Right-Wing Psychedelics/Meditation General

Instead of pretending to worship fake gods from thousands of years ago, why not just meditate and take psychedelic drugs?

Unlike weed and other drugs, meditation/psychedelics do not dull the mind but make it sharper. You can reach a state of enlightenment with one or both of these that is usually not possible unless you have enough extreme religious devotion to induce a state of ecstasy (which obviously Jow Forums users will not attain since they are pagan as a LARP).

Many old religions used psychedelic mushrooms, and religions that promote meditation have lasted for thousands of years into the present day without being cucked. My point is that this isn't new information but that special kind of "ancient knowledge" that draws so many Jow Forumsacks towards pagan religions.

And, no, LSD will not turn you into a faggot hippie.

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lsd made me bald

>Unlike weed and other drugs, meditation/psychedelics do not dull the mind but make it sharper
calling bs. There is a study that psychadelics can rewire your brain. Seems like a bad thing overall to do and is more of a randomness generator to memory selection efficiency.

Meditation is good though

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>can rewire your brain
Depends on how it rewires your brain. New good habits, meditation, prayer, new jobs - all of these rewrite neural pathways for the better.

By the same logic of psychadelics rewiring the brain could also be for the worse. Such things as 'bad trips' might incorrectly rewire the brain to being more inefficient. Why not just stick to basic meditation

The whole point is to change yourself, otherwise there's no point. What makes psychs/meditation redpilled is that the change must come from within yourself. Think of it as self-improvement for your brain and spirit.

>And, no, LSD will not turn you into a faggot hippie.
That depends, I have an aquaintsnce who treats acid like it's a panacea. He is a vegan, diversity is our strength male feminist, muh chakra vibrations.

New Age is not capable of giving any culture that builds civilization. Plus, all the Joe Rogan wannabes turn leftists.

Nazism is a rational ideology, not a psychedelic trip.

"Bad trips" do not happen randomly. You can avoid them completely by doing the following:
>researching what you are taking
>taking a proper dose for what you want
>being in the right setting (don't trip around strangers or when you have something important to do)
>don't be afraid to deal with memories or emotions that are pulled to the surface

The thing about psychadelics is that they make you acknowledge the now. This can be attained also through rigorous discipline through meditation and general awareness of yourself throughout the day. Focus on your breath would be my advice to do this. Live life through the senses not the thoughts.

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>What makes psychs/meditation redpilled is that the change must come from within yourself. Think of it as self-improvement for your brain and spirit.
Meditation you can control what about yourself you change, though. Psychadelics seem to be a bingo ball mixer. You can control your subconscious bodily functions with deep meditation -- drugs not required. Controlled psycho-related control of the body is more powerful than drug-inducements would argue. Things like spell words can put you into deeper meditation such as from the cultist writings of Thoth the Atlantean's Emerald Tablets described as repeating in your mind for brain vibration to unlocking 4th dimensional control via:


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Replacing dendritic connections to useless memories could be a form of intelligence enhancement or memory efficiency, seemingly. Interesting idea

Excellent post, brother.

Great minds have argued that psychedelics are the only way that we Westerners, having been kiked for centuries, can recover any genuine spirituality: vjmpublishing.nz/?p=6259

>I have an aquaintsnce who treats acid like it's a panacea. He is a vegan, diversity is our strength male feminist, muh chakra vibrations.
The thing with dendritic rewiring is that if you go into a mind altering session with a certain ideology in mind you would, theoretically, further enhance belief into that ideology by molding previous parts of your mind to that. Why psychedelics were used for brain washing experiments -- giving them to a person who you already installed an idea/belief will further permatize that idea/belief.

>Many old religions used psychedelic mushrooms, and religions that promote meditation have lasted for thousands of years into the present day without being cucked.
Illuminati goes into Light magic where you affect your soul rather than the material world. Good for astral projections, phasing, and other mage stuff like that. Theoretically can be adept to a point of having a vivid astral self to that of like Final Fantasy's Spirit Within phantoms or w/e. The opposite is Dark magic being Judaistic occultism, blood rituals, etc.

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LSD was used for brainwashing and it was a miserable failure. The people who volunteered ended up going around promoting the drug as the path to enlightenment, while those who were dosed against their will/knowledge couldn't be mind-controlled and ended up with mental problems from the trauma.

>LSD was used for brainwashing and it was a miserable failure.
Where do you get that. On a theoretical basis can be useful for brainwashing. As only as a catalyst of course, though.

there are no such thing as bad trips.

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It's the reason that LSD was dropped from MKULTRA, it simply wasn't working.

Well early childhood education is much more efficient in brainwashing would say along with socialization. LSD may be only useful in reinforcing an idea already believed in. Do you know if the CIA has fully researched brainwashing and brain vibrations specifically binaural


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There is so much power to cultivate in the safe and responsible practice of the art of psychonautics

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Dont be NPCs and ignore this info

How about you explain what the fuck you are on about instead of posting >1 hour long videos with no information. Even going to the website gives no info, just links to videos.

>posts 8 hours worth of content
>tells you to not ignore it

What is the tldr

yeah, enjoy the fried memory not being able to recall anything you did the day before

fuck off satanist

>Unlike weed
This alone proves to me that OP operates on what Jow Forums says due to the anti weed but pro psychedelic view
If you like one you like the other. Marijuana is a psychedelic in its own right

hitler was was a mescaline eating hippy

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I'm doing mushrooms this weekend. Did it once before, a few years ago. I'm still as far right as possible.

>Instead of pretending to worship fake gods from thousands of years ago, why not just meditate and take psychedelic drugs?
Why can't I do all three?

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I enjoy both and smoke weed way more often, but I only use weed to relax like most people. Even when smoking a sativa strain, it really isn't good for deep-thinking and introspection.

Did you think about Jow Forums stuff while you were tripping though?

please dont recommend LSD to people, most dont have the mental fortitude to remain unchanged.
t. ex-LSD salesman

LSD is not a party drug. Change should be expected.



>pretending to worship fake gods
Nigger we have already ascended

Pull your head in you fucken drug addict cunt.

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>right wing drug user thread

>why not just meditate and take psychedelic drugs
because once you reach a certain age and have moved around it's essentially impossible to access them

>there is a study
listen to our experts goy

LSD is usually distributed on tabs which are literally paper. It is absolutely the easiest drug to transport through the mail and is undetectable. Even if they suspected a letter contained LSD enough to open the letter up, they would still need to use a test kit on it to make sure since LSD is tasteless and scentless.

Get some BTC, open Tor, find GammaGoblin, have 100 tabs shipped to your house.
You now have 100 acid trips.

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nice try but it is illegal for anyone to open someone's mail without probable cause. good luck finding a reason when any and all xray of the letter shows nothing but paper and testing for LSD requires destroying the paper!

Cannabis is great for deep thinking, and introspection.
Idk wtf you are talking about.

>hi fbi here's my address please ship me illegal drugs

Na. Pretty sure intelligence agency(s) fish for information on this website with threads like these for data mining things for Stargate program, MKULTRA, or whatever else they may have going. Want you to get a hold of LSD, try the drug, then report back on Jow Forums detailing your experiences for the next time a thread like this is made.

4d chess do0d


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