell yeah boi
Maybe the plan all along was to flood the west with immigrants then implement conscription and then use them to attack their own countries. 33d chess lads
until they give us back la gioconda it's always a possibility
that's what they have in mind for Canada, because they've been successful importing a shitton of closet loyalists into your nation, and it's a perfect Trojan horse scenario
we'll come help you guys out if that scenario bears fruit
Trump and his neocon buddies won't allow it.
There is no point, France would whoop you clean
France can suck my fat boy titties and my cock
*1911 intesifies*
France would surrender and we would switch sides with the high powers.
Gioconda was a personal gift from Da Vinci to Francis I, king of France
They were actually close friends. Leonardo spent his last years living in France. So the frogs won’t give you back shit because “The Gioconda” actually belongs to them not you.
Your army is irrelevant, how can you continue bullshiting yourself like that
> Implying the French wouldn't help the Italians remove Macron from power.
Don't be fucking retarded, if they invade us, we will lose.
Pic related.
It's better if the Russians invade us, at least they are cristians.
next week is french week at lidl
The boot of Europe is going to kick France in its numale ass.
>Be Italy France war
>France surrenders
>Italy switches sides.
>Both lose
in a direct war, we would lose
in a civil war with us funding the opposition, maybe not
Daily reminder the Institutional Terrone only went to France to encourage the divide of JJ and make LePen's base fragment in favor of this new useful idiot candidate.
In fact, Salvini just said "he doesn't want to argue with France and would be happy to meet Macron" in an attempt to put things back together.
I also remind you the 5 Star Movement's founder (Casaleggio) had a jewish mentor, Enrico Sassoon, who's also Rothschild's RELATIVE. Since Casaleggio died and his less idealistic son took over, Sassoon's grip on the movement strengthened exponentially, and the dystopic agenda pushed by using the people's thirst of vengeance towards the political class is being implemented bit by bit.
DiMaio (who represents a Rothschild's creation) just did Macron (a Rothschild's creation himself) a HUGE favor by endorsing a divisive JJ candidate who'll sucks votes from his political adversaries. Grow up and cut this bullshit.
In the end Italy will stab us all in the back. They can't help it it's in their nature.
good,white people are disgusting nigger-loving effeminate faggots
Yes, and we'd easily win it, reunified Italy can't fight a war, or even expect to win one without foreign assistance
yes,win for the niggers and the algerians
your people are disgusting effeminate faggots
Faggots we have to join forces against ur kike president, so it will spark the eu fall
The only way italians were ever capable of fighting and winning war was due to
>numerical superiority (Italy has always been largely urbanized and densely populated since the iron age)
>excellent financial status (Italy used to be pretty rich thanks to chiefly trade and, to a degree, resources)
>forefront of technology and state of the art equipment (for many centuries Italy was ahead of the rest of Western Europe in tech and it was a testing ground for innovation and development)
>excellent diplomacy i.e. being backstabbing mischievous cunts (and we still are)
The first 3 factors have dropped since 2-3 centuries, but we can still try to bet on the last
>Gioconda was a personal gift from Da Vinci to Francis I, king of France
I think the King actually bought the Gioconda for 4000 ducati (I'm going from memory). So yes, the Gioconda is technically theirs. Still, I don't want the Gioconda to fall in the hands of the future French caliphate.
Are we all in agreement that Tyrol and Peidmont and the dodecanese belong to Italy??
Coming from you Mario it's quite ironic
Funny way to spell Finland and Estonia.
No lol we don't need a war with france,we have to exterminate terroni and linguistic minorities so that the northern italian master race can rule over the mediterranean once again
Another reason to vote for Salvini.
>said the country with birthright citizenship
Come on Luigi you're embarassing yourself.
We fucked you up everytime even when you conquered Gaul, the only time btw, you gave us citizenship and basically allowed us to have your women.
Once you were buttraped by Austria Hungary of all places and cried so much you gave us Nice and Monaco to save your ass.
Your "men" make our pizzas.
As if we could be that lucky user..
This... Desert maps get boring after playing them for 17 years.
Criminally underrated
I can't see Europe having an intercontinental war again in our lifetimes. I'm usually wrong about things tho. Whatever happens I hope the EU is seen as the bad guys and the US helps fuck up the Jewish leadership in Europe.
Stop your D&C shit, we're both latins country that need to unite against any semitic threats upon us.
Alpine maps are the best.
Half of the population of France would fight on the side of the Italians.
Lol just fucking wait when northern italy become once again an independent state
Stop that french and italiens rare brother u just playing the jew game instead of fight for EVROPA as meds brothers.
Lol tell another joke francois
I wish more Italian would understand this. A France and Italy union would be much better than a France and Germany union. We shouldn't fight against each other, only against each other's corrupt governments.
It wouldn't be in Italy's best interests to fight that war. You can joke about the French, but they would win a war against Italy very easily.
40% of the lower echelons in France are bougnoules who probably wouldn't lift a finger for France.
>Our brothers.
"Comunque si svolgano gli eventi, noi desideriamo che non si parli più di fratellanza, di sorellanza, di cuginanza e di altrettali parentele bastarde, poiché i rapporti tra gli Stati sono rapporti di forza e questi rapporti di forza sono gli elementi determinanti della loro politica."
>the US helps fuck up the Jewish leadership in Europe
if anything you'd put even more jews in power across eastern europe
I'm full med my friend as my ancestors who lived in mediterrean coast so sorry yes i'm med
When have the French ever been brotherly to the Italians?
In a war I would unironically fight for France and kill as many terroni as possible.
Macron recall ambassador to france
Sorry to say but we will lose...Unless part of the french army is made by niggers...OH WAIT
>make the banlieues chimp out over something
>gillet jaunes seize the opportunity to crank it up to 11
>France collapses
>hilarity ensues
Hey ho! Multiculturalism and shitting on the local working class was truly a great idea!
I'll give you that one.
fuck you disgusting faggot
hey i've seen you on /his/
France have twice the military budget of Italy, not really a fair fight
I'm not sure why such a war would take place tho, italians are good people
you dont go to war for such meaningfull reasons
macron being a spineless cunt isnt a valid casus belli
Italy/ENI got massively BTFO by Total Fina/Sarko/Clinton. Italy has the right - if not the moral obligation - to respond appropriately.
I trust Salvini on this.
But we're already with the French...
So /pol, which is your least favorite country, Italy or France?
Sure you are right so southern Italians will ally with us against you.
You'll somehow have an italian win
fuck you niggerlovers
No. France doesn't have the internal stability, and no one would back them in a war that would cripple the Eurozone.
Are you sad Marco ? Did we hurt your feelingi ? Do you want to kill yourselfi ? Or perhaps cry a bitini ?
Be careful out there, Mario
triggerd much?
I can't wait when italians will finaly be genocided
Fuck i'd love to commit a war crime on some italian milfs bring it on macron
>t. sudtirolese
thanks based hamburger
Is that supposed to be an insult? You know that italians are basically the Romanians of the world, right?
Fuck the frogs.
Are you ?
I am just having fun bullying you
>I hate myself and I want to die
you have fun with your nigger brothers
Top kek
said the french ahahah
It's actually the other way around, the french would naturally come together against a foreign enemy. On the other hand Italy barely counts as a country, if we fought together it would be only to seize the best moment to backstab our neighbor and switch sides.
France is italy if it had class. Everything italy is good at, France is better. The language, the food, the art.
you mean the faggot version
They’re better at being controlled by the Jews and they have more niggers than us, you’re right
Not really they are out in town with their italian girlfriends
You know since italian "men" only have one small spaghetto
It looks like you are the one triggered though. Perhaps I spit the truth a little too hard for you.
I mean no disrespect but Italy, especially northern italy, has the highest concentration of gay men on the planet.
They have nigs, you have terroni. I call it even.
I am rooting for Italy. France and Macron are like a bent binder that just will not bind.
said the american
ahahahah your country is faggotlandia
>I call it even.
because you love niggers and arabs