I'm in deep shit

I'm in deep shit.

I'm 27 years old, and I think I like an 18-year-old I met recently. I see her regularly because we share a weekly meeting.

What now?

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you're too old for her, user. she has options. you seem desperate. also, it's a crush if you see her once a week and have developed feelings.

Fap to her IG pictures, obviously

These two. Don't try to start shit with her, it's not worth it and you are too old for her and she is too young to be a casual fuckbuddy. Fap to her content and spend more time around girls who are past their bratty age.

>have developed feelings
not feelings
she's hot though
it's a kind of fetish I think

then drop it.

Fuck the bitch bro, she’s 18 she knows what she’s doing.


So many girls I knew turned out to fuck some older dudes on the side.

she's 18, she's legal in every possible sense. just don't do anything retarded and give her alcohol or something

>weekly meeting
scoring at the AA meet? dodgy, user, dodgy.

Borderline weird bc of the age but if y’all actually hit it off it becomes a non issue.
Basically if she likes you too it’s fine.
If you just have a one sided crush on an 18 year old you shouldn’t push it. Like at all probably.

Fuck the pucci if you want. You'll still be lonely but it might be fun to look back on and fap to.

When you were her age, she was in 4th fucking grade. Move on.

Fact : young girls prefer older men.

i dont see the problem ????

your argument makes no sense

It just highlights that op is an old fart and should therefore stay away from young chicks

I'm older than that and I'm totally fine with it.

It should be easy fucking young chicks, even more if he has his shit together (house, job, car, money)

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I had an 18 year old fiancee when I was 27.

How are you in deep shit?
Go for it

I love all the people telling you to fuck her when op doesn't even have aby indication of interest from her.

Find someone near your age.

I met a 22 year old when I was 33 and we've now been married for 9 years. Same deal with her parents who have been together since the 1970s. You need to treat this girl with care as she may still be developing emotionally and may be vulnerable in ways that she will hold against you later. But if you treat her with respect and take seriously the age difference I don't think you should worry about it. When my wife runs off I'm going to marry another 22 year old. Life's too short to fuss about this shit.

Living the life, OP, don't change.

there is no problem here, anyone who says otherwise is just jealous of you
breed with her to make more cute girls

Dont think like this. When I was that age I fucked a girl that age and we ended up having a lot of fun together. They will not be interested in settling down though, it has to be very light and fun, expect her to be fucking other guys

How did you get that from Op's post? If OP is attractive he could get her

Too young? She's the perfect age for a fwb

Why not push it? How would you know unless you tried?

She is yours for the taking user. Do not try to wife this roastie down for you are not the only dick she is trying to ride.

I was a manager for a chain retail mall shoe store for 5 years and hired mainly 18-24 year old girls because they sell things well by just showing up and being hot.

They all have a major slut phase where their hormones tell them to take all the dicks they can get before they hit the wall and its too late. You are just one of those dicks user.

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cringe and bluepilled
she's 18 you're golden OP. go for it. Young gf's are way better than gf's who are your age.
It's based and redpilled to be an older man with a (LEGAL!) younger woman. They require much less maintenance and are more attractive.
A new car is better than a used one.

You're legal, she's legal. What's the problem again?

trips of truth.
problem=moralfags and jealous incels on here.

You're not in deep shit at all, she's legal in all states

She's legal, if she's into you go for it but be warned, I wouldn't expect a serious relationship with her, the age gap is going to be apparent in conversation even if you think she is on your maturity level, she is raised in a different generational culture. That being said anything can happen, maybe she will want a relationship, I just wouldn't go in expecting that.

99% hypocrites. Part of morality is realizing you're not supposed to wield it as a weapon and brand people to put them down.
>jealous incels
Oh fucking please they're jealous of the nigga who puts his dick into donuts. They're so fucking afraid of their own shadows that they have to check under their chair for boogeywomen

>I'm in deep shit.

In what possible way? How are you in deep shit? She's 18

>too old

My father was 45 smashing some 18 girl who kinda almost sometimes looked like a young version of Brittney. Some hoes are into that shit.

It's not as big of a gap, but my wife was 18 when I was 25. It's not impossible.