LGBT Student Head-Kicks Boy Eating Lunch

Attached: pants.webm (360x640, 1.43M)

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Sounds like nigger behavior

Looks like it too

that dude mad thick

he hits like a little girl
that kick was the only thing that did any damage

does the video actually play for you guys, I just get a picture

Is he going to jail at least?

Whats the reason for the kick?

7.62 for lgbtq

When I went to school if that faggot stood on my table he would have gotten thrown off 4 times before he could even kick someone.

Why in the fuck do they let some animal put his feet on the table.


>Women defending this shit

Of course. That kid looked like a bitch himself, though.

This is going to become an increasing thing into the future as more and more kids and teens realize they are growing up in a society where as long as they are a member of a protected identity (non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual), any slight against them by someone who is not a member of said protected identity gives them free range to completely un-person them and go full batshit sociopathic on them. They KNOW the teachers, the media and (in the future) even the government will have their back and there will be no way anyone can retaliate. This isn't even a new concept, it goes back to early anarcho communist ideology. Read "Native Son", released in 1940.

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Unironially based. About time those fags decided to fight back and stand up for themselves.

>Jow Forums upset they got their shit kicked in by a fagot.

Seriously, out of all the bark you give why don't you actually bite back? You really gonna let some fag beat the shit out of you? The entire reason the white race is dying is cause you all stopped with the lynchings and the fag burning. Grow some fucking balls.

OP posted the webm

Yellow pantaloons is Casey, middle name Allen, lastname unknown. This happened in Georgia at Milton High School. He's bragging and receiving lots of encouragement. School admin info attached if you want to reach out.

Attached: Milton HS Principal emails.jpg (889x153, 32K)

Where the fuck are his homies?

Teach your sons to step up against militant faggotry

God damn, I live in Milton and just am seeing this now...

Milton used to be such a great huwhite place to live near atlanta. The nigs are slowly invading. My country club closed down because of all the nigs and spics moving up here.

I really need to leave this place and never return
Help me Jesus. Help us.

>stopped lynching and burning fags

Edgy faggot. Dont act like you dont cower like a little bitch whenever a nigger comes near you or put your head down when a tranny looks your way. Kill your-fucking-self.

hey there, drop that discord link plz tranny

Milton HS dining hall matches the red seats in the vid - instagram /p/Bs_jtvKHHHY/

What's the context? Was the other kid bullying yellow pants? In which case good on him gay or not.

Here's the video with audio - volafile dot org Jow Forums u0naachc

Someone dox this faggot.

There is no source for the other kid doing anything to the faggot.

Kill yourself

They “say” the yellow pants got gay slurs called at him but we coincidentally only see the part where he attacks the guy while his friend posts LOL DONT INSULT MY FRIEND.

Doubtful, if anything the media will go against the white male for being homophobic and a racist.

Zoomer high school looks like hell

why do we even have order in this society if weak people take advantage of it to hurt others

why even oblige the idea of perpetuating order when faggots will milk your gullibility to harm you one way or the other

insta casey._.allen
twitter _casey__allen_

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One more faggot to go to jail to get his ass pounded like he wants.

That's assault and attempted murder.

That faggot should be in prison by next month.

Ahh so we're going to get another case of the left celebrating a context-less video for reasons of "punch a nazi"

>cower like a little bitch whenever a nigger comes near you or put your head down when a tranny looks your way
The absolute state of leftists.
They actually think other people think and act like they do.

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B-but he was i Nazi i swear.

>doesn’t lose the beard
Its like faggots can’t even try to be trans, if your gonna be trans you have to do it right, you have to put in the work.

Fags should be tortured to death.

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Sweatpants in public = poverty and niggerdom

>why don't you actually bite back
Do you really want to be on the news for putting a fag in their place? Faggots are one of the new commissars.
Retaliation can only come from guerrilla tactics.

Makes sense. We have to fight back. Only force is understandable by dumb people

That's transphobic and women can also have facial hair

Coward. This faggot should have his throat slit.

>Jow Forums is some random kid eating lunch at school


>Retaliation can only come from guerrilla tactics

No, it will come from mass uprisings. Whites must rise up as one and in great numbers or they are fucking screwed.

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Based and red pilled.

The only good faggot is a dead faggot.

Attached: bye_faggot1.jpg (550x309, 44K)

> implying he won't just get suspended for a couple of days

Wake up and smell the degeneracy user.

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You are stupid as fuck if you think we can gain power by numbers if anything we need more McVeigh's.

Would be hilarious if it's actually a fag being beat

When you suicide plz remember to livestream so we can all share a chuckle.

Knowing none of this is new and how easy it is to spot after you understand the big picture is the black pill.
It's so obvious, the social engineering, pure dystopian deceptions of the media and establishments, overt political intrigue and corruption, distortion of reality. They are tearing it all down step by step but people are so stupid they think it's all new and great. Fucking sickening.

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Fuck off retard.

Read the prince. You britcucks are domesticated pussies.


Lol American laws protect gays and minorities.

Fag getting wrekt

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Implying you are any better Amerimutt stop bitching and do a Breivik.

Kill for kikes???

Oh no he is one of the muh Breivik was a Jew

>do a Breivik.

You're a kike. That proves it.

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>Dont act like you dont cower like a little bitch whenever a nigger comes near you or put your head down

t. not a real man, who has never known the red mist

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your (((media))) sounds like the UK's

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I like how he looks at his coward friends like “help me”. Fuck friends. Murder everyone. Your friends should be murderers

What was he saying that earned him that mouth full of fist?

Americans are the most cucked people in the world. Do us all a favour and commit mass kys (your nignogs too please).

If youre not plotting massacres youre not friends.

Amen. As a general rule, I do not Trust anyone who does not hate.

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2nd from the right, dayum


>In charge of calling anyone else a cuck.

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First of all Fuck Christians and death to America, You are the only Jew here boy.

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kek source or more info?

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Muh we going to win by democracy hail Washington!

the guy that got kicked looks like a fag too. I think this is what wars are for, seriously. Nature is always right.


Lets go after this faggot.

you better source this right now nigger, need to have a good fap

I figured it was a female. Fucking fat ass. And what about the skirt on the victim?

finally a true user. There's a vola link above if you want the vid with audio to include in your email. Let's go!

Imagine getting beat up by a literal faggot.

You could say that whitey is gonna be dehumanized

We need to stop expecting that society, let alone the school; is going to do anything. He's a faggot, they'll give him a pass.

I'm going to try to get some information about the school and where he's at. If you want justice, you have to do it yourself.

We're not as bad as the JewK

>not even that hard of a kick
>cannot even land proper punches after got target is on the ground
God damn, both of these guys suck at fighting

Those pants again... What a disgusting fat faggot.

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based thank you for respecting the work the rest of us put in

>I'm going to try to get some information

It's all in this thread

thank you

>and then everyone would've clapped

surely the kid has reported it to the police right?

It's not transphobic. Hes not scared of trans he just hates them like any self respecting person should

When I went to school, faggots were just sissies who only had female friends.

Please tell me this is bait.

You're one of those "Asians" aren't you?

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If white boy is smart he presses charges and gets a lawsuit for defamation. Maybe garnish some food stamp wages cause we know he nigger trannies mom dont work. Then the bigger can go to jail and maybe meet his dad

The kid that got kicked didn't have a single friend to defend him?

He probably deserved what he got.

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You too can make a gas chamber at home and in any public building! All you have to do is clean out a urinal or toilet, and add bleach! Once your enemy goes to take a piss a cloud of mustard gas will envelop them and kill them! Fun for the whole family!

>degenerate faggots day of the rope hope you get aids go get raped some more can't wait to kill you all!
>b-b-buh how d-dare he attack that poor k-kid abloo

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What the police going to do? They're minors. The worst is he gets a few taps on the wrists.

He's being praised for violence, user. That lesson is going to go into his childhood.

This is now a common occurrence, I teach 13-17 boys and girls, I can only describe gay students as sociopathic monsters.
The social and legal power that gays can press on other students is outrageous.

Oddly enough this problem only exists in mixed schools, girls seem to enable the gays, and the boys want to please the girls, hence the boys will socially ostracise anyone who displeases the gays.
Ontop of that, there is a deep undercurrent of resentment for the gays, as they are perceived as stooges of the establishment, especially when the school actually applauded "LGBTQIA+" students during assemblies (I have seen this happen in Irish schools).

Most teachers are female, and they dote on homosexual boys, making them a defacto privileged category.

There is no realistic method of disciplining gay students, if there is even a hint of "homophobia" you will lose you job, your temp agency/Teacher's union will not support you.

Alleged homophobic slurs/attacks/graffiti etc are met with endless lectures from authority figures, which feeds into actual loathing on the part of kids who just want to work and go home.

I am running out the clock on my contract, once I finish my PHD I am leaving the education sector forever, I simply cannot express my utter contempt for these horrible creatures and the disgusting system that made them this way.

I'm not even talking about me nigger, he would have been dragged off any table in the school for putting his feet near food and the VP would have said "man you shouldn't do stuff like that don't let it happen again" like every scuffle that happened.

Well said. He's right. The only solution is for kids to get back to the age old practice of jumping these lunatics. If the law wont serve justice, then vigalantes must. Society isn't just for pencil neck and weirdo commies to decide. We have more power than and get away with more than we think.