What's her name again?

what's her name again?

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cool, so she has officially apologized for the crimes she has committed, when is she being charged?

she is blaming it on her parents now lol

Chief Sitting Bullshitter

She's operating out of the playbook of Jeb.

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>Chief Sitting Bullshitter

So she is definitely going to run.

>So she is definitely going to run.
She may but she has no hope.
Neither whites nor browns/blacks like her.
She'll drop out after New Hampshire if she does run.

Why is this headline a 3.8MB animated JIF?



She has a name?

Dances with Donors

This bitch is such a trainwreck lol

She already announced.

Yeah but it is over


Dances With Democrats.



She'll win NH easily. That's exactly the type of libtard we have taking over here.

Batshit Crazy Horse

run away to her safe space maybe.

A white woman steals the Cherokee identity to play her political games. When will white people stop stealing from them like we have throughout most of out history?

Because the internet jew wants you to burn up your good goy mobile data.

Howling cooter

Shitting bull

Thats the name of the Vietnam refrigerator repair guy, you cumguzzler.


Idk why this made me laugh so hard, but the whole restaurant turned to look at me when I did.

Trump is destroying these retards left and right


I honestly still cant believe you guys dont call her Picohontas

she looks like jeb too

Chief Lie-awatha.

So she denied it, then proved herself wrong, then came the smoking gun, now she admits her guilt and apologizes. When will democrats start to thank Trump for helping expose this racial fraud?

How are people not calling for her to step down?

The cunt overplayed her hand. She has forged a lucrative and successful career doing this.

How mentally ill does a person have to be, whereby they spend 30 or 40 years of their life playing "dress up", rewriting their own personal and family history, turning their white parents into Indians, thinking that they are Indian, going around checking off "Native American" on government forms, telling random people about your "Native" heritage

at least with a drug habit, you can explain it as being a chemical dependency and something you are ashamed of... but Warren spent 30 years being proud of herself and this stunt she was pulling off, almost to the point maybe she convinced herself that she really was an Indian, as if she has a split personality going on in her head whereby she can't even tell what is factual or not in her own life and family.... and didn't her family (siblings or cousins) ever try to sit her down over the past 30 years and correct her ???

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listen, retard. you need to get with the program. idk how old you are but if youre under 23 just shut the fuck up, sit back, and watch and learn.

The Governor of Virginia had a picture of a guy in a KKK costume in his personal page of a yearbook back in the 80s. He isnt resigning. Warren wrote down that she was American-Indian on a BAR application back in the 80s. thats fucking peanuts compared to what Northam did way back when.

calling for people to resign over stupid shit that happened 30 years ago isnt going to help anyone. so quit your crying

You are talking about vermont

so she was using affirmative action programs to get ahead in life even though she's a white bitch.

You stupid fuck, Warren has been claiming to be Indian for the past 4 years straight. This wasn't a one-time thing. Where do you think Trump got the Pocahontas nickname for her?

i like how Trump zeroed in on this two years ago and never let go. hammered it until she's permanently damaged goods
that man can spot weakness

Trust me. It's real fucking close. Too close for comfort sometimes.

Plus we've got Taxationland on the right side, Massholes down below, and froggy commie leafs at the tip.

I fear our days of being a political bell-weather may be coming to close. Exactly as the commies who've surrounded us had planned.

Does claiming to be a minority help with getting into jobs/school? Anyone done this?

No lie thinking about doing it. If people can change genders then why can't I change my race. Government jobs are filled to the brim with black women and I know they didn't get there by merit.

Democratic Senator Elizabeth "My career in politics is over" Warren

also, buy my book

her name is yesterday, she deserves to be ran thru mud for capitulating like a weak pussy

oh really? you think I missed that part? are you really that fucking stupid? to think that? oh you are? that explains alot. fucking dumbass lmao

it doesnt matter that she was vocally claiming to be part native-American. its what her family has been telling her. but to actually put it on a document is a whole 'nother attrocity seeing as its illegal to lie about your race for government benefits, like scholarships.

but the fact you think I, or any American on this board, wouldnt know about Warren's self-proclaimed native heritage speaks volumes about your mental capacity. just shut the fuck up kid... or hick. one of the two. both equal on the spectrum..

Who would people vote for that the Dems are trotting out?

Maybe Hillary Clinton again
Joe Biden

The Dems are a damn train wreck. Trump will get the re-election with Reagan levels, and it will be a total surprise, again.

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Squa lying snake
Chief Virtue Point

you seem really upset

Lilibeth chipewa siux " LA NATIVA AMERICANA "


Not >Chief Shitting Bull

imagine actually being the person that makes these posts like yours. everyone else just scrolled on by.



Severely underrated ki


Good one.

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>takes advantage of affirmative action programs because she knows they're bullshit
>joins the dem party to automatically get the mud vote
>able to down copious quantities of alcohol without becoming addicted to firewater
>has a gollywog in her kitchen that she uses as a stress reliever
>in reality is 99.99999% pure
Liz is the clear choice. Who else here on the #WarpathForWarren