Jow Forums hates
Whom do you guys don't hate?
What's the sweet spot?
Jow Forums hates
I only hate poos who poop on my board
stop eating sugar
Hate is not an emotion. It's a condition.
White people and japs.
Stop watching retards
non lefty whites and japs. +1 from me
we hate Zionism and all it's compartmentalized wings
that's a lot way to write out the receiver of our enmity, because we don't arbitrarily hate anyone, all things are relative
Mixed niggers
i don't hate most of those people
i certainly don't hate poor people. my family were pretty poor when i was a kid.
i don't hate gay people. they are free to do what they want
i don't hate women. why would i? i love my wife
i fucking hate muslims though. fucking hell they are filth
Wtf rare as fuck.
You are enlightened.
>OP: Who do I like?
My family and friends. Too much whites are just as disgusting as the things you referred to in the OP. I tend to be even more disgusted by whites morons and traitors.
Japs are disgusting pedos and freaks.
>Jow Forums hates
smear campaign much?
You forgot fat people and faggots like OP.
Liberals, niggers and Jews are the only ones I really dislike and it's mostly just liberal niggers and Jews I dislike within those groups.
Good solid conservative values and morals based on the golden rule and Christianity,
poor are ok if they work hard to change, other races than white have defective worldview morality character and genetics
>implying that's not what makes them so based
Seethe harder irrelevant flag
There's no need of a smear campaign lol. Opening Jow Forums is self-explanatory. Unless this is the first time you ever opened a Jow Forums thread, you're a deluded fag that needs to stop pretending and embrace really.
Imagine reping pedophilia. You're a sick fuck probably a trap.
Stop posting on pol
It's unfair to mix all those other groups with Jews and Saudis (((the real problem)))