How am i supposed to find a hobby if i either fail or get bored with everything i try?
How am i supposed to find a hobby if i either fail or get bored with everything i try?
You'll never be good at something in a beginning, the point of the hobby is to learn, practice, and improve
Oh, and stop watching porn
I don't demand to be good, but even when i put effort i get nothing, also i hate practice and putting effort since both things makes me miserable. Why i should stop watching porn? It makes me feel way better and more energetic.
This is the problem most people have nowadays, they expect instant gratification from any activity they pick up. It doesn't happen. Hobbies are supposed to anger you, frustrate you, make you obsessed with them but you preservere and one day you wake up and you are better than most people around you in the hobby you picked up.
You don't try enough. Try harder. When you are more ripped than everyone else in a room or have cool interests like sailing or some shit and everyone else around you is just a vidya playing fatass you will understand what it was all about.
Or don't try and be a piece of shit like you are now. You can still get a gf.
I don't care about being better than others at all, i wanted a hobby, because i thought it could be fun and not another form of work, also gratification over time feels like shit.
>wanting gf
NEVER, i would only want to have bf
Aye JoJo
You enjoy JoJo though, right OP?
If you are a girl or a faggot you don't need hobbies. Hobbies are for men.
>i hate practice and putting effort since both things makes me miserable.
this is why your life will be complete and utter shit and you will be forever miserable in your shit, unless you were born with a golden spoon up your arse.
Yes, I do
I'm bi, sweetie
I didn't said anything about being unwilling to work or not having any skills
Join the gym bucko.
That's what I'm interested in even though I'm a beginner skeletor.
Seing those muscle makes me want to lift.
>go to gym
why would i go there if i don't want ever to have muscles or look fit?
To feel good.
Try it.
You won't, you'll just feel good
I tried in past and exercises felt painful and not at all good
You feel good after, knowing you've accomplished something.
I feel nothing about accomplishing something unless it's on the world/universe scale
let this stupid faggot's thread die and hope OP died along with it, he does not deserve help
You are not helpful by giving such advice
>Oh, and stop watching porn
Fuck off. Masturbating is good. If you don't masturbate you'll end up either being depressed about not having a gf, or you'll get into a relationship with some annoying cunt and immediately after cumming in her you'll wish she would leave your house but you're stuck with her.
Anons won't listen but its true.
>masturbating = watching porn
He is giving advice to some posters in this thread, which is valid.
They are wasting their time, he won't listen
Porn is just a more efficient way of masturbating. Why spend half an hour jerking off when you can do it in 10 minutes?
>Why spend half an hour jerking off when you can do it in 10 minutes?
That's why you shouldn't watch porn. Why spend half an hour browsing for porn when you can do it in 5 minutes?
I've never spent half an hour browsing for porn what?
Why do you want/need a hobby in the first place. You know you only have a limited time on this earth. Why force yourself to try to pickup a hobby if your not made for it. Try anime for a bit, if you get bored go onto something else, movies, youtube, reading, outdoors bullshit, do round robin with them as you grow bored and move on. Do you think you have to pick one and do it forever? Are you unironically autistic?
Also an add on to this. If you enjoy porn then watch it. If you want to jerk off for 2 hours, do it. Who the fuck cares. Theres noone standing over you qith a report card and scoring you on how much time theyve believed you wasted
I wanted something that would provide me stable amounts of entertainment and thought hobby would be good idea, but almost everything bores me pretty quickly, also is anime really considered a hobby?
It's called anhedonia. Take medical drugs.
Why the need for one particular thing though OP. Why cant you have like 10 different hobbies that you switch between. For instance throughout the year ill have a phase im heavily into writing. I get bored and then ill play a bunch a different games. When that gets boring ill watch youtube vids on all different type of shit. When that gets boring i watch a bunch a shows and movies. Went that gets boring i go out and do activities. When i grow bored of that wouldnt you know it i no longer find writing boring so i return to it again for a few months.
Same question. What the purpose of having one singular lifelong hobby?
It's not about having one hobby, it's about something that doesn't bore me so fast, that's why i wanted any hobby since i don't have any (unless spending few hours on random things during a week is considered hobby)
>take medicine
and get many other problems as side effects, thanks I'll pass
>and get many other problems as side effects, thanks I'll pass
Ok if you don't want to fix the problem, then don't fix it.
Things will bore you fast. You just have a short attention span. It is what it is. You need to have a wide net of hobbies. So my advice, like ive said a bunch of other times. Find a pool of things you like and alternate between them as you get bored. Watch a movie, then watch youtube with a bunch of different channels, then go outside and ride a bike. Its to easy
What are your parent’s hobbies? If you don’t know or can’t list anything, that’s probably why. We usually follow in our parents footsteps, specifically our father. Whether we’re a boy or a girl.
>following your parents footsteps
I don't care about family at all and i would never want to have job/hobby like them