Australians are not at war, you've sold yourselves out

Do you figure we're here to contribute in your real estate and mines without turning a profit? You've bought the ticket, now it's time to take the ride. Your students learn our language, we financed your cities and dictate your trade. You think because some of us come over to your lands to perform menial tasks that you are somehow superior to us? Don't make me laugh, we're here to stay. It's time for you bogans to move aside for it is our land now, our cities. You convicts came here in chains and now you're due for a plane ticket back home.
You best be prepared for the Asian century, it will remain everlasting and never-ending - the likes of which you have never seen before.

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Go to bed you crazy gook

Is that all you can say? Your country is the perfect American experiment. An army of rootless people, a nation not belonging to any particular race or group. They are perfectly interchangeable cogs with no hope of ever obtaining higher platitudes. They're nothing more than disposable human meat shields for their American overlords - a permanent underclass of docile bogans. Be happy that it is us and not the Americans that own your real estate.

good. destroy them like they destroyed Germany and Europe in WW2.

Don't worry, you're next.

even better. also destroy America for destroying Germany and Europe in WW2
thanks ahead of time

These are the people calling for white supremacy

This guy is from the fucking future?!? It’s not even August yet!!

Idiot. You're asking to be invaded.

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to the jews and non whites who actually want to see whites destroyed.. you're using the wrong tactics. What you want to do is widen divisions in whites that have existed for thousands of years. Wounds that can never heal. Wounds that other whites only deepen when mentioned.

The wound that can never heal is WW2. Americans and Anglos will always seize the opportunity to dance on the graves of Europeans. Don't attack "whites" in general because that will unify us as "whites".

You want to use fuel and ammunition that already exists. Just ignite the catalyst already there among whites.

There's no greater and everlasting lasting pain than being betrayed by those who called you brother. There was never a greater betrayal in human history as WW2.

you're welcome, just promise me you will show as much mercy and honor as they did to us continental Europeans in WW2.

The coolie fears the Anglo.
>and if you don’t, you should

Which flavour gook are we talking? The Vietnamese who hate Chinese guts? The Koreans who mass converted to Christianity and are still fighting for their home land? The Japanese who see all other Asians as untermensch?

Or the Chinese, a hodgepodge of ethnic groups who only band together when the powers that be genocide enough of them to keep the corruption down to South American levels of incompetence?

Face it, you're a mess outside of the family.

how many British girls do you think are getting groomed today brother?!

I've fucked about 12 PRC girls in the last few years. When I'm walking along the street and I encounter a bunch of dumb gooks taking up the footpath I just keep walking and body check any dumb slanty eyed fuck that gets in my way. I do the same thing when I exit trains or elevators, if you stand in front of me you're getting an elbow in the ribs.

Good, keep defiling their women aus.
Fuck these Zipperhead cockroaches.

Yeah mate I stretch em out real good. Most of them have never seen a cock this big. They've also never been with a man that wears deodorant and brushes his teeth.

don't you think there are white women out there who see him with them or his post. They will not see it as an act of defiling asians but betraying them (white women) which will also make it seem like they should race mix since their men are.

how fucking stupid are you brother

I too have been with many Australian women. You're blind if you think this is a one way street, I live on campus and have been through so many white women in the last 3 months, half the university can hear their moans from almost a mile away. Your women are disposable, a lot like the end slice of bread that everyone touches but does not want, your women are like biodegradable bags that are just waiting for my seed.

you're putting your dick inside someone who's been with men "who has worn deodorant and brushed their teeth"
that's some kind of conquest?! Do you hear that white women. this is what your men do but then tell you not to fuck other races. they fuck these whores then come back to you.

dear white women of Anglos and Americans, just do what your men do. if they fuck dirty ass non whites, do exactly the same.

I expect nothing more when speaking with an Anglo, they are the cesspit among the white races, their living conditions are very evident of this.

great job user .. make sure not to use a condom and force them to suck your dick and swallow. if you can, record it and post it online so no white man will ever want them again.

Don't make me laugh cross eyes. Go back to eating dogs, insects and all manner of disgusting things like the sub human you are.

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Masturbating to AMWF porn on pornhub doesn't count Zipperhead.
You should read Silent Invasion if you haven't. The Chinese are subverting Australia right now as we speak. Please, don't let them.

Now we're getting somewhere.. we found common ground and cause, the defilement and destruction of the Anglo/American.

Don't use the encompassing term "white" because then that would make me feel defensive. If you use Anglo I have a completely different emotional response. I remember the Anglo different than the average white.

Time to drop another Hbomb on you silly cockroaches. Smile at the bright light little man!

You have my respect to that. Don't worry, I ravage all of these worthless whores until their vaginas resemble minced meat, they've been begging for it ever since my arrival to Australia. I have never seen women of other countries like this, their wombs truly are factories of the future Asianic-Australians. Australians are right on one thing; this is the lucky country. But not for them.

>Imagine being a brown eyed chink in 2019 anno domini

imagine being this user (yikes!)

Our cousins populate Canada, enjoy nuking your own soil.

Stupid chink cunt.
We dont learn your language we dont remember anything from our foreign language classes but you learn ours.
Your only here because your protecting your assets from china. Though if you kick all the white fellas out you be stuck with the abos and and a government run by chinks. Your assets wont ve safe then will they. Best keep your head down user. Thank god your here and pray the purge never comes.

We might not be racial "brothers" but then again, with brothers like the Anglos/Americans who needs more family.

good luck,

>being an asian living in Australia in 2019

He is a living meme

The only purge that will erupt from any of this is the purge of the white Australian men. My mind looks back over the years - of the foul pictures of the plain people in Australia: who have enslaved the indigenous people, and ultimately lost because of their dissonance to the crown... It is the plain people who will be the driving force and backbone of our land, in Australia and back at home. You are adopting our traditions and lifestyle, you have lost whatever culture you had before, this is your fault.

It is possible to live on the highest terms of mutual respect with ones neigbour while recognising that it would be destructive of all harmony to invite him to become a permanent resident in one's country, Australians on the other hand are blind to this logic since they have an inferiority complex.

A meme is something that comes and goes, the only thing going is white Australia.

You would do a fucking a thing Zipperhead, the average Australian would stomp you into the dust and you know it.

We have martial arts, the average Australian would be naive in thinking they could ever drop a Chinese man. They won't have anyone to protect them, not even their American overlords, this is our fight and we're going to win it rightfully so. I believe this is karma of sorts for what white people have done over the world, we're next in line to rule the world.

At least they aren't chinky insect "people".

>I too have been with many Australian women
Lol, not if you're the guy in OP's pic you haven't.

dude i'm sure you can find a blonde aussie girl who won't reject you if you keep trying. just find one who doesn't care about looks, dick size or financial success. your mood will improve i swear

ive been noticing a lot more gookposting from australia as of late

They prefer Asian men, white men are way out of our league. I get hit on all the time by white women, it's annoying.

fuck off

Dude, you look like a blown-out sandal with dogshit on it.

It doesnt matter how many of you carbon copy bug people there are we'll still prevail.
Just wish we'd nuked all of the orient before traitors built you replicants up as our factory.
Get out of oz insectoid.

You are one ugly motherfucker chang

Chinese dominance is a lateral move from Jewish dominance. The difference is that you can't blend in like they can, you don't have that layer of protection from white racial identity

You and all Chinks like you will be tortured to death in was so horrific you wouldn't even be able to imagine it.

I hate chinks and so does nearly everyone on this board.

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they dont need to blend in when they can enslave and replace you

Chinks seem like they will be extremely fun to torture on the day of the rope.

You people are hardly any better. Once we're through with Australia, New Zealand, and Canada we're coming for you, just you remember that.

Enslave how? They have exactly as much going for them as the Jews, minus the crypto factor, meaning they'll rely on a white janissary class for physical enforcement. Money and smooth talking only get you so far, and organised violence is something white people are scarily good at.
Put it this way, if every white soldier and cop in the US decided to revolt at once, there is nothing anyone could do to stop it. The status quo is upheld by a system of incentives which keeps those people in line, and China does not have the phenotypical ability to uphold that indefinitely

That's the shot op
It's a nation of self entitled fuckheads, who've had it too easy for too long.
Time to pay up white Australia
Source; am white Australian

This. I have never met a single chink that wasn't a sadistic meglomaniac. I actually think this ugly motherfucker isn't larping. He actually thinks like this and is gloating.

The thing is that they are far less intelligent, creative, and clever than the Jews. In fact, the only reason they have a foothold in the west at all I due to the Jews.

Needless to say, Chinks are a massive threat to the white race, and need to be violently purged from all European nations on the day of the rope. Otherwise this smug gook will have the last laugh.

>T. Zhang.

If anything does us in, it will be the kikes, not you ugly slit-eyed fetus-heads.

Your dumbasses are next in line for ZOGification when the US falls.

wtf is this shitthread, nothing of value can be discussed here, sage

struck a chord with that one huh ? dude it's obvious you've been bullied by blonde aussie kids irl and on this board and rejected by blonde slags. stop projecting your insecurities. yes yes we the chinese are buying up austrailia and the western us and canada. you also have a massive foothold here in brazil and we commend you for it. but don't get too big a cock to fit your pants. people are realizing your scams worldwide and you won't be able to trick people as easily anymore

Having an arrogant chink expose his real thoughts is worthy enough for it's own thread.

for entertainment, ok thats a point

>They have exactly as much going for them as the Jews
if you ignore the fact that they number more than a billion.

>muh whites are good at organized violence
says the bong while pakistanis drive off with his teenage daughter to gang rape her

>We have martial arts, the average Australian would be naive in thinking they could ever drop a Chinese man.
Martial arts can't stop getting glassed in the face you stupid chink. If you don't think so go out and try fight any aussie and watch what happens. Even our women could bash you.

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No, to show how chinks really view us westerners.

Having them arrogantly proclaim their hostile intentions like this will absolutely drive many aussies/canucks/Muricans' to hate them and recognize them as the threat that they are.

You just sit there and bad mouth us while I continue to ravage your women in bed. You're weak and timid and there's nothing you will do to stop us, even if you have the strength to do so I doubt it will come into affect. To reiterate, You're a weak timid little nerd that is too afraid to do anything because you people praise us in secret, there's a reason you're letting us into your businesses, it's because we have a higher IQ.


I can't wait for a war. It has been far too long.

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>I continue to ravage your women in bed
Mate the only thing you're ravaging is our stocks of baby formula. You can't even walk straight down a shopping isle because of your slant eyes and lack of depth perception. No woman is interested in a skinny chink with a pockmarked face that looks like a goldfish with fetal alcohol syndrome. It's also fairly obvious from your appearance your ancestors were raped by several different races. You're a mongrel dog. You probably had to leave China because everyone there thought you were a nigger.

The next time you see an Asian in the streets you will cower knowing that they can strike at any minute. You won't even dare to look at us in the eyes let alone attack us.

yea. but its quite funny to see how he uses arguments like
>financed your cities
>basterized culture
strong calls from a nation financed by foreign aid and with a population with over 65 cultures who are recognized as being chinese
so its just entertainment, even thou you are right. It also shows how they view the culture of the western hemisphere, even though his low effort to trigger anons

I already told you what I do you stupid chink. I walk straight at them and if they don't move they get bodychecked. Every time they apologize like "oh s-sorry"and I say "So you should be". I walk straight through groups of tiny chinese "men" and they all step back because they're fucking terrified and then do nothing after I've just elbowed them in the ribs or knocked them down.

>You best be prepared for the Asian century, it will remain everlasting and never-ending
A century lasts 100 years then ends fren

> perfectly interchangeable cogs with no hope of ever obtaining higher platitudes

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Not gonna read this thread. But OP is a fucking sperg. He posted his passport on here. Talked about being a NEET for years. Got sent to China by his disappointed parents. Ranted about it on Jow Forums. Now he's going all chink nationalist. Sad.

We're the ones giving aid with interest not the other way around.

Christ, you're one ugly fucking bug.
Your empire of roaches is going to burn in atomic fire.

Me Rikey!
Aisan clam slop, nom nom nom!

>you ugly slit-eyed fetus-heads
my sides, so accurate