So not worth talking about. You're happy with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

how the fuck do these people think this is an ok law to pass?

day of the rope, all should hang.

What are American anons doing?
Are you at least writing to congress?

>Are you at least writing to congress?
No thanks, I like the environment.

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I wouldn't worry about it, unconstitutional on the basis that the government cannot boycott you for your freedom of speech, which in this case is boycotting israel

Where are the Republicans worried about the the precedent this will set? I get the feeling the party deserves to be punished again.

it's a handout to the military industrial complex, Israel is the scapegoat

Well, you fucking retards are the ones who vote these kikes in there. It's you're fault

Wasn't there another bill recently that also gave Israel tens of billions of dollars? But they can't give the relatively small amount for the wall on the border. It's funny too because I've heard people say that they should just keep funding border agents and tech on the border rather than a wall and that it would work better but last year I also heard people wanting to get rid of ICE and people are still complaining about illegals at the border being detained.

Democrats actually are useful sometimes.

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k bud

what should we do about it short of shooting?
we vote people out, while others are entrenched, i can't help what all the retards in my country do
i do think we should talk about stripping the rights and sealing the borders of rogue states such as cali and ny

miss me yet?

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The bigger question is why aren't you doing something about it? If liberals can create an international shitstorm over some old cunt's 30 year old rape allegations, surely your politicians selling out to a foreign country should warrant at least as much of a reaction.

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So how did the bill pass then?

>Who controls the US

Its a 3 way joint effort of who controls the world. If you don't want it that way then get back on the gold standard and limit your investment abilities and risk assessment to pre-internet levels while the saudis and Israels just give the proxy infinite pump to someone elses imaginary money (probably Euro).

Like it or not they are a part of what keeps the USD power and our 3 countries in control of the world and trade. Without the US' muscle the jews get obliterated by neighbors and saudis get sanctioned into oblivion by contemporary nations, without Israel and Saudis the US' infinitely growing economy in the face of excessively high risk and nonsensical fractionary lending would bottom out.

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>destabilized the only remaining country to threaten israel
based and zionpilled

They would have yielded too if they were in office.

A case will never make it to the supreme court.
If you've ever wondered why so many laws are unconstitutional, it's because the supreme court ignores these cases by virtue of lower courts throwing them out.

Tell that to the hurricane Harvey victims in Texas who were forced to sign the "Israel loyalty pledge" in order to get their state aid for cleanup and rebuilding.
These laws currently exist in more than half of the States and this new Federal law is writing those State laws in stone.
You can mostly thank your Shariavangelical pals with their end times fantasies for this bullshit... and also the kike lobby, of course.

But hey, Jow Forums... keep concentrating your efforts on hungrily sucking that shriveled Trump cock.

Only selling out to Russia is bad. Nobody is going to care about selling out to Israel. In fact not wanting to sell out to Israel is probably antisemitic.

So only half the time the Democrats vote against Israel where as Republicans vote with Israel 100% of the time.

To stop this bill, call your Congressman and tell them:
- the US has spent $6 trillion in the Mid East since 2001 and it needs to stop
- Americans should not be punished by their own government for boycotting a foreign country
- Israel has its own nukes (which they stole from us)

we're not happy with this at all, only accelerationism will fix this

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Makes my blood curdle user.

It fucking pisses me off that the only reason they vote nay is to suck muslim dick.
Fuck kikes and fuck mudshits. We need to get all these conflict of interest having mother fuckers out now. McCarthy and Nixon were right.

laws can be passed that are unconstitutional, the way the courts can rule the law unconstitutional is when a challenge is presented by a damaged client

nothing wrong with supporting allies like this

the problem is that Israel isn't really an ally

even Rand Paul voted yes for this? wtf?

Is 1000% bater then to be a communist

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>I'm just going to sit here and hope it fixes itself.
Write to congress.

To stop this bill, call your Congressman and tell them:
- the US has spent $6 trillion in the Mid East since 2001 and it needs to stop
- Americans should not be punished by their own government for boycotting a foreign country
- Israel has its own nukes (which they stole from us)

I'd never miss any nigger. They are naturally sub primate and sub human.

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He isn't your problem.

Fuck Trump, it was all a distraction for this

state law can be challenged and changed, besides how does the government prove that you're boycotting israel?

Where is more information on this? I can't find it anywhere.

This is exponentially worse than the 56% meme.

May Israel get destroyed.

The anti bds and military aid are not the same bill

Why do you keep posting this inaccurate tweet

I hate this fucking country so much.

Has to be a typo, no way did Bitch McConnell vote no while Rand said yes.

>state law can be challenged and changed
In theory, yes... in practice... not so much.
Not when you've spent years of effort stacking the Federal courts with your Shariavangelical buddies because "muh abortion".

The government is a just a sporting league for people who don't like sports. It's an illusion that there is efficacy to our voting. Reality is that our government has been controlled from behind the scenes for a long time.

I wrote to my senators. I still haven't gotten a response nor do I expect one as they both voted for it. I'm a little pissed off. My state was supposed to be based and now I find out we are just good goys.

i24NEWS - US Senate passes anti-BDS Mideast security bill

>May Israel get destroyed.
But the Zionists want all the Jews to move to Israel.

Wow it's almost like Israel is our military presence in the middle east. Are you mad that we control the world?

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I think Israel placed a nuke somewhere in US and threatens to detonate, unless the ransom is payed.

That's the most retarded attempt at kike shilling I've seen all week.

Or is America Israel’s cash cow and cannon fodder. The Jews hold all the power and money even in America, fool.

US Senate Passes Anti-BDS Bill, 4 Democratic Presidential Candidates Opposed | The Jewish Press - | Hana Levi Julian | 2 Adar I 5779 – February 6, 2019 |

No argument detected

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I am done with American politics. The only thing I’ll get involved in from now on is a civil war. If we aren’t going to take our country back by force, I’m just going to coast and focus on my family until I die.

>Wow it's almost like Israel is our military presence in the middle east. Are you mad that we control the world?

Why does America need one, what do you gain from it?

To stop this bill, call your Congressman and tell them:
- the US has spent $6 trillion in the Mid East since 2001 and it needs to stop
- Americans should not be punished by their own government for boycotting a foreign country
- Israel has its own nukes (which they stole from us)

Hmm ask yourself who has the power, the USA with 50x the money, 1000x the military power, or Israel?

You stormfags always get it wrong. Israel is our puppet.

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cute fantasy you have there, shill

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this is why I stopped voting. I'm irrelevant.

How does not voting help?

To stop this bill, call your Congressman and tell them:
- the US has spent $6 trillion in the Mid East since 2001 and it needs to stop
- Americans should not be punished by their own government for boycotting a foreign country
- Israel has its own nukes (which they stole from us)

Even if that were true then that means the US government is indeed evil. So thanks for offering another shit option to the shit buffet.

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Kneel before ZOG!
but seriously West the hell can we do about this?!

it's doesn't matter. so I don't waste my time


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I wonder if the ACLU will make a first amendment case out of this... hmmm.................

>The (((ACLU)))

Nigger we don't have a voice in our political system, we're banned from any and all social media, our legacy media are all kike-owned, and even saying the word "jew" is a fucking hate crime in the minds of retard normies. It's going to take way more than this to spur the complacent masses to action.

>Call your Congressman
Why the fuck are you people so pathetic? Didn’t you dumb fucks control almost a third of the entire world? Your solution to Judaism is to beg the Jews to please don’t? Neck yourself for being a such a disgrace to your forefathers.

>MIGApede cope posting

Why would you need a law to allow a state to boycot a private business ? They can just choose not to do business with them

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this guy ran on fiscal responsibility.
now he wants to privatize all the government revenue streams so there's no money coming in to pay debts.

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(((Rand Paul))) is a (((libertarian))). Why are you suprised?

Attacking my country and what we were years ago, yeah that going to help you out, buddy.

I guess if you family was like the government, and you had a lot of debt, you'd give your pay check away

Your solution literally does less than me shitting on you. That’s how worthless of a suggestion is was. Neck yourself. (((Anglos))) are the most pathetic Europeans in existence. Even the literal white niggers, the Irishmen, and Slavshit subhuman aren’t as pathetic in the current day as you are. Jesus Christ, how the mighty have fallen.

Pretty shit at shilling, Avi


This is the stuff that you'll only see on Jow Forums.

The State laws do not only apply to private businesses or other State contractors.
The language of the State laws applies to ANYONE who "does any business" with the State.
That also includes individual State citizens which is why in Texas. for example, this was the result:
>the hurricane Harvey victims in Texas who were forced to sign the "Israel loyalty pledge" in order to get their state aid for cleanup and rebuilding.
Here is one source, of many, for you people who keep doubting the potential impact on you of this bullshit:

We are but government moves slowly and Bill's like this typically are not largely public knowledge until they pass. This will eventually be overturned.

>This will eventually be overturned.

He is probably authoring a bill that he will need the Israeli lobby to support and thus required supporting a measure like this first.

This is $116.67 per American Citizen $237.50 if you only count people in the workforce.

I don't want my money to pay for "holocaust survivors" I want my money to pay for their eradication.


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the government boycotting a company doesnt actually affect most industries in any real way. it affects companies with military contracts and paper manufacturers but thats about it

in fact if the government tries to boycott a power company they would be shit out of luck in most cities across america. you see they would have to tear up tons of land to install more power lines and they need a plot of land for a new power plant AND the new power plant will only have access to government buildings

they do not have the ability to shut down a company for using free speech. protesting is a form of free speech . boycotts are covered under that. all they are doing is saying the federal government will not conduct business with you if you dont suck jew dick

Educate yourself.

>26 Nov

>You're happy with this?

Friends of the ZOG unite, one nation!

Here in WA state there is a bill being voted on which prohibits the disclosure of electronic communications pertaining to law makers. The kikes and their shabbos do not want to disclose the relationships between pacs, other lobbys, and what (((constituents))) have the most influence on policy decisions.

Uh what's the relevance of your post

Can't collect my taxes if I don't work.

there's only so much talking that can be done

I think we've exhausted our avenues of "talking things over"

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1/3rd of congress are dual citizens, no amount of calling them will change their minds

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That money could have been spent on local infrastructure/schools/hospitals for little mutts, instead it's going to build infrastructure for little Avi, Moshe and Chaim.