What is the tipping point?

When will come the point when white society can no longer function?

Global science research stops

Medicine becomes to hard

no one can understand how to work all the things that white society has created

libraries, hospitals schools, close

military technology is left sitting in hangars with no qualified operators left to use it

Will it happen?

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This “Basedboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Onions and rice based versions of dairy products, onions milk, onions ice cream, onions cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Onions foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the BasedBoy now faggot?

We are already at a point where specific pieces of equipment, military or otherwise, requires years of rigorous schooling just to use, i expect professions will just continue to become more specialized.

When it converts to islam

I think it's already happening.

a threshold of niggers being unjustly poured in

the moderate white man will have had enough

jesee lee peterson is live

>Will it happen?
it won't.

Soon I hope, I just wanna live to see the collapse and laugh at everyone

its one possibility theres also
ethno-tailored bio-weapon/scalar-wave genetic-resonator
space settlement rush (more or less the slower collapse on earth)
Tailored babies (black people become white over time)
big war

thats just some real possibilities

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We're almost there

Medicine is fucked and has been for some time in the US. The only thing it's good for is traumatic injuries. If you have a chronic condition stay the fuck away from MD's, they have no clue what they're doing in treatment. Look up the (((Flexner))) Report. It's how the rockefellers hijacked medicine in the US. On top of this in US medschools blacks are allowed to have tutors sit with them while they take exams.

Libraries. Who goes to these anyways? Gutenberg project bro

For most of the us public school teaches you nothing useful. The vast majority of burgers would no bullshit be better off almost anywhere but school. It has become nothing more for a chaos containment zone for minorities. When half the class is a bunch of baboons who yell, fight, and pull weaves out of each other's hair and the other half the class doesn't speak English what the fuck is the point anymore. This isn't even counting shit like commiecore and other elements of brainwashing. 95% of what I know didn't come from school. I get interested in a subject and I study it. Public schooling is a plank of the communist manifiesto. Proof is in the pudding, and it's produced a bunch of brainwashed trannies that want to end their own race and civilization. If you are going to any form of public school the fedgov needs to stay the fuck out and it should be locally controlled as possible.

For our military it's still functional at this point. I think it'll be the last thing to go. We got a lot of white boys that can handle a rifle well still. At this moment there's enough of an economic incentive to sign up. If things go belly up economically there will be no incentive.

Dude the schooling shit is no joke. I have a nephew in 2nd grade who talks about gang violence, drugs, weapons, and kids literally throwing desks at teachers. Why the fuck would any teacher see any virtue in trying to educate a group of primates like that? Do they get hazard pay for each additional nigger that the class takes on?

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If it happens, (and I'm not saying it will) it will occur to countries individually and the world will go down like dominos.

When the Dems move to Impeach...
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)

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don't worry, humans will innovate.

they're already working on making insects into replacement food for everyone so we can continue to feed the exploding nigger population of Africa

when will it end? when whites die out or we scorch the planet of its resources

>For our military it's still functional at this point.
the military will not give up their capabilities, they will keep technological civilization alive as a matter of national security. by any means necessary and they have the means. its one reason to be grateful they are there, i don't believe the military would allow a total collapse. especially in the us.

>At this moment there's enough of an economic incentive to sign up. If things go belly up economically there will be no incentive.
north korea doesn't seem to have a hard time recruiting from a starving and dirt poor population. when the economy fails, the incentives you have to offer to recruit people get cheaper.

>by any means necessary and they have the means
for now they do.
In 20 years when everyone manning the hypertech machines has room temperature iq and the zog money is running out they will be irrelevant
Also if the native burger population gets too restless then the military will be powerless to stop it. Currently they can't subdue a bunch of illiterate rag heads with franken ak's. The actual fighting part of the military would support it anyway. Only officers would cuck, enlisted hate them largely.

It is starting to look that way. Looking specifically at America, I doubt we could build another Hoover Dam, or Golden Gate Bridge, or launch another moon mission ever again.

africa already eats lots of insects, no science required. no innovation necessary. what they're working on is making eating insects palatable to those in developed nations. basically the nations that are below the birth rate anyways and dont actually need to eat bugs will be eating bugs. and its not like youre going to be able to sell or give africa the protein saved by eating bugs instead of cows. no, nobody will be saved or helped from this. africa already eats bugs and africa will see no benefit from developed nations learning to eat bugs too. and developed nations dont need to eat bugs and if they did it would be because they have fallen and collapsed into absolute poverty.

that being said i would eat insects, i see nothing wrong with it. could save me a few bucks at the grocery store if its healthy and i like the taste. and i wouldnt feel bad about it. but it wont save the world.

if you can think of it, they probably already have a plan for it

the biggest threat to the military i see is robots
how can they be absolutely sure they maintain total command of those machines. i think the military may have to start policing technology to be sure they maintain an edge without having to rely on technology that isnt entirely controllable. before it gets to the point where somebody can even build a robot army the us army will have already taken them out in advance specifically so the military can stay human. or at least that seems plausible and desirable to me.

>hen will come the point when white society can no longer function?
about 20 years ago, when you voted for a nigger to be the president.

They didn't even have a plan for iraq or afghanistan. We didn't have a plan for Vietnam. We barely had a plan for Korea. Do you understand how incompetent our govt and military are? The only thing the burger military is good at is fighting conventional armies with 30 year old soviet equipment. That's it.
Even when this was a "white" country we had 1 commander (Patton) worth a damn across 2 world wars. The burger military is notoriously incompetent, we're just able to throw endless resources at shit that keeps it going. We're the only army on the planet that has fucking chocolate raining down on our troops.
When our military was actually something to contend with we couldn't handle a bunch of gooks in tunnels with sks's. Currently we can't handle rag heads with shitty ak's that they can't even aim. What the fuck is our military going to do against Jed and Cletus who dress up in camo and hunt animals for fun. There are untold millions of these guys. Guess who is the fighting arm of the military, Jed and Cletus's children. Is the military going to bomb it's own infrastructure? Are they going to nuke their own country? The govt is scared shitless of it's own populace, especially the shitlib part of it. This is why they're constantly trying to make excuses for gun control.

You see, the problem here is that you are looking for some sort of obvious undeniable collapse but that not how it works. The US will just continue to slowly degenerate into a 3rd world country like Brazil, in fact i'd say that its already there in many ways and places. Just look at detroit, california etc.

I know a few teachers and their stories are barely believable
This isn't even getting into higher education which has been hijacked lock, stock, and barrel for some time now.
I'd rather watch it all burn and build anew than try to save it.
Sadly most kids would learn more online than in a school setting now.

Yes leaf you got it.
Most burgers think there's gonna be some big hollywood shootout that decisively makes us a 3rd world nation.
If a future administration is dumb enough to try gun confiscation that could very well happen. Personally I don't think it will in my lifetime.
Welcome to the collapse.
Next stop Rio de Janiero

if you are smart make them think you are dumb
if you are dumb, make them think you are smart
art of war
4d chess
jokes on you they were only pretending to be retarded

There will be no tipping point. No happening. It. Will. Not. Happen.
You just want someone else to kick things off, do do it for you.

The difference is that once non-whites become the majority across the west, they will swoop in for the kill. There will be genocides, the likes of which this earth has never seen.

>4d chess
Lol ok qanon
They're so smart they spent trillions to the point of almost economically collapsing their own machine.
They're so smart that they didn't even take the resources of the countries they conquered.
They're so smart they're losing control of their heroine fields to a bunch of goat farmers with ak's
They're so smart they allow a tiny country in the Levant to control every move of their foreign policy.
They're so smart they offshored all the manufacturing to China who now poses both a military and economic threat to their hegemony, while simultaneously makes their native population more restless due to lack of labor.
They're so smart that half the country wants secession at any given time.

If they practiced the art of war they wouldn't be in the position they're in. Now they have countries open challenging the perto dollar (Iran, Syria) and they can't get rid of them with impunity like before.

wouldn't you like to know, mr shekelstienbergsky.

Is it me or is every Canadian on this thread an Idf shill

Joke is on them.
To this day I have not met a non white who can actually shoot. Haven't seen one hunt anything but squirrel.
We have all the land where food can be grown, we have all the guns, and we have the only population capable of shooting those guns in an effective manner.
They can swoop in for whatever they want. If they're dumb enough to start shit we will end it.

they're so smart that they have to pretend to be really dumb, because if people knew how competent they can actually be, though would be terrified. you want just the right level of force projection, enough to keep your enemies from outright attacking you but not so much power that they fear they have to try to destroy you. what you know, they lead you to know, what you think is what they want you to think. or at least i hope thats the case and it seems plausible enough.

it's right now, it's today

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nice pasta

It seems likely.
If those yids knew what was good for them they would try to butter white up.
Pedro and Tyrome will not support muh israel like white burgers do.
After we've gone under le %50 no more free shekels for you Schlomo.


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Whites go back to their roots.

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Please Muslim’s are borderline niggers.

> Worship a Kike God.

The Jews will own what is left of our capitalist society. Africans and tacos are too stupid to do anything so they need to be mixed with Americans to form the perfect slave race.

Not self aware yet not too retarded to serve their overlords.

no u

I literally can’t fucking wait.

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I can really imagine that in the near future a war will start again and everything will be destroyed. So I think that we will start from ground zero because if that happens the new technologies that we have will destroy half of the planete.

Some of them are smart, others are dumb. They are disorganized, that’s our advantage. Of course we are not exactly organized so?

They have openly stated this.

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home school with your stay at home wife, best way

Whites will win out in the end but our numbers will shrink, probably by at least half. Not that, that's necessarily a bad thing since most white men these days are beta cuck onions boys and it leaves more women for us. The real men of our race died on the battlefields of WW2, just as the jews intended. Also keep in mind that there's 6 billion shitskins and only 1 billion whites and most of those whites are race traitor cucks.

the cock carousel you chads are running ensures almost none of you will manage to hold a long term relationship before she gets bored and jumps on the next chad. the hookup culture you indulged in to maximize your access to new vaginas has created a generation of women emotionally hardwired to be incapable of settling down.

No. No people is that stupid except maybe abbos.
>military technology is left sitting in hangars with no qualified operators left to use it
that's a good thing

It will happen eventually, and the sooner it happens the better. Technological progress is making us unhappier, it interferes with our nature and takes our freedom, to a certain extend.

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>doubt we could

nigga we cant. we cant even build footbridges.

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