Remind me again why should I care about white race?

You Westerners don't even consider us to be white and part of your white fantasy. As soon as you will dealt with arabs, turks and niggers you will INSTANTLY turn on us. So yeah, why should I even care about it? Let it rot for what I care.

Same applies to anyone East of Germany and Austria.

Oh and by the way, the whole "white race" thing is made up solely for Americans who doesn't know about their ethnicity.

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>Oh and by the way, the whole "white race" thing is made
oh look a (((Bolshevik)))
Hitler should have gassed every fucking one of you

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Russian women belong to the big Jow Forums cock.

>Hitler should have gassed every fucking one of you
Thanks for proving my point, le 100% white face.

Go live in a non-white place.

>Remind me again why should I care about white race?
You really shouldn't care about a race as a whole.
You should care about your own people.

She’s beautiful but looks mean and duplicitous. Dick shifted then went to sleep again

>care about your own people
He can't if they're white.

American women belong to the bih Mexican cock.
Enjoy watching your extinction.

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>He can't if they're white.
Non whites will never care about whites.
And most whites will never care about other whites.
The sooner people stop this gay white nationalism bullshit the better.
>Inb4 "Kike"
No, I'm saying it's time for a return to nationalism of nations.

America is a place where browns are basically everywhere.
The race mixing will only increase until there's nothing but only like a few dedicated 100% pure blooded Europeans, who of course won't have enough power to do anything except complain on Jow Forums.
The average IQ of the race mixed will be around 90 once America becomes fully assimilated.
They'll eventually evolve to a point where they could best adapt to their environment and such, so this IQ would actually be much higher.
In the end it doesn't really matter.
The white race in the west was doomed the moment they set foot on America.

>Non whites will never care about whites.
Except they're quite literally obsessed about you and Western (American) culture.

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Nice personal blog faggot

That's bullshit that we don't consider slavs to be white. If you go really far east, some Russians start looking more and more asian. But I see slavs and Russians as white.

> You Westerners don't even consider us to be white
Wtf ? Who said you weren't white?

You do know Jews who hates whites also hate you too, right? They don't DNA test everyone they'll kill you too. Especially since Russia is mostly an Orthodox Christian country.

Also based. Fuck America.

You shouldn’t. You should care about your own race.

Just so you know, most all Americans think you are white. I mean I don't fucking know if you have Asians filling up half the place or what.
But in media, you are always portrayed as white people. We don't fucking know anything else.
You're white as fuck from what I've seen.
I've never heard anyone claim Russians weren't white. That's fucking weird.

>you westerners don’t even insiders us white
I’ve never, in my entire 29 year existence, encountered anyone, either here, or abroad, that has tried to claim that Russians aren’t white (excluding the Mongoloids you’ve got over there, obviously).

I don't understand the Russian. This makes no sense.
Russia has some beautiful architecture and has really given the world some special things particularly in the arts such as music.

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Ahhh Russia has always played a part in Europeon man's history. Yes, we always viewed you as lesser of a people but much of what your people have experienced from (((us))) for the past 80 years is because our governments are controled by you know who. I don't doubt that after the whole system comes tumbling down you guys are going to climb back on top in some way but remember we are cousins and to destroy each other is what (((they))) wanted for the both of us since the 1600s or maybe even older.

Best of luck Slav bro as we might not make it out of this one.

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>Oh and by the way, the whole "white race" thing is made up solely for Americans who doesn't know about their ethnicity.

aaand that's how I know you're a kike. in all fields

t. vatnik

Western European "far-right" is on good terms with Russians

>we always viewed you as lesser of a people
Just because communism weakened them.
Still, they're one of the three world super powers.
Despite commie bullshit.
Most countries fall to ash under those kinds of systems. They are still going.
A tough people.

He's right you know.
Oh wait

You think the people posting “you’re not white” threads are white?
These are people who literally say italians aren’t white, yet claim to throw roman salutes like they know where the salute even comes from
Who the fuck cares what some purity-spiralling retards on pol think?

Go back to /lgbt/ reprobate.

>If you go really far North, some Americans start looking more and more Canadian
What a dumb fucking ass. Would personally put in a gas chamber.

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> You think the people posting “you’re not white” threads are white?
Probably Jews.

>your own race
There's no Slav race either.

You want to know how a future america will look like? I fucking live on it, you Rudi faggot. And guess fucking what it's an absolute violent and corrupt shithole where the only decent places to live are in the south where there's a white majority in the population. But yeah let all whites die, why do you care? You're a fucking loser who will never have any children to worry about anyway. Fucking faggot.

Your media is doing its best to show Russians as Asians and Russia as Nigeria with snow, dumbass.

You need to quit being so fucking hostile.
Nobody thinks you are a weak people.
Nobody thinks you are not white.
I don't know where the fuck you got this shit from.
Our media is against you. But we are not.
Nobody in America really trusts our media.

>Your media

I'm totally right, mutt boy.

>in the south
You're just describing Brazil right now.

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im half russian and half anglo,im white,if russians aint white what are they? fuck off mudshit no one thinks russians are not white,poor maybe

Well Russians arent white so you shouldnt.

>Your media is doing its best
Our media does nothing but try to confuse, distract, and lie to us. We fucking know.
We don't listen to those cock suckers.
Our media companies are failing. Reporters are being laid off in mass numbers. It's going to get worse.
Nobody watches that shit.
We know Russia hasn't done anything to us and we know full well it's fucking full of white people.
I was watching Hunt for Red October last night.
There's niggers on the American ship!
Not on the Russian!
We fucking know. Our media DOES NOT REPRESENT the people's opinions.
They are a propaganda network designed to try to alter our opinions and they are failing and having to slowly shut down.

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Never had a problem with Russians beyond them being fucking everywhere when I go on holiday

Hunter Killer is a new submarine thriller movie that released in America.
It shows the Russians and Americans nearly going to war. But the Russians work with the Americans and prevent it.
The Russians save the American's asses in the end, it shows them to be strong, fierce, and very fucking white.
This is how we see you.
Our media is a toilet. But even Hollywood doesn't lie to us all the time.

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You can choose what you wish to care about. Worry less about peer pressure ruskie

Low quality bait

You should care because arabs are worse than turks and niggers.

We are Russian and our skin is beige or pink

I don't know what your problem is? Your most likely slav, and slavs are doing far better than whites at the moment, despite being chronic alcoholics.

You could have blue or red skin too but that doesnt make you white, because your genes are not of that of Central and Western Europe.

>no Slav race
t.atarised subhuman
American media is not run by the nationalists oe European tribalists of any kind lmao

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I don't know why would Arabs be worse than niggers

>Remind me again why should I care about white race?
Because race is the basis for civilization.

>I don't know why would Arabs be worse than niggers
What makes you think non-Whites have any right to reside in White nations?

how could slavniggers be white when they’re not even human? Gtfo

Whites have traveled the planet you dumb mother fucker. They were going as far as India before the world could even half sail.
Region does not make race.
Especially with whites.
Of course whites migrated into that territory and formed a country. Called Russia.
It's a hell of a lot stronger than yours and always has been so I'd kindly shut your troll spew up.

>We are Russian and our skin is beige or pink
Only Whites can be Russians.

Knew I'm not to talk to Romanian intellectuals here, fuck off useless shitskin

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It’s not bait. You’re genuinely acting like a Kike. This Russians aren’t white shit is retarded. Nobody in the Western Hemisphere thinks this, and the only people here who hold active, anti-Russian biases are retarded boomers/neocons, brainwashed shitlibs, and the nonwhites who controls our media (Jews). And even then, NONE of them consider Russians to be nonwhite.

Whites do not exist, last time they were seen on the moon in 1969.

>And even then, NONE of them consider Russians to be nonwhite.
See how much you've confused this American?
We have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
To us saying Russia isn't white is like saying shit is orange.

What does that change what I said? SE Asians are smarter than Europeans but that doesnt make them white and doesnt make you either.
Blood is what makes whites, reread what I said.

She's a physical beauty. Too bad she's already ruined by giving herself away for free to anyone who wants to see it.

I swear to God women don't get off by anything other than by making men insatiably horny and then finding a way to use that against the man. But once they figure that out, shit, they can get a nut.

Women who give themselves away for free like this one are too stupid to know what power they have which is to make men grovel and demand shekels for their physical goods.

We're not a part of it, and some others have been alieneted from it aswell.

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>Hate other White people just because of the White country they're from.
Are you sure you're not an anti-White racist?

> Blood is what makes whites
I don't care what you said, any Russian is probably whiter than you anyways.

remind me again why I should bump your slide thread?

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Fuck off le 100% face.

forgive him, he doesn't know the difference between rossijanin and russkij

I don't think about your nations at all. Let them go down the toilet for all I care.

And nowhere did I say I am white, I even specifically said that whites are only from Central and Western Europe.

>We're not a part of it, and some others have been alieneted from it aswell.
You're part of the White race and the only reason that Russia was what it was (before the Jewish commies came in and corrupted everything) was because of the White race.

>I don't think about your nations at all. Let them go down the toilet for all I care.
That's why you're anti-White.

because arabs can be more passing than niggers

niggers are more visible

nigger > one drop rule niggers like arabs/jews/southrons/spics/south east asians

because it's the only one that cares about you and your children

>And nowhere did I say I am white
Then we whites will consider who is our own tribe and not and you can fuck the hell off.
It's like someone already said in this thread.
The only people who claim Russians aren't white are niggers.

Oh, and the big blue vein running across her right titty is kind of gross but other than that she's remarkable.

She was probably molested by a goldenfinklestein or a tyrone jackson at some point and therefore turned to public humiliation by admitting to the world that she has nothing to offer but her physical appearance. Sad, really.

Romanians have never been considered "white" in Russia
Even Ukraine which is between Romania and Russia is not always "white"


You think about them enough to make this thread bitching about them.

You arent white either you are a hohol with a superiority complex that left from his failed nation to USA a country made by whites.

Not true. I respect and wish to cooperate with Russia.

Based russian

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To stop some retards who still believe the le white race meme

whites > chinese
thats all.

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>You arent white either

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I consider nearly all slavs white. Whether or not you help doesn't matter. But don't expect your country to be given preferential treatment after the war.

>Romanians have never been considered "white" in Russia
>Even Ukraine which is between Romania and Russia is not always "white"
Of course you'd say that, you're anti-White.

Access to white communities is not a human right.

Jow Forums: When you want to save Western culture, yet you hate everything about it.

>To stop some retards who still believe the le white race meme
Race exist, race matters, race is the basis for civilization and society is a racial construct.

Again phenotype != blood
Its like I am talking with a low iq non white, oh wait.

>Western culture,
is corrupted by the Jew. When you turn on the TV or Radio or your favorite game system you're not seeing White culture, you're seeing Jewish culture.

Can someone photoshop Ivanka's face on her?

>Again phenotype != blood
Yea we don't hold to your gibberish.
If you have white skin, and European features, that'll do. Not brown, or black or yellow.
And that's generally how the world considers if someone is white or not, except the Jews.

>If you have white skin, and European features, that'll do. Not brown, or black or yellow.
Oh look another white person.

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Yea he didn't really look white.
He looked mixed. And you can tell just by looking.

So white, I mean looks== blood

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This is a pure white woman if you say otherwise you are a non white.

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