CBC radio twitter feed like looking glass into peak degeneracy

Just have a scroll, leafs. This is what over half a billion of your yearly tax dollars go to support


Attached: MIJBF-Ks_200x200.jpg (200x200, 8K)

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Can you just refrain from giving them your attention?
You are the problem here. Just let them die in thier own shit.

>tax money goes to this shit
Why has God abandoned us?

Um, because no matter what i do they get bad vibes 600 million taxpayer shekels per year, actually i think it was 800 million this past year.

How do u ignore that lol

Defund the CBC and let it survive based upon its own merits (lol).

Hey goy, don't you like your new identity ? We're bringing over more people every year then the entire population of some of your distinct regional identities.

Attached: NovaScotia.png (1057x277, 309K)

Because unlike you my mind isn't fixated on shiny coins. Money and materialism in general is nigger and jew tier, rise above that retarded game (thats fixed anyways) and find a real meaning to your life

I like Canada's actual identity, thanks.

Attached: Canada leaf.jpg (1200x1200, 370K)

>The only reason someone would care about getting stolen from is because they are a greedy jew.
Rake yourself holy shit.

Found the shlomo everyone! I do nothing but actually take from this country and do not give anything in return.
If faggots like this OP canadian are fixated on watching kike media like CBC they honestly deserve to be stolen from

I can feel the bitterness in that post, it feels great :)

bernier could fix it

Shill-kun, allow me to educate you. Theft (and taxation for this purpose is indeed theft) is more than a material harm -- it demoralizes the people and causes actual spiritual harm. This is why thieves cannot make do with simply returning what they stole, they must additionally be punished.

In Quebec (and maybe other French speaking places, but I can't speak for them), the term for "mugging" is "taxage".

Filthy anti-Semitic cunt is as always lying and spreading fake news.

This is the Board of Directors, show us Jewish people there, you sick degenerate piece of shite.


You are cursed with the cardinal sin of wrath and thats what keeps you a bad person. You think you're righteous when in fact you're no better then a nigger with that behavior.
The fact of the matter is OP gonna drone, your gonna nig out, and I'm gonna laugh at both of you for caring about such trivial things.

Best part is, there's nothing you can do or say that'll hurt me. I'm nothing but a net negative to all jewish projects and I purposely take money from them unjustly because I can beat them at thier own game. This makes the kikes froth at the mouth. It shows how pathetic they really are

The other HUGE issue is that the CBC's union is a registered third party campaigner.

When the CBC depends on hand outs from the government for its own survival, do you think they're going to support a party or candidate that is threatening to take away their funds?

The CBC is pure propaganda, and a lot of people watch and listen to it and are told what to think by it.

Yes, sure, I know my sins. But you will surely be punished for arguing that stealing from the people to advocate for all sorts of immorality is a "trivial thing".

Good luck! I'm behind like seven shabbos Leafs!

Just typical leftie shit.
Women. Degenerates. Minorities.

Great banner art tho. WHITENESS.

Attached: great white north.jpg (600x200, 38K)

Here you go anons, this is the reason why we never have unity. Leafs like this get off on putting people down for their own ego boost.

>oh vey!! You are stupid!!! As long as i get mine!! YOURE the goyim, not me, because i live off the honest work of others!!!

>shitposts on autistic sweater wearig board to put other anons down, unironically calls concern over $0.8 billion of taxpsyer money supporting destruction of trad family values "trivial"

The power of the eternal leaf, anons.

Fuckin jews, man