Pagan Awakening General - /PAG/ - Get in here, Christians can join the plan!

Everyone on here knows that we have to go back to a more spiritually fulfilled and united society. As we kicked the Christians out, because they became unbearable and their beliefs do not fit our Pagan roots, we should go back to our Pagan roots. I have come up with a plan for us to be able to restore our home lands ethnic composition. This plan has been enshrined by me in a new Pagan holy text. If you like and or appreciate me coming up with this plan, please buy the holy text, you can find it on Amazon (search term: 'Sturmsegel'). That book also contains the information for where to find a billion jobs world wide. But to make things happen faster, I am going to disclose the bare fundamentals of the plan.

Long story short: we will build up a right wing political social system (enough jobs for all our people).
That way we can leave our workplaces if the employer wants to force us to work with people we dislike.
>Invaders cant find jobs
We will have the economic advantage, so we will be able to buy back our home lands.
>Invaders will have a very tough time to find housing within 2 generations, because the speed of buying back will kumultatively increase.
20% of the population are enough to enable us to get rid of the invaders!

Arguing about different strands of paganism is only going to divide us. It's not a problem to have the very old historic Pagan lores from the past as historical teachings. There will be a more enlightened form of Paganism growing via this movement anyway.

Why I have made a religious holy text out of this: Religions are protected under our constitutions. Banks and employers are not allowed to discriminate against us this way.

(Part 1/2)

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Other urls found in this thread:!bENznApJ!zoLo1-76Rpraq_5ztpZ3SA!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!FcgnlaBC

(Part 2)

I always have been a Pagan too and I want to help my Pagan frens.
>Many Pagans may not have a clue of what is happening and could get attacked by muslims and antifa, if you see someone wearing Mjölnir please talk to him, warn him and tell him to spread the word!

-Tell your family, friends, neighbors and others, spread the word (most important, we need a good amount of people quite fast)
-Stick to the plan
-Find more job opportunities for the social system (Im not fond of the dough pockets tbf, but I already provided 4 different kinds of jobs, see second title of my book)
-Get a fucking job
-Provide jobs for the social system (give a couple of hours of gardening time to a manager, eat 1 or 2 portions of dough pockets per week)
-Build up website for networking and to manage the social system
-Post Pagan art for new breads

Jobs for the social system:
-Gardening (for low trust members) -> generates a base load of work
-Dough pockets (ONLY for high trust members) -> can be used to generate a variable amount of jobs

Quotes in the holy text:

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good youtube channels:

Dr. Jackson Crawford:
Freedom Alternative:
The Golden One:
Varg Vikernes
Survive the Jive
Tarvaa the Bard
Aryan Kitchen
Forgotten Roots

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>Northern European Myths (Still no Slavic Myths)!bENznApJ!zoLo1-76Rpraq_5ztpZ3SA

>Heathenry / Germanic Paganism

>Slavic Pagan youtube channel:

>Religions, occultism and magic!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!FcgnlaBC

These MegaUploads are to give information about pagan beliefs

Here you go. A book list.
While we're at it, here's some quick lists of books for general European paganism:

>Germanic Paganism

>Hellenic Paganism

>Celtic Paganism

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How do we stop infighting between pagans and Christians or Catholics and Protestants and so on?

by not believing in fairy tales. trusting science and logic and respecting the fact that Lucifer, the one force you all hate is responsible for you being a sentient intelligent being, giving you fire and saving you from the gods that wanted to wipe you from the flood

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we dont care about the Christians, if they dont participate they will have an economic disadvantage, but we work together with them because we need a big number quite fast. Pagans might be divided by loyalists and leftie faggot LARPers, and we can even not care about the LARPers as they too will have an economic disadvantage. the situation at the moment is very dire, i expect the people on the right to join regardless of their conviction, but that means the next generation of our offspring is immunized and on our side.

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What are the best English translations of the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda?

there is also the idea floating around that soon the right wing cant win anymore in the US, and the right wingers will see that this is a viable option to restore our countries.

didnt read it but Dr jackson crawford has translated the edda (1st channel:)

>trusting science and logic
If evolution is real, how can all races be equal? And why is this so controversial when evolution demands all these things be different given their origins, environments etc?

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nobody said all races are equal. just like some breeds of dog are known for fucking and eating babies and other breeds are known for being slaves and being fucked

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Reminder that this is a Muhammed shill tranny paganism thread

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>not https://
i dont trust

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Who could be behind trying to divide Europe with secular tranny gay paganism?
Islam. The same muslims who push open bordets tranny candidates in the US and Europe.

tfw you always talk shit

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Is there a PDF for Viktor Rydberg's Investigations into Germanic Mythology (Teutonic Mythology), Volume 2. The MEGA only has the first volume split into 3 parts.

I am looking for volume 2.

i dont know. disclaimer: i only post a copy pasta, i didnt upload the mega uploads. (i hope i dont get into legal distress... oof)

hello my pagan bretheren.
How should I proceed in drinking odin's cum and become a purebread homosexual like a proper closet-atheist (pagan)?

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How do we stop infighting between gentiles and jews?

>oy vey goy, hate everyone that is different

so your saying
>oy vey goy, hate whitey! btw, we wuz victims 'n sheiiiiiit

And why would we want to do that?

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Start listening Paleowolf music.


Faggots get in here

>Daily reminder that paganism is literary demon worship

>t. christcuck

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Daily reminder that demons are good.

> What lies in the end of paganism?
> Being god yourself, a finite flawed being, without God's grace
> But that is a lie and you have been tricked by the devil once again

>oy vey goy, reading comprehension is bad

They hate God and they hate humans. Dont listen to them, they couldnt become gods either

Fuck off christcuck. The Devil you speak of is from Abrahamic lies.

Christians be like "a personal God makes so much more sense and is superior to anything else"
>have you ever had a personal experience with God?
N-no but I know he's a personal God, the Bible says so!

Sorry but your God makes no sense, adopt panentheism or perish

>no you!

Depart from your evil ways and worship the one true God or destruction will follow you wherever you walk.

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Romuva is at a bad state. Currently most people there are just larpers. It used to be good while Trinkūnas was still alive. Nowadays if one wants to participate in traditional religion, they should stick to non romuvan religious organizations.

Punpenings for ebin pagan frenz

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>says the christian nervously for the 10,000th time


Happy Hanukah!

pagan more like gaygan

aussiescan use this technique too

DC > Marvel
Thor is a cuck. Hail Batman.

>depart from spirituality in this life and you'll have it all in the next
Sounds like a scam to me

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God is the true God. Yahweh is not God.

Countless people speak of knowing God, and you can see how the Holy Spirit affects their lives.
Of course sin distances from God, but he may open the eyes of someone. Salvation is by a combination of God's grace and man's free will

Yahweh is God, balt nigger

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>Yahweh is God
God or Godan is the Lombardic name as Woden, god of the Aryans. Christfags use the word God to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. They literally lie everytime they say God ( Godan ).

Yeah lel I know how Christianity/the holy spirit affects people...

And I wouldn't recommend it.

Your Jewish God isn't real, except for the Jews. But then again they stopped believing a long time ago.

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stfu jew


>its the germans, not the jews

>germans aren't jews
ok nordcuck

> Swede says God isnt real

Look where refusal of God leads the nations Sweden.

Yes, reject Christianity, be a good goy.

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no matter if you call it christianity or open borders equality for all, both faiths are universalist and both are part of the same trajectory that has lead sweden, the uk and everywhere else in the west to where we are now. it doesnt matter who you hand personal sovereignty over to, whether its the promise of heaven when you die or a utopian experimental future, both outcomes are other-worldy and requires no more effort than simply nodding your head along to whoever is preaching at you.

you see christianity is easy, handing over personal sovereignty is easy, parroting the kalergi agenda is easy and avoiding all confrontation is easy. these otherwise-destructive thoughts are socially rewarded by others also looking to take the easy path at all costs.
facing yourself and taking responsibility is hard, nobody wants to sit in a candle lit room quietly or walk alone with nothing but their own thoughts for company, at all costs these must be noise and constant distraction. nobody wants to call out the evils in the world and far less punish them, every dissident thought must be purged or solutions kicked further into the future to the point that no action is ever taken.

taking the path of least resistance is whats lead the west and ourselves personally to being as beaten as we are today, generations of dysgenic breeding and teaching every subsequent generation to follow the same rules has obliterated the people we could have been.

what none of these people want to admit but their intuition tells them, is that personal responsibility is inescapable, nature and reality will always triumph over delusion no matter how fucking wide spread it is. embracing personal responsibility means accepting that you have flaws, that you need to work on yourself and ultimately that some things will never be within your capability.

yes, reject God, be a good goy!

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As opposed to all the based (((Christian))) countries. It's almost like Christianity has very little to do with how well a country will do.

But then again all the Christians want to open up every country to immigration, so I wouldn't say Christianity is just neutral for a nation.

>inb4 some gay small irrelevant congregation somewhere that isn't pro-immigration
Not an argument.

> Sweden, Uk and the west wih Christianity went from blood drinking savages to civilized global powers

> Still cry Muh paganism

you goys are retarded one "god" and his angels or a bunch of gods with normally one ruling god
you guys need to stop thinking of everything as different and start focusing on the similarities
>not reading different esoteric/mythos gain Gnosis and form your own ideas
Or are you an npc?

Either be an Asatru devotee or a Christian. Either is God, but neither is an absence of God.

you can't live with Abrahamics in such a way though, their very nature doesn't allow it which is why you get a bunch of retarded Christians getting murdered by island niggers.

Abrahamic religions is a disease on the world. Not only do they believe in whacky things, their religion demands everyone else to also forsake all culture, family, mysticism and spirituality for going to church on Sundays

Most of our traditions are incorperated in christianity. We are still pagans, under a false banner.

>one ruling god

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the mass media of old was the sunday visit to church, people couldnt even fucking read on their own for most of history and when they did learn to read the church collapsed.
following what was said every sunday was easy, it was all anyone had, the same process goes on today with the messaging from above in the media and crucially from those around you.

the west is dying because we gave up nationalism, not christianity, we gave up christianity decades before mass immigration was preached.
even in my lifetime, i never saw a single non-white in person until i was 18, that was 12 years ago, now my local primary school is 25% non english.
do you think the west gave up christianity in the year 2000? what about 1990? or 1980?

the modern influx of genetic filth has not been resisted at all as doing so is counter tothe narrative thats easy to follow, all universalist doctrines are the enemy.
a huge portion of the africans in europe and america are fucking christians, so what possible hope is there of your universalist faith over the current universalist kalergi faith of ever reversing the situation when it already includes the worlds shitskins among their number?

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that's what i mean i am a Christian(or try to be) Jesus as well as Hitler are the most lied about people the bible is a manual and testament to the vileness of the Jews (Judeans?) and our code against them
>I must be like Christ in all ways
pic related Jesus was a man of Zeal and was in no way weak and if you think that you haven't read his word and fuck Saul of Tarsus he didn't even know Jesus

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Those people that organize and fund mass immigration are organized in occult, demon - worshipping secret societies

>mass immigration
are you saying the mass immigration of more christians is a bad thing?

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If you unironically do not believe in the largest author of the new testament but believe in the others then you're a fucking retard. Just stop being a Christian already, there are a lot better philosophy and metaphysics out there if you do not even believe in the Bible.

aka masons of every kind and variety, druids, vatican, mages, theosophists, every kind of mysticism, shamans, and so on and so forth.
Its the whore of Babylon and it comes continously, till the depths of history (Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon, Greek and Roman pantheons and evry kind of pagan etc). The leaders of the world are given their power by the devil, the devil whom Jesus refused to bow to when he was offered the splendor of the nations (read the Gospel)

I aint no dumb ass goy "paul" served his purpose and like i said it goes way deeper than you think

Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

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Bjork thread?

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So what's the goal of Paganism? What is it you want to accomplish THROUGH IT? Are not most of you, if not all of you, enemies because of being different tribes among yourselves? Were not Pagans already enemies with each other in the ancient world and regularly killed each other? How would you prevent even that to happen all over again?

BTW, I find it ironic seeing how so-called "Abrahamic religions" are actually pagan in origin. The Trinity, Hell, Hellfire, the Afterlife, Immortality of the soul, Christmas, Valentines, Halloween, Veneration of Saints, Intercession of Saints, Islam are all pagan in origin. What do you all think of this irony?

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>he only reads canonized scripture
and i'm the retard lol

nothing, it has nothing, there is nothing wrong with celebrating your culture but there is 0 depth to it and they're just stories lacking spirit

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>there are a lot better philosophy and metaphysics out there if you do not even believe in the Bible.

You know what's ironic is that those philosophies and metaphysics are believed by "Christians" to be of Biblical origin but are of foreign and Pagan origin.

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Did you know Buddha started his spiritual journey 3 short years after the fall of Babylon? Did you know that hitler sent a mission to tibet? Did you know that Alexander;s mother was a pristess in ancient mysteries and he wanted to make Babylon his capital, while his soldiers looked at him suspiciously? Did you know that taoism, zainism, zoroastrism were founded 30 years approximately after the fall of babylon? have you seen the eu parliament architecture as in painting showing tower of babel? have you seen pyramids with eyes on top in the dollar? have you see Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony? did you hear lgbt have rainbow as a sign because rainbow was the promise of god not to do another cataclysm and they wave it in mockery and blasphemy? did you hear dwave quantum computing interviews that computation will be dont by "entities" in "other dimensions"? Did you know Pythagoras was for years in an egyptian pyramin and in india as a guru? did you know that there does not exist one, not even one, singular and non-composite photograph of earth from space?

So the rise of modern-day Paganism isn't a religious movement but a cultural one? So do you guys believe or don't believe in the existence of the the ancient pantheons as real or as "aspects" of human nature like the Neoplatonist, Stoics, and Pythagoreans did?

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>What do you all think of this irony?
Christianity took all of those traditions and added to them.
They added love your enemy, blessed be the peacemaker, forgive evil. Be a good slave while we live in our palaces and you will be rewarded with riches in heaven.

Its akin to a new player entering a board game and declaring that from now on, nobody is allowed to beat the other players. Players would still carry on going around the board forever but it only has the veneer of a game, anyone who questions it would simply have the board pointed out to them and be told SEE, ITS STILL JUST THE SAME THING

he is from sweden what can you expect?
where were the wise men from? lol just think

paganism is for larping fags tho.

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I'll give you the trinity, Christmas, Valentines, Halloween, veneration of saints, but explain how Islam is pagan using verifiable facts?

they can have multiple wives which goes against the union of God's two halves

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Pagans didn't go to war or kill each other over religion.

But yes tribe still exists even though you're a pagan. There is no "neither Jew nor Greek" in paganism.

The ultimate purpose is reunification with the One and experiencing non-duality but the daily lived religion is sustaining the community and maintaing the dharma/ethos/sed for the next generation by performing the rituals, venerating your ancestors and living according to the duties of the religion.